It’s very important to be humble as humility is a virtue that should be embraced in every aspect of your life. It not only reflects your character but also has the power to positively impact those around you.

In this fast-paced and competitive world, it can be tempting to boast about your achievements or seek validation from others. However, true success lies in remaining grounded and modest.

When you approach tasks with humility, you open yourself up to continuous growth and improvement. By acknowledging that there is always more to learn, you become receptive to new ideas and perspectives.

This willingness allows you to expand your knowledge base and develop skills beyond what you initially thought possible. Therefore, continue to be humble in everything you do.

Referenced Verses:
Matthew 6:17-18
Matthew 6:3-4
Luke 6:33-35
James 4:10
Luke 14:8-11
Proverbs 25:6-7
James 4:6
Proverbs 3:34

Video Transcript
Hello, and welcome to Social Media Ministries. My name is Spencer Coffman. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We’ve got a great message for you on being humble. So hopefully you use those share icons below, and share this with other people on your social media accounts.

So they can learn about being humble, and how it is such an important quality. More important than probably any of the other qualities out there.

Why do I say that? Well, what’s the opposite of humility? Pride. Pride goes before what? Most people say “A fall”. Wrong. It’s destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Do you want to have destruction in your life? No. So be humble. Boom, end of sermon in one minute. No, just kidding. We have another 20 minutes to go, so stay tuned.

We’ve got a lot of verses for you. We’re talking about humility. It’s a very, very important quality to have, in everything you do. Jesus wants you to be humble. What are we talking about? In everything. Well, when you fast. What? Is fasting like running? No, when you fast, like you’re going without something.

A lot of people do this, like Catholics or other religions. They have a season called Lent, they decide to give up meat or something. Or they eat fish on Fridays or whatever they’re doing. They give up something for that season, but then guess what they do. They go tell everybody about it. “Oh? What are you giving up? I’m doing this, I’m doing this.”

Guess what? That’s pride. Jesus says “No.” To do that is sinful. It is wrong. When you fast, you don’t tell other people “Oh I’m fasting.” Hey, would you like somebody “Oh no, I’m fasting because I’m super religious.” No, you don’t. Tell people just “No thank you, I’m not hungry.” “No thank you, this.” “No, thank you.”

You don’t need to be telling everyone what you’re doing. God wants you to be humble, in doing it. He wants you to do it in secret, by putting oil on your face. “What do you mean, oil? Like some motor oil, Valvoline on there?”

No, like taking some coconut oil or something, olive oil, rubbing it on your face so you, it looks like you have good color like you’re not just pale and dying of famine or hunger, like some kind of starvation victim. But you put it on there, so others can’t tell you’re fasting.

How do we know this? Matthew 6, Verses 17 and 18. “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they’re fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting. But only to your Father who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Big verse. When you give, like donating money, do so humbly and in secret.

We have an entire sermon on that called “Give in Secret.” Give in secret, so your right hand may not know what your left hand is doing.

Let’s go to Matthew again: Chapter 6, Verses 3 and 4. “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be done in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Matthew Chapter 6 is filled with several different examples of things you are to do in secret. We’re talking, giving, praying, fasting, storing up treasure. All of this stuff you need to do it. It’s not in secret, because you’re afraid. In secret, because you’re humble.

You’re not seeking an Earthly reward when you donate to charity. Are you doing it, so that you can get that little tax receipt, and write it off on your income tax? Or are you doing it because you truly believe in what someone is doing, or what that charity is doing? And you’re giving to support a cause that aligns with the values in your heart?

And then guess what? God says “Here, as a bonus, a little reward. Here’s a tax-deductible receipt. But that’s a pittance, don’t worry about that, because I will bless you even more by being faithful with your income.”

With your time, do you only volunteer when you need to do it for work? Because your work is paying you for so many volunteer hours? Or you got sentenced to community service and so you’re volunteering to fill that obligation? If so, that’s not really a good motivator in God’s eyes.

Are you volunteering out of the goodness of your heart? Because each and every day, God gives you 24 hours and you need to return ten percent to him? That means 2.4 hours every single day. Are you giving two hours to God every day? Ten percent?

Now you’re starting to argue with me: “No, 10 percent isn’t about that.” A tenth is a tithe. Tithe is money, this and that. Guess what? God wants you to live for him. He gave you life. What are you doing with yours? Living for yourself? Are you living for God?

Anyone that argues that you shouldn’t live for God, is definitely not someone you should be listening to. You need to be humble. You need to do everything without expecting glorification or some kind of Earthly reward.

Let’s go to Luke 6, Verses 33-35: “And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full.

But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High because he is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.”

That was a lot. Basically, God wants you to do things for people without expecting to get things in return. Do you do a favor for someone expecting to get a favor in return? Sometimes. And sometimes that’s okay. “Hey, I owe you one. Hey, you owe me one. I’ll do this for you, but you owe me. Someday I’m going to call you for a favor.”

That’s fine, exchanging favors, doing favors for others, that’s good. But don’t let that be your primary motivation. Let that be a bonus. Your primary motivation should be out of the goodness of your heart. “I care for others, I do what God wants me to do, so I’m going to help them, lend to them, do this, do that, whatever it may be.”

Now some of you might say “Hey, I don’t lend my money to anyone, because in Proverbs it says ‘Don’t strike hands and pledges, Don’t do this, don’t do that.’” That’s fine, that’s not the point of this. The point of this is, if you lend money, don’t discriminate.

You need to lend to the rich and the poor, to the good credit, to the bad credit equally. But if you’re not going to lend money, don’t lend to anyone. God is saying here, that if you’re doing something (this is just an example), don’t take everything so literally, in out-of-context.

Whatever you’re doing, if you are doing it to expect some kind of reward, “Hey mom, dad, I’ll rake the lawn if you pay me 20 bucks.” No, you get out there and rake the lawn because your parents are providing you with a place to live, and you’re appreciative of that.

You’ll do your chores to avoid punishment? No, you’ll do your chores because God says “Obey your father and mother,” and you want to obey God.

“Hey, I’ll go the extra mile at work if my boss gives me a bonus.” No. You’ll go the extra mile at work, because in everything you do, you need to do it as if working for the Lord, not for human masters.

Get the picture? You need to be humble. You need to do everything without expecting a reward because then your Father in Heaven will provide you with a reward. All the reward you need. For those on Earth, who are seeking Earthly rewards, they have received their reward in full.

Let’s go to James, James 4, Verse 10. I like James. Let’s go to James, Chapter 4, Verse 10 says: “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.” Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up. He will provide you with a reward.

Humble yourselves before him: what does that mean? Well, humbling yourselves before the Lord would mean a lot of things. Repenting of your sins. Acknowledging that we are dust in the wind like the popular song says. That we are grass in the breeze: here today, and gone tomorrow. A fleeting vapor.

Like Solomon says, “We are but a breath in the vast span of time.” Acknowledge how insignificant we are, and then acknowledge what God can do with us. Something significant. Isn’t that something? We are so insignificant, that in the grand scheme of things we’re like a grain of sand, or a drop in the ocean, or something like that.

But what God can do with that grain of sand is incredible. Or with that drop of water is incredible. On our own, we’re nothing. With God, we are everything. Keep that in mind. Humble yourselves before the Lord. He will provide your reward.

Jesus provides a great explanation, in the Parable of the Guests in Luke Chapter 14, so we’re going to go there, and I’m going to read that. Luke 14:8-11:

“When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor. For a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. If so, the host who invited both of you, will come and say to you ‘Give this person your seat.’

Then humiliated, you will have to take the least important place. But when you are invited, take the lowest place so that when your host comes he will say to you “Friend, move up to a better place.

Then you will be honored in the presence of all your fellow guests. For everyone who exalts themselves will be humbled and the ones who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Big story. Important story. When you go somewhere, if you elevate yourself by saying “Nah, I’m going to sit up here. I’m sitting right next to the, I’m sitting right next to the person. I’m doing this.” they’re going to be like you’re in the wrong chair, beat it.

And then by that time, all those other seats are taken so you’re ending up out in the back, in the back 40, in the nose bleeds, wherever. You get booted. But if you take a worse seat, yeah sure you might get stuck there, but you might be elevated.

Now the point isn’t “Hey, whenever you’re going to a concert, start in the nose bleeds and someone moves you up.” No. Because guess what? No one’s going to care. You’re going to be stuck there and your seat will be empty.

Okay. The point is that, don’t elevate yourself prematurely. It is to be humble, and let others praise you for your good deeds. Don’t go around bragging about what you’re doing, saying “I’m such a good person, guess what? I’ve done this, I’ve done this.” or going “Does this, we do this, we do this.

No. Let others recognize the works you do, and receive your reward from God. Not from earthly praise or other people, because if you’re seeking that human satisfaction, or the human praise, you’re a hypocrite. Why? because you are trying to claim something that isn’t rightfully yours.

It’s not what God wants you to have. God wants you to have Heavenly rewards. And if you’re doing things for earthly attention, your mind is focused on this world. And you as a Christian should not be of this world. You need to be of a Heavenly Kingdom, seeking Heavenly rewards. Putting your treasure in Heaven, not Earthly things.

And if you’re seeking Earthly things, you’re chasing after things that God does not want. You’re putting other things before God. That’s Idol. You’re having an idol before God. You’re having something more important than God. You have a false god, that’s a ton of things. That is wrong.

So, seek first His Kingdom, and His Righteousness. All these things will be given to you as well. Yes, you might become famous, but if you’re seeking God he will reward you with fame.

Or he will reward you with pleasure. Or he will reward you with riches, or he will reward you with wisdom, or knowledge, or splendor. Or take your pick of all the great things that you could receive.

Jesus says “When you’re invited somewhere, take the lowest seat.” Because someone, maybe more important than you, may have been invited. If you take a higher seat you may be asked to move. You will be humiliated. And in contrast, if you’re asked to move from a lower seat to a higher seat, you will be honored. And that is the goal.

God wants you to be perceived with honor, with importance. He will reward you. So if you’re being humble on Earth, God will take it upon himself to elevate you, here on Earth. So then among others, you will be perceived as more honorable.

Do you know the prayer of Jabez? It’s like two lines, Old Testament. Excellent. There’s a little book on it, get it. It’s on Amazon, probably cost you four bucks, maybe 10, doesn’t matter. Get it. Read it. It’s short, maybe 50 pages.

He prayed that he would be more honorable than others. God granted his request. That means he was humble, all right. Be humble. God will make you more honorable than others because let’s face it: most people are not humble.

They are prideful. They are bold. They are arrogant. If you’re humble, you’re different. God wants you to be different. You’re called apart. You’re set apart. You’re a person of God. A child of God. Act like it.

Proverbs 25, Verses 6 and 7: “Do not exalt yourself in the king’s presence. Do not claim a place among great men. It is better for him to say “Come up here, than for him to humiliate you before a nobleman.”

More to the point of what we’re saying, it’s better for someone else to elevate you than for someone to push you down and humiliate you in front of others. Be humble in everything you do. Take extra care to make sure that the good you do is between you and God. Because God will exalt you. He will bring you to that place of honor. Let your reward come from him, not from earthly things.

Let’s go to James, Chapter 4, Verse 6. It says “But he gives us more Grace.” That is why scripture says “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” God doesn’t like it when people are proud, Because that means that you think you know better than God.

If you’re being proud, you think you have it more under control. You understand more than God. Pride is what made Satan, Satan. Satan’s pride made the devil the devil. He was an Angel. He was one of God’s greatest Angels.

He was blinged out like crazy, and he became proud. He was no longer humble. He thought he knew better than God, and God said “Get out.” And he stripped him of his glory, and he kicked him to the curb. Sent him out of Heaven.

Pride comes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Be humble. Save yourself from destruction. Let God elevate you. Let God bring you honor among fellow men or humankind. Let God bring you success and glory. Trust in him to give you your reward.

Let’s go to Proverbs: Chapter 3, Verse 34. “He mocks proud mockers, but gives grace to the humble.” That’s the origination from the verse in James. James 4:6 “God mocks proud mockers.”

So if you are filled with pride and arrogance, God is the one who’s going to be laughing at you.
So if you are filled with pride, or you’re joking at other people, guess what? Jokes on you. Not really, because it’s very very sad that you will be humiliated and you will be demoted. Whereas, if you’re humble and you act in humility, you will be elevated.

What does acting in humility look like? Well, the clearest example is, if you watch a football game, the NFL, or even high school, college. When people get a touchdown or when they kick a field goal or get a sack, they sack the quarterback. A lot of times, they do these dumb little dances in celebration. That’s not being humble.

Being humble would be getting a touchdown, and then humbly giving the ball to the ref. Or like some football players do, they take a knee and give the glory to God. You don’t see that anymore. Some kickers or quarterbacks used to do that. They’d throw a touchdown pass, and they give the glory to God.

Now sometimes they just cheer like this. So people think they’re giving the glory to God, but they’re not. Humility and humility looks like nothing. Pride looks like a touchdown dance because they’re proud of their own ability. Humility would be achieving greatness and going on about your day.

And guess what? God will reward you. You don’t need to call attention to yourself. You don’t need to get praise before other humans because guess what? Jesus says people that do that, have received their reward in full. If you be celebrated by your fellow human, that is your reward, that’s it.

But if you are humble about it, God will give you an even greater reward than you can ever imagine. And it might not come right away, you might not be cheered for, in that moment, but maybe later someone will recognize what you did, and you may be rewarded with earthly rewards greater than you could even imagine.

You’ll for sure have Heavenly rewards. Your job is to continue being humble, and trust in God and trust in his promises that you will be rewarded.

Let’s pray.
Lord Jesus, thank you for this message. I know humility is a very very hard thing, it’s tough to do good things here on Earth and not be recognized for them, not be remembered for them.

We all want to have a legacy, especially men with our egos. We want to be remembered. We want to leave things behind, we want greatness. But God, I ask that you would help each and every person set that aside. That they would truly have a heart to do things in humility.

For Your Glory, giving you the Glory in everything they do publicly. That they would give you the Glory and that you, Lord would stay true to your promise, and reward them here on Earth and in Heaven.

Show them a taste, a preview of what they will receive when they enter your Glory. Give them an early release of that blessing of Heaven here on earth. On earth as it is in Heaven, Lord Jesus, that they would be encouraged to continue living in humility.

For Your Glory each and every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Humility can be tough, but it’s worth it.

If you have any questions or comments, please place them below. Thanks, have a great week and God bless.