Work hard to be a good servant faithfully taking care of all that God has blessed you with. You need to be a loyal follower of Jesus and strive to serve others with love, compassion, and humility.

Remember, that you are a servant of God and He has trusted you with gifts, possessions, and wealth here on earth. Show God that you can be trusted with His property. He owns it all. It’s your job to be a good servant and take care of it.

Commit yourself to being good a servant like Jesus and always put the needs of others before your own desires. Living in selfless love as a living sacrifice for the benefit of those around you.

Let your light shine before others so they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. God will reward your faithfulness here on earth and someday you’ll hear those words “well done good and faithful servant”.

Referenced Verses:
Matthew 25:30
Matthew 25:29
Luke 19:24-26
Luke 16:10
2 Thessalonians 3:10
Proverbs 22:7
Ecclesiastes 2:26
Proverbs 28:27
Proverbs 13:22
1 Timothy 5:8