All Sermons By Social Media Ministries
All of the free online sermons created by Social Media Ministries are below. Watch the sermons online to elevate your spirit and increase your biblical knowledge. Then share them with others to spread the Word of God to as many people as possible.
There Is A Zero Tolerance Policy For Evil And Disobedience
In this powerful sermon, we will explore God's unwavering stance of zero tolerance against evil and disobedience, emphasizing that He has set a...
You Can Put Yourself Under A Curse By What You Do
Yes, you can place yourself under a curse. In the Bible, God gives us clear instructions about how we should live. With those instructions come both...
Following God Is Hard – You Must Be Different Be Christ Like
Following God is hard. Especially in a world that often values comfort, conformity, and convenience. The call to walk in the footsteps of Jesus can...
Focus And Set Your Heart On Things Above Not On Earthly Things
In a world filled with distractions, pressures, and the constant pull of materialism, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. As believers,...
Discover The Ultimate Source of True Joy That Comes From Within
In a world that constantly chases fleeting pleasures and temporary happiness, true, lasting joy can often feel elusive. Yet, as followers of Christ,...
You Must Always Use Reminders To Keep Good Habits
As a believer, you are called to live a life that honors God through consistent growth in righteousness and obedience. However, maintaining good...
Christmas Can Be A Time Of Sorrow For Many People
During this festive season, it is vital to acknowledge feelings of grief and loneliness that can overshadow the joy typically associated with...
Ask For Blessings And Believe That You Have Received Them
God wants you to ask for blessings. He wants to bless you with immeasurably more than you can imagine. God is waiting to bless you. All you have to...
Supporting Sin Is A Sin Be Careful Who And What You Support
You must be careful who and what you support. Supporting sin is sin no matter your level of support. If you support people or causes whose actions...
Live Your Life As A Living Sacrifice For Others
The concept of living your life as a living sacrifice may be difficult to understand. However, it is an essential part of living a life worthy of...
You Need To Be Thankful In Everything You Do
No matter what happens in your life, you need to be thankful. There are always other people who are worse off than you. Therefore, be thankful that...
Consult God In Everything And He Will Establish Your Plans
When you consult God in everything and seek His guidance, you invite divine wisdom and power to help establish your plans. God knows what is best...
The Power of Jesus’ Name – No Demons Allowed Sermon Series Part 5 of 5
Always remember the power of Jesus' name. Jesus holds power and authority and He has given it to you. Use that power to command miracles, healings,...
Horror Movies May Cause Problems In Your Life – No Demons Allowed Sermon Series Part 4 of 5
Horror movies may be a thrilling source of entertainment. However, they may also be opening the door to allow demons into your life. Demons are...
Unknowingly Inviting Demons Into Your Life – No Demons Allowed Sermon Series Part 3 of 5
What are you doing in your life? If you're not careful, you may be unknowingly inviting demons into your life. This can negatively affect your life...
Spirits Must Be Invited Into Your Life – No Demons Allowed Sermon Series Part 2 of 5
Spirits must be invited into your life. That goes for both good and evil spirits. If you want Jesus in your life you have to invite Him. Jesus...
Don’t Open The Door To Demons In Your Life – No Demons Allowed Sermon Series Part 1 of 5
Don't open the door to demons in your life is the start of a new sermon series called No Demons Allowed. You cannot allow demons into your life....
God Wants You To Be A Good Servant With All He Has Given You
Work hard to be a good servant faithfully taking care of all that God has blessed you with. You need to be a loyal follower of Jesus and strive to...
There Are Consequences For Not Listening To God
Not listening to God can cause serious trouble in your life. It is crucial to listen to God and follow His path. You can only find true peace and...
You Must Never Ask Why Don’t Question God
God may do things in your life that you don't understand. When this happens, never ask why. Instead, trust God and lean on His knowledge and...
You Must Obey God No Matter What
God's commands are not optional suggestions - they are absolute requirements. Therefore, you need to obey God. Disobeying God is a grave mistake...
Sadness After Death – Sadness And Death Sermon Series – Part 2 of 2
Sadness after death is very common. However, remember that death is a natural part of life. For Christians, death should be considered a happy...
Death Is In God’s Plan – Sadness And Death Sermon Series Part 1 of 2
Death is a natural part of life, ordained by God Himself. Therefore, you need to accept that death is in God's plan. It is not something to be...
God Will Make The Impossible Possible For You
Believe in the power of God. He will make the impossible possible. When you feel like there is no way out, remember that with faith and prayer,...
They Will Pull You Down Bad Character Corrupts Good Morals
If you hang out with unrighteous people, they will pull you down. The company you keep has a direct impact on your character. Surround yourself with...
Fear God And Live A Blessed Life Filled With Wisdom And Knowledge
When you reverently fear God, it opens up a path toward living a life filled with blessings, wisdom, and knowledge. By acknowledging God's presence...
Satan Blinded By Pride And Destroyed Time After Time
Satan is blinded by pride and arrogance and time and time again it contributes to his downfall and destruction. You can learn from his mistakes and...
New Testament Covenant Clean And Unclean Foods – Part 2 of 2
In the New Testament, Jesus himself declared that it is not what goes into a person's mouth that defiles them, but what comes out of their heart....
Old Testament Covenant Clean And Unclean Foods – Part 1 of 2
In the Old Testament, God gave specific rules about what foods were considered clean and unclean for his people to eat. These guidelines were not...
Learn How To Handle Money God’s Way And Be Blessed
Money is a powerful tool that can either bring joy and abundance or lead to stress and hardship. It's time for you to take control of your finances...
You Need To Rely On God’s Strength In Everything You Do
In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, it is crucial to find solace in something greater than yourself. That source of strength lies in...
God Wants You To Always Be Humble In Everything You Do
It's very important to be humble as humility is a virtue that should be embraced in every aspect of your life. It not only reflects your character...
It’s Okay To Be Angry And Have Righteous Anger
Righteous anger is a powerful force that can drive positive change and ignite the flames of justice. It is an emotion fueled by moral indignation,...
God Wants You To Be A Planner And Follow His Plan
God wants you to be a planner and plan your life according to His will. He has a divine purpose for every one of you, and it is your responsibility...
There Can Be No Discrimination Among You
God says there can be no discrimination. It is a fundamental principle that you must embrace and uphold. It aligns with the values of compassion,...
It’s Okay To Be Rich – Remember And Learn From The Poor – Part 4 of 4
Remember that it's okay to be rich. God wants to bless you with wealth to build His kingdom on earth. God desires to bestow upon you abundant...
The Mentality Of The Poor – Remember And Learn From The Poor – Part 3 of 4
Exactly how poor people depend on the generosity of others you need to have the mentality of the poor when it comes to depending on God. Relying on...
Honor The Poor – Remember And Learn From The Poor – Part 2 of 4
Jesus said to honor the poor, and it is a message that still resonates today. In a world where material wealth often defines success and status, you...
Jesus Used The Poor – Remember And Learn From The Poor – Part 1 of 4
Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of humanity, demonstrated a profound understanding of the power that lies within those who are considered poor in...
You Must Do Your Best To Keep The Commandments
Keeping the commandments is not a suggestion, but an imperative for leading a righteous and fulfilling life. The principles laid out in these divine...
Be A Doer Of The Word Of God Take Action And Do What The Bible Says
In a world filled with distractions and conflicting messages, it is crucial to be a doer of the Word of God. The Bible serves as your guidebook for...
You Must Live Your Calling Here On Earth God Created You For A Purpose
You need to live your life completely within the calling you have received here on earth. God made you for a purpose and it's time for you to begin...
Heaven Is A Real Place To Live Eternal Life – Part 7 of 7
Heaven is a real place where you can go and spend eternity. Heaven can also be thought of as a state of being. Heaven on earth, so to speak. You...
The Second Ascension Of Jesus – Part 6 of 7
After Jesus died, rose from the dead, and completed the first ascension He remained on the earth for 40 days. Once that 40 days ended, Jesus...
The First Ascension of Jesus – Part 5 of 7
What is the first ascension? After Jesus died, He went to a place of torment, hell for simplicity. Why did Jesus go to hell if He was perfect and...
Why It Took Jesus Three Days To Rise From The Dead – Part 4 of 7
Jesus is God. If that statement is true, why did it take Him 3 days to rise from the dead? He is God and could have risen immediately. Or he could...
Purgatory Is Based On A Real Place In The Bible – Part 3 of 7
What is Purgatory? Well, it is a place in the afterlife where people are believed to go while they wait for people to pray them into heaven. Think...
The Eternal Prison Called Hell Is Empty – Part 2 of 7
Last week you learned more about many of the different terms that the Bible uses to discuss Hell. It is a real place and a state of being that you...
Hell Sheol Hades Tartarus Gehenna The Pit The Grave – Part 1 of 7
The Bible uses a lot of different terms to describe Hell. ‘Sheol’, ‘Hades’, ‘Tartarus’, ‘Gehenna’, ‘The Pit’, ‘The Grave,’ ‘The Place of Eternal...
You Need To Respect Authority Even If You Disagree
God wants you to respect authority. From the government to your parents, all authority figures have been put in place by God for a reason. It is...
What Do You Do When Things Go Wrong In Your Life
When things go wrong in your life you can choose how to react. You can be angry or you can accept it and move on. God has a plan for each and every...
Sin Lives In You Do Not Give In To The Desires Of The Flesh
Sin lives in the world. You are born of this world. Therefore, sin lives in you. But you don't have to let it control you. You have the power to...
Be Humble Do Good In Secret And Let Your Reward Come From Above
God wants you to do good in secret. This is a powerful message that we should all take to heart. It's easy to get caught up in the desire for...
Take Time To Listen To God He Is Already Speaking To You
Every day you need to make time to listen to God. He is speaking to you all day long. If you're not hearing it, then you're not listening. Or you're...
Always Pray About Anything And Everything God Wants To Hear From You
God wants you to always pray to Him. It is through prayer that we can connect with our creator and seek His guidance, wisdom, and blessings. Prayer...
When You Pray Use The Gethsemane Prayer Like Jesus Did
Jesus taught us how to pray on many occasions. Unfortunately, we often fail to apply His teachings to our lives. One method of prayer we need to...
Always Remember WWJD In Everything You Do What Would Jesus Do
WWJD is a popular acronym that many people know. It is a question that has been asked by many people over the years. It's a simple yet powerful...
Be Your Own Person Do Not Be Swayed By Others
As you start this new year it is important to remember who you are and who God made you to be. You need to be your own person. Don't let other...
The Significance Of Bethlehem Is Very Important And Detailed
Many people fail to understand the significance of Bethlehem. It is not simply another city in the Middle East, but it holds a special place in...
Be Inspired By The Twelve Apostles Part 14 of 14
I really hope you've enjoyed learning about the Twelve Apostles and that you can be inspired by them. Allow their lives to be an example for you to...
Judas Iscariot The Twelve Apostles Sermon Series Part 13 of 14
Today you will learn more about Judas Iscariot who is one of the most controversial figures in history. You've probably heard of him, and know him...
Simon The Zealot The Twelve Apostles Sermon Series Part 12 of 14
Simon the Zealot is another apostle with a title. His title of Zealot is used to differentiate him from all of the other Simons in the Bible. In...
Judas Thaddaeus The Twelve Apostles Sermon Series Part 11 of 14
Judas Thaddaeus is not to be confused with Judas Iscariot. In fact, he is also known as Jude or Thaddaeus to help distinguish him. He was a disciple...
James The Lesser The Twelve Apostles Sermon Series Part 10 of 14
Today you'll learn about James the Lesser, also known as James the Younger. This isn't because he was less than the others. It is simply a title...
Matthew The Twelve Apostles Sermon Series Part 9 of 14
Matthew, also known as Levi, was a tax collector. Although this may not be a big deal in today's society, back then it was a problem. Tax collectors...
Thomas The Twelve Apostles Sermon Series Part 8 of 14
You've probably heard of Thomas before. Probably due to the saying "Doubting Thomas." It's unfortunate that Thomas is known as the doubter. However,...
Bartholomew The Twelve Apostles Sermon Series Part 7 of 14
Today you will learn about Bartholomew, who was also known as Nathanael. He isn't mentioned very many times in the Bible but we can still learn a...
Phillip The Twelve Apostles Sermon Series Part 6 of 14
Phillip was an apostle with the heart of a missionary. He was dedicated and willing to share the gospel anywhere and everywhere he could. Phillip...
John The Twelve Apostles Sermon Series Part 5 of 14
John is a pretty well-known disciple. Many people can name him as an apostle but not many people truly know who he was or what he did. John was the...
James The Greater The Twelve Apostles Sermon Series Part 4 of 14
Today you will learn about James the Greater. He is also known as James the Elder and sometimes, James the brother of John. All of these titles are...
Andrew The Twelve Apostles Sermon Series Part 3 of 14
Today you're going to learn about Andrew. He was the brother of Simon Peter and is another disciple that will hopefully inspire you. Andrew was...
Simon Peter The Twelve Apostles Sermon Series Part 2 of 14
Simon Peter was one of the most famous disciples. He is arguably the most well-known. Many people know his name. However, how much do you know about...
The Twelve Apostles The Worlds Most Known About Christians Part 1 of 14
Today we are beginning a 14-week sermon series about the Twelve Apostles. These are the world's most known-about Christians. They are known-about...
Are You A Child Of The Devil Or A Child Of God? Who Do You Serve Part 4 of 4
The question is simple. Are you a child of the devil or a child of God? Hopefully, you are a child of God. However, are you behaving like a child of...
God Is Jealous Who Do You Serve Sermon Series Part 3 of 4
If you are a Christian then God is jealous for your love and devotion. The Holy Spirit within you longs to be with God. That means you need to be...
You Can Only Have One Master Who Do You Serve Sermon Series Part 2 of 4
Despite what people choose to believe, humans can only focus on one thing. We cannot multi-task or have loyalty to two places. Whether it's work,...
Are You With Or Against? Who Do You Serve Sermon Series Part 1 of 4
Who do you serve? You may think you serve God, but are you truly serving God with your entire life? You need to make an active choice. You are...
Be Fruitful And Multiply Share Jesus And Fill The Earth With More Believers
God wants you to get out there to be fruitful and multiply. That doesn't only mean having children. It means expanding the Kingdom of God. You need...
Fight Temptation With Scripture As Jesus Did And The Devil Will Flee From You
When you are tempted you need to fight back. Remember that God is allowing something to happen in your life. There is some demon attacking you and...
Forgive To Be Forgiven – Forgiveness Series Part 4 of 4
You need to forgive to be forgiven. Wait a minute, last week we talked about how God has already forgiven you. Now, you need to forgive in order to...
Forgive Because God Forgave – Forgiveness Series Part 3 of 4
You must forgive because God forgave you. Yes, you have already been forgiven. Jesus died for your sins. His blood has washed your sin away. All you...
Confess Your Sins To God And Each Other – Forgiveness Series Part 2 of 4
You must confess your sins to God. Yes, He already knows you committed them. In addition, He already knew you were going to commit them. Why do you...
Only God Can Forgive Sins – Forgiveness Series Part 1 of 4
Today we begin a 4-part sermon series about forgiveness and we'll be talking about how only God can forgive sins. People cannot forgive sins. That...
Be Not A Pharisee Hypocritical Whitewashed Tombs
Be Not A Pharisee! That means don't be like the Pharisees that are mentioned in the New Testament. Pharisees were the scholars of the day. They were...
There Is Power In A Name Be Careful How You Use Them
You probably know that there is power in a name. In other words, if you drop someone's name, and other people know that person, then you're likely...
The Blood Of Christ Poured Out For You Understanding Communion Part 2 of 2
The blood of Christ was poured out for you. Communion is a lot more than simply an act of remembrance. Yes, we participate in communion to remember...
The Body Of Christ Broken For You Understanding Communion Part 1 of 2
There is a lot more to communion than you may realize. It isn't simply an act, or ritual, that you do weekly or monthly to remember that Jesus died...
Giving Is Different Than Tithing And Christians Are Called To Do Both
Giving and Tithing are two completely different concepts. However, it is very important that you understand that giving is different than tithing...
God Wants You To Be Sexually Pure You Must Have No Impure Sexual Thoughts
You must have no impure sexual thoughts. This is very serious. God wants you to be sexually pure. It is important to understand that impure sexual...
Sin Is Sin And The Wages Of Sin Is Death – You Need Jesus
Sin is sin. It's that simple. No matter what we do or what we've done it is all the same. If we sin once or we sin a thousand times we are all still...
God Uses Everything For Good He Is Always In Control
If you love God then everything will work out for your good. That's right! God uses everything for the good of those who love Him. Believing in God...
Satan’s Future Has Already Been Sealed – Part 4 of 4
Remember that Satan's fate has already been sealed. He has been and is defeated. That's his nature, to be defeated. Therefore, Satan's future has...
When And How Demons Attack You – Part 3 of 4
Satan and his demons are evil. They want to do things that we can't even imagine or believe. They fight dirty. They deliver low blows and will...
Remember That Satan Has Already Been Defeated Remind Him Of That – Part 2 of 4
Defeat is in Satan's nature. It is his identity. He has been defeated time and time again, will continue to be defeated, and will ultimately be...
Why God Allows Satan To Torment You – Part 1 of 4
Remember that no matter what is going on in your life God is in control. If there was one thing that God was not in control of then He wouldn't be...
The Act Of Killing Jews Has Been Done Since The Beginning Of Time
This world has always hated the people who follow Yahweh, the one true god. Throughout history, kings, rulers, countries, and many groups have been...
Be Not Afraid To Tell Others About God He Will Always Be With You
As a Christian, you need to get out there and tell other people about God. You must be bold and courageous. Be not afraid. It's not enough to simply...
The Borrower Is Slave To The Lender Get Out Of Debt Now
Debt is a heavy weight. It is bondage. If you are in debt, then you are under someone else's thumb. You could be their slave. Not literally in...
It Is Important For You To Learn About God And Always Keep Learning
You should always be learning about God. Learn about God and everything He has to say in the Bible. God has given us the gift of knowledge and...
Why Do Women Have Long Hair – Sermon Series Part 2 of 2
This is a continuation of last week's message where we spoke about how men have short hair. This week, we'll examine what the Bible says about the...
Why Do Men Have Short Hair – Sermon Series Part 1 of 2
As crazy as it sounds, the fact that men have traditionally had short hair is in the Bible. Yes, the length of a person’s hair is discussed. In 1...
There Can Be No Negativity In Your Life Muttering Vs Murmuring
Negativity is toxic. There can be no negativity in your life. It is terrible for you and for those around you. Instead, focus on positivity....
It’s God’s Wisdom Be Ready To Receive It
Wisdom and knowledge can be a burden. Solomon knew this, yet he still was very adamant that you need to get wisdom and knowledge even though it may...
Jesus The Builder Allow Him To Build A Strong Foundation In Your Life
Many people believe Jesus was a carpenter and that he worked with wood like the carpenters of today. However, Jesus was a builder. What did he build...
Why Did Uzzah Die When He Touched The Ark Of The Covenant
In 2 Samuel Chapter 6, we learn about a man who touched the ark of the covenant and died instantly. God struck him down. Many people struggle with...
People Fall Away From Christ You Need To Bring Them Back
Time and time again people fall away from God. They get too wrapped up in the world and forget what is most important. We see this all throughout...
Leave An Inheritance To Your Children And Your Children’s Children – Part 2 of 2
As you learned last week, the Bible says that anyone who does not provide for their family has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. You...
Provide For Your Family And Those Around You – Part 1 of 2
It is important that you provide for your family. Whether that means you are providing financially or through caregiving, you must provide for them....
Pray For Others Faults And Accept That Only God Can Change Them
You will never change someone. Accept that. Only God can change someone. Therefore, if you are struggling with another person, then ask God to help...
God Wants ALL of YOU To Live For Him – Start Living For God With All Your Might
God wants you to be fully committed to Him. He wants you to live for Him in everything you do. You need to be on fire for Christ 24/7/365. How do...
God Uses Any Means Necessary To Lead People To Christ – Sermon Series Part 3 of 3
If practicing astrology is a sinful art then why would God use a star to lead the wise men to Jesus? The answer is that God can use any means to...
Why Did The Nativity Story Wise Men Travel So Far – Sermon Series Part 2 of 3
The wise men that followed the star to find Jesus were magi. They practiced astrology, the act of divining the heavens. They used the stars to read...
The Art Of Reading The Stars To Practice Astrology Is Wrong – Sermon Series Part 1 of 3
You may know some constellations and possibly your Zodiac sign. You may also know that the phases of the moon have some effect on the Earth as well...
Honor Your Word And Let Yes Be Yes And No Be No
Your word is your bond. That is all you need. Don't swear oaths on anything. As a Christian, your word is already bound by Christ. Therefore,...
Use Your Gifts And Talents To Grow The Kingdom of God
God has given you many gifts and talents. Use them. Don't simply let them sit around and go to waste. You have a purpose in this world, and it's up...
Be Quick To Listen Slow To Speak And Slow To Become Angry
God gave you two eyes, two ears, and one mouth. Therefore, you need to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. This simple yet...
It Is Important To Go To Church – Sermon Series Part 4 of 4
You need to step into your role as a member of the body of Christ and be the church. Part of that means you need to gather with other members of the...
You Need To Gather With Christians – Sermon Series Part 3 of 4
You cannot be the church by yourself. After all, you are only one part of the body and the body has many parts. All of those parts are required in...
You Need To Be The Church – Sermon Series Part 2 of 4
The church is not a place, it's a people. You need to be the church. As a Christian, you are a vital part of the body of Christ. That is the church....
Follow Jesus Not Religion or Tradition – Sermon Series Part 1 of 4
Today we begin a 4-part sermon series about the importance of knowing who to follow and how to do it. Knowing who to follow is simple. You must...
God Puts You Through Trouble To Guide Your Path And For His Glory
There are two main reasons why God would something bad to happen in your life. The first reason is to provide you with a course correction. To get...
Remember That God Is Judge Not You So Try Not To Judge Others
It isn't your job to judge other people. That means that you cannot condemn anyone or think negatively about anyone's situation or circumstances....
There Are Cursed Generations Throughout The Bible
Living in sin is living in separation from God. Being separated from God is a curse in and of itself. The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is...
Are You A Good Christian? Strive To Be Better
What is a good Christian? It’s simple. The more you are like Jesus the better Christian you are. The thing is, it isn’t a ranking system. You see,...
It Was Through One Man That The World Was Lost And Saved
Humanity began existence in a perfect world. It truly was paradise. Then, one day, the devil led the woman into sin and her husband with her....
How To Understand Your Bible – Part 2 of 2
Now that you are using your Bible you need to be able to understand it. After all, if you are reading it and not understanding your Bible, then it...
Why You Need To Use Your Bible – Part 1 of 2
Do you use your Bible? I mean read it rather than use it as a decoration or placeholder on the shelf. Your Bible has the power to change your life....
Is The Old Covenant Tithing To Test God In The New Covenant
Tithing is a touchy subject among churches and ministries. Many people choose to falsely believe that churches are only out to get your money. The...
You Must Always Strive To Keep Your Faith Alive
Your faith is like a muscle, and you must do what you can to keep your faith alive. If you don't use it, you'll begin to lose it. How do you use...
Appropriately Disciplining Your Children Is Essential For Raising Up A Godly Generation
If you are a follower of Christ then that should reflect in your children. In the same way, you are a reflection of God your children are a...
Your Sin Harms Others Ask Jesus To Deliver You
If you are struggling with some type of sin whether it is internal thoughts or external actions you need to seek Jesus. Your sin harms those around...
The End Of Our World As We Know It The End Times Prophecy – Part 14 of 14
After Great Britain, Russia, the three countries Russia absorbed, and Germany, combine to form the fourth beast. There will be complete chaos. Of...
The Beginning Of The End The End Times Prophecy – Part 13 of 14
When the nations represented by the beasts in Daniel Chapter 7 begin to ally and form the fourth beast that is a sure sign that things have started...
East Against West The End Times Prophecy – Part 12 of 14
Once the end-times beasts unite and become the terrible fourth beast there will be an all-out war worse than we have ever known. It could very well...
The Fourth Beast In Daniel’s Dream The End Times Prophecy – Part 11 of 14
The fourth beast described in Daniel Chapter 7 is a ferocious character. This beast coincides with the beast described in Revelation Chapter 13. It...
New World Order The End Times Prophecy – Part 10 of 14
The fourth beast described in Daniel Chapter 7 is a ferocious character. This beast coincides with the beast described in Revelation Chapter 13. It...
Leopard Head Wounded The End Times Prophecy – Part 9 of 14
Now that you know what nations the beasts from Daniel Chapter 7 really represent and understand a little more about the history of these nations...
Leopard With Four Wings And Four Heads The End Times Prophecy – Part 8 of 14
The leopard with four wings and four heads is the most complex beast we've encountered so far. This must be a very powerful nation with many other...
The Bear With Three Ribs The End Times Prophecy – Part 7 of 14
If you've been keeping up with our sermon series you'll understand that the bear with the three ribs in its mouth clearly represents a 21st-century...
The Wings Of An Eagle The End Times Prophecy – Part 6 of 14
Today we will be examining the second part of Daniel 7:4. The wings of an eagle that were removed from the lion, we spoke of last week which was...
A Lion Into A Man The End Times Prophecy – Part 5 of 14
The dream that Daniel wrote about in Daniel Chapter 7 describes a lion with the wings of an eagle having its wings removed. After that, the lion is...
Erroneous Representation Of Beasts The End Times Prophecy – Part 4 of 14
Many people incorrectly interpret Daniel's dream from Daniel Chapter 7 to mean the same thing as Nebuchadnezzar's dream from Daniel Chapter 2. They...
The Beasts Represent Modern Nations End Times Prophecy – Part 3 of 14
Many people incorrectly interpret Daniel's dream from Daniel Chapter 7 to mean the same thing as Nebuchadnezzar's dream from Daniel Chapter 2. They...
Daniel’s Dream The End Times Prophecy – Part 2 of 14
The dream that Daniel writes about in Chapter 7 greatly troubled him. In fact, it troubled him so much that he wasn't able to clearly understand or...
The End Times Prophecy According To Daniel Chapter 7 – Part 1 of 14
The end times is a very popular topic for discussion and there are a number of different opinions. The bottom line is that no one knows the time or...
Your Plans Will Happen If You Are Making Plans According To God’s Will
It is great to have plans for your life. God is a planner and you should be as well. God has everything planned down to the tiniest detail....
Jesus Died For You Alone So You Can Be Saved By Grace – Part 2 of 2
Remember that God gave His only son as a sacrifice for your sins. Now, think about what that meant for Jesus. He came to earth with a purpose. He...
God Gave His Only Son As A Free Gift Of Grace For You – Part 1 of 2
Think about what God did for you. He gave His only son as a sacrifice to pay for your sins so that you would be able to live in heaven. God gave His...
Get Out Of Your Own Way & Allow God To Take Control Of Your Life
You've heard it before - get out of your own way! It's very true. You've no doubt heard the saying "Jesus take the wheel". However, have you lived...
Practice Makes Perfect Try And Try Again It Takes 10,000 Hours To Master A Skill
You know the saying: "practice makes perfect". The unfortunate truth is that we can never be perfect. Therefore, it should really say: "practice...
The Size Of Noah’s Ark Was Massive How Big Was Noahs Ark – Part 7 of 7
The Bible clearly states the dimensions of Noah's Ark. It was a massive vessel, large enough to house his entire family and the animals on Earth....
There Were More Than 2 Of Each Animal On Noah’s Ark – Part 6 of 7
You're probably familiar with the story of Noah's Ark. You've also most likely been told that Noah brought 2 of each animal onto the ark. However,...
We Are Limited To 120 Years And Don’t Live As Long As They Did In The Bible Times – Part 5 of 7
Ever wonder why people lived to be so old back in the Old Testament? Well, it's because it is the "Old" Testament. Not really. The reason people,...
Russia Attacking Ukraine Is Biblical And It Could Be Part Of The End Times
Russia attacking Ukraine could be a sign of the end times. As a matter of fact, Spencer Coffman wrote about it 7 years ago in 2015. Then, in 2016,...
The Floodgates Of Heaven Were Opened And The First Rain Fell To Flood The Earth – Part 4 of 7
Imagine what people thought the first time they experienced rain on earth. For decades, they laughed and made fun of Noah as he and his family built...
Dinosaurs Walked With Humans And Lived At The Same Time – Part 3 of 7
Get your Bible ready and listen to this great message about how the Bible shows that dinosaurs and humans were alive at the same time. Yes, it's...
People Lived Longer With Water In The Atmosphere Before The Flood – Part 2 of 7
Ever wonder why people in the Bible lived to be so old? Methuselah, the oldest man recorded in the Bible, was 969 years old! People back then lived...
The World We Live In Isn’t That Old – It’s A Young Earth – Part 1 of 7
Today we begin a 7-part sermon series about the state of the world during the time of Noah. Today's message is about how our earth is young. Yes,...
Be Quick To Listen Slow To Speak And Willing To Help Others
Jesus was a great example of someone who dedicated His life to helping others. He spent his life teaching, healing, and serving a greater purpose....
God Loves A Cheerful Giver – Decide What You Will Give And Do It Cheerfully
When we think of giving, we often think of it as an obligation or something that we have to do. But the truth is, God wants us to give with a...
Lying For A Higher Purpose – Can There Be A Just Lie? – Part 3 of 3
There is some debate about whether or not there can be an earthly lie for a higher purpose. Have you ever lied to protect someone or to help a...
The Truth Is Powerful Use It To Fight Your Battles – Part 2 of 3
When it comes to fighting your battles, the truth is one of the most powerful weapons you have. This is especially true when it comes to Spiritual...
False Testimony Vs Lying – Is There A Difference? – Part 1 of 3
When it comes to false testimony, many people wonder if there is a difference between lying and false testimony. The answer is yes, and the Bible...
Be Thankful And Appreciate The Little Things In Life Because They All Add Up
When it comes to life, we often focus on the bigger things such as our careers, our education, and our relationships. However, if we take the time...
Jesus Birthday When Was Jesus Born? Investigating The Birth Of Jesus
When was Jesus born? Was it really in December as Christmas suggests or could it have been at a different time of year? This video will examine...
Tithe The First 10 Percent Of Your Income Back To God
Tithe the first 10% of your wealth to God. What does this mean? It means you need to tithe the first 10 percent of your income. Tithing is different...
Be Still And Let God Fight Your Battles For You
We all face battles in life, whether it is a physical or spiritual struggle or a mental and emotional challenge. You can only do so much to fight...
Do Not Call Anyone On Earth Father, You Have One Father Who Is In Heaven
Do not call anyone on earth "Father" for you have one father, and he is in heaven. The only person you are to call "Father" is your heavenly father....
You Are Better Than Birds God Cares For You – Part 2 of 2
This is the second part of a 2 part sermon series and trusting God to take care of everything in your life. Look at the birds who fly around. They...
Worrying Shows Lack Of Trust In God So Don’t Worry – Part 1 of 2
Join us for this 2-week sermon series about trusting in God and letting go of your worrying. Don't worry, God's got you. Do you trust God? So, why...
Reign Your Tongue It Is A Fire So Be Careful What You Say
Words are very powerful and what you say can cause great harm or do wonderful things for a person's soul (Proverbs 15:4). Think about all the times...
Don’t Ask Why God Has Reasons You Won’t Understand Or May Never Know
There are several times throughout life that you may wonder why God is doing something in your life. We go through struggles and can't help but ask:...
Remember Your Face Listen To What The Bible Says Then Take Action And DO It
You need to be a doer of the word. Don't merely listen to the Bible and not do what it says. You need to do what it says. It's like a mirror that...
God Plans In Detail, Has Great Plans For You, And Is Always In Control
God is the most detailed planner ever. No matter what circumstance, scenario, outcome, et cetera, God knows every single detail and every single...
Everyone Has A Purpose And A Higher Calling Find Yours
Believe it or not, you have a purpose and a higher calling on your life from Jesus. You are destined to do great and wonderful things. Whether you...
Genesis Chapter 1 Account Of Creation Story – Part 3 of 3
This is the third part of a three-part sermon series about the two stories of creation. Today we will be examining the second story of creation...
Genesis Chapter 2 Account Of Creation Story – Part 2 of 3
This is the second part of a three-part sermon series about the two stories of creation. Today we will be examining the first story found in Genesis...
Two Stories Of Creation Accounts In Genesis Written In Different Eras – Part 1 of 3
Today we start a 3-week sermon series about the two stories of creation found in Genesis Chapters 1 and 2. There is a lot of controversy over...
Do Not Be A Friend Of This World Set Your Mind On Things Above
As a believer in, and follower of, Jesus Christ, you are not of this world. This world is a temporary place for you. You live here and do your best...
In Everything Follow And Live For God No Matter What
Life can be tough. However, no matter what you are facing, it is important to remember who your leader is. Remember who will always have your back....
Live The Golden Rule And Pay It Forward With Random Acts Of Kindness
You can start small with Pay It Forward and the Golden Rule. Acts of kindness don’t have to be grandiose or extravagant. If you’re stuck in traffic,...
All Have Sinned And Fallen Short Of God’s Glory – Everyone Is Equal
You are a sinner. Yes, accept it. Everyone has sinned and has therefore fallen short of the glory of God. The penalty for sin is death and eternal...
Listen And Hear God Speaking To You – You Want To Hear God’s Voice
If you want to hear God's voice, then you need to be in a place where you can listen and truly hear God. That means mentally, spiritually, and...
Be God’s Wolf – Hunt Down And Save Lost Souls
Yes, we may be sheep, but God wants us to be wolves. Yes, that's right, wolves. Not the kind of wolf that devours and destroys. You need to be the...
We Are Born Sheep – His People Sheep Of His Pasture
It's easy to follow the crowd. To do what everyone else is doing. But is that really living? Is that how you want to spend your life? Following the...
Give In Secret And Be Humble When Giving Your Tithes And Offerings
The story of the widow can be found in Mark 12:41-44. In this story, Jesus watches a widow put two coins into the offering box. He then makes the...
Everything On Earth Is Meaningless – Seek Heavenly Treasure
As Christians, we understand that our true home is in heaven. We are merely visitors here on Earth, and the things of this world are nothing more...
Christians Are Always Under Attack Be Strong In Your Faith
As a Christian, you are an enemy of the devil. You are living in enemy territory. Remember, our kingdom is not of this world. We belong to a...
Serve The Lord God In Everything You Do Bring Glory To God
Our Heavenly Father wants followers who are devoted to Him. That means you need to be 100% committed. You can't be on the fence. You need to be all...
God Has You Exactly Where God Wants You Start Living Your Calling
Even though you may feel like your life is on standstill or like you are a hamster running on a wheel getting nowhere. Don't worry. God has you...
Commit To God In ALL You Do And Your Plans Will Succeed
If your plans are continually failing, then you may have the wrong plans. It is essential to make sure that what you want for your life is precisely...
The Testing Of Your Faith Builds Character Perseverance And Hope
Do you feel like no matter what you do in life, you are continually struggling to get ahead? Almost like you're merely treading water, running on a...
With Jesus In Your Life Resist The Devil And He Will Flee From You
Resist the devil and he will flee from you! That’s a promise! What an incredible concept to grasp. This should provide you with great joy and...
Ask God For The Right Things And You Shall Receive Them
Have you ever felt like you're talking to a wall when praying? Do you sometimes feel like God isn't listening or doesn't respond? This can be very...
Are You On Fire For Christ? Ways To Be Hot Not Lukewarm
Your spiritual life needs to be HOT. That means you need to be on fire for Christ. There are many things you can do to continue to fuel your flame,...
You Need To Commit To The Lord And Change Your Life
Begin spending some time each and every day with God. This is a very important part of growing spiritually which will help you become more at peace...
What Is Social Media Ministries Introduction And Back Story
Learn more about why Spencer Coffman began Social Media Ministries and how long it’s been in the works. Listen to the story and show your support by...