Who Do You Serve 4 Part Sermon Series
Who do you serve? It is a very important question that people rarely take the time to think about. Seriously, who do you serve?
Perhaps you don’t know exactly what that means. Let me help you answer. What are you spending your time doing? What are you always thinking about? What consumes your mind?
Answer those questions honestly and then make a conscious effort to make a change. For many of us, the answers to those questions are earthly things or people.
The answer needs to be Jesus. We must try to constantly have Jesus in mind. Our lives need to be lived for Jesus. Yes, it’s hard. But it’s worth it.
Are You A Child Of The Devil Or A Child Of God? Who Do You Serve Part 4 of 4
The question is simple. Are you a child of the devil or a child of God? Hopefully, you are a child of God. However, are you behaving like a child of...
God Is Jealous Who Do You Serve Sermon Series Part 3 of 4
If you are a Christian then God is jealous for your love and devotion. The Holy Spirit within you longs to be with God. That means you need to be...
You Can Only Have One Master Who Do You Serve Sermon Series Part 2 of 4
Despite what people choose to believe, humans can only focus on one thing. We cannot multi-task or have loyalty to two places. Whether it's work,...
Are You With Or Against? Who Do You Serve Sermon Series Part 1 of 4
Who do you serve? You may think you serve God, but are you truly serving God with your entire life? You need to make an active choice. You are...