The question is simple. Are you a child of the devil or a child of God? Hopefully, you are a child of God. However, are you behaving like a child of God should behave? That answer may be more difficult.
If you are a child of God then you need to be fully committed to God. You must be devoted. You need to live your life serving God in everything you do. That doesn’t mean you need to give up everything and travel around the world preaching the Bible.
It means you need to have a heart for Christ. You need to be willing to do whatever God wants you to do. You need to know in your heart that what you do, you are doing for God. No matter what it is. You also need to be willing to give it all up for God. It doesn’t mean you’ll have to. But you need to be willing.
God must be the only thing you’ll never give up.
Referenced Verses:
James 4:7
James 4:8
1 John 3:10
Acts 13:10
John 15:18
John 17:14-15
Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to Social Media Ministries, my name is Spencer Coffman. Thank you so much for tuning in today. This is number four in a four-part sermon series on who do you serve. We have covered a lot of ground, so if you have not been with us for the last three weeks, then please check out the playlist Who Do You Serve. It is on our YouTube channel, also on our website, you can watch and get caught up there or listen, scroll in your podcast feed, you can find it there as well.
Today we are talking about whether or not you are a child of God or a child of the devil. Seriously you can be a child of the devil. So if this is your first time with us, you can watch this sermon, that would be great. But then I really encourage you to go back, watch the rest of this playlist series, get a full grasp and an idea of what is going on here.
In addition, hit the subscribe button, I hope you guys like these videos or these podcasts, hit those like buttons, show us that support. In addition, please use those share icons. If you are a returning visitor, if you are new, share these with others. Not so that we can promote ourselves, but so that we can bring more people into knowledge of what is going on, that they can learn the scriptures, that we can reach more people.
That is our goal. To reach more people through the use of social media, to bring them the Bible, help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. That is our mission. That is our purpose and we cannot do it without your help. So please help us if you can, and I know you can, it is whether or not you are willing.
All right, are you a child of the devil or a child of God? Hopefully, you are a child of God, but it is really one or the other. As we have talked about, you are either hot or you are cold. You are either with or against. There is no in-between so if your answer is you do not know then guess what, you are a child of the devil. You are. It is one or the other. There is no middle ground here. You are living in a world controlled by the devil.
How do we know this? We know this because in the fall of humankind when Adam and Eve sinned or Eve then Adam who was with her when they sinned, they gave control over to the serpent. Now the devil rules this territory, under the control of God of course. The devil cannot do anything without God’s approval or within limitations.
But because we gave up our right to rule, the devil has certain freedoms and you say, well how could a loving God have evil in the world? Guess what, we allowed it. We allowed it. We gave it up. We gave up our right to rule when we gave control over to the devil and you say, I did not have that choice. Your ancestors did.
We gave it up through sin and yeah you have that choice, you sin each and every day. You sin and if you sin, then you gave it up. The only person who did not give that up would be Jesus. He never sinned. Now you can try your hardest to not sin, seriously I mean we all do. We all try hard, but it still happens, it is our nature because we live in a world controlled by the devil.
We are all naturally children of the devil and we choose to become a child of God, a child of Christ, a Christian. We choose to follow Him and our old nature still pulls us back. We live in this world but we long to be in another world. We long to be in heaven. The spirit that God put in us when we chose to be His children longs to be connected eternally with God and God longs for us as well.
This is why it is so important that we need to devote our time to God and devote our spirit to God. Because if we start following things of this world, we are taking a spirit that God gave us and improperly directing it where it should not be.
The devil has dominion over this earth. We have talked about this in other sermons time and time again. We have seen it in scripture, in The Book of Job, we also see it when Jesus is tempted. It is documented in Matthew and in Luke where the devil says to Jesus, I will give all this to you in one instance. I believe Luke or Mark says for it has been given to me and I can give it to whoever I want to. Which means that the devil does indeed own all of this or it is his reign. It is his kingdom and he was saying to Jesus, I will give it to you.
Jesus at that moment could have said yes it is and taken it, and then we could have kind of heaven on earth. But what would have had to happen is Jesus would have had to worship the devil which then means Jesus would say the devil is more powerful and then it would all be under the devil’s control anyway. Jesus says no. He says no and He takes the fight to a spiritual level and He says worship the Lord your God only.
Guess what, when you take it to that spiritual level, the devil cannot win. Because that spiritual level, that spiritual realm is not the devil’s kingdom. The devil can win here on earth. He can make you feel horrible, he can hurt your body, he can crush your house, he can kill other people, he can make you feel horrible here on earth because he can do it. But the second you take the fight to the spiritual realm, he does not stand a chance because that is not his kingdom. He does not stand a chance. He is fighting, all of a sudden he is fighting over enemy lines.
Right now he is fighting on his home turf. He has got the home-field advantage when you are trying to fight him in the physical realm. When you are trying to get through your day when you are trying to take a pill to ease the pain or have a drink to take the edge off or whatever you are doing, you are fighting physically, he is going to win.
But you take that fight to your home turf, the spiritual realm, and let God step in and fight for you, the devil does not have a chance. You got to resist him. You need to resist the devil in this physical realm here on earth. Resist him and then he will flee from you.
James 4:7 is an excellent verse, such an excellent verse. We had a whole sermon on it, Resist The Devil. You can check it out in a card here on our YouTube channel or navigate to our website our YouTube channel and type in Resist The Devil. You will find it.
James 4:7 says, ‘Submit yourselves then to God’, so you have to submit to God. That means fighting in that spiritual realm. ‘Resist the devil and he will flee from you’. Why will he flee from you? Well, he will flee from you because he knows he cannot stand a chance in that territory. It is not his territory, he will not stand a chance.
Are you a child of the devil or a child of God? If you stay close to God and do what is right and stay in the Word, then you are a child of God and you are resisting the devil and you are being closer and closer and closer and closer to God. The devil will flee from you.
1 John 3:10 says, ‘This is how we know who the children of God and who the children of the devil are. Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.’
All right, so a few things here. We have children of the devil and children of God. Now we know who is God’s child and who is the devil’s child, based on their actions. So when you do something that is wrong, you are a child of the devil. You are acting like a child of the devil.
Now if you are a Christian you are God’s child. No one can snatch you from God’s hand, you are God’s child. You have made the decision to become a child of God and you are a child of God. You ask Jesus into your life. You say how do I do that? You ask Jesus into your life, acknowledge that you are a sinner, say you do not want to be a sinner anymore, you want to follow God. That is really simple. You can do that. You can make that choice today. You can become a child of God. It is very easy, we can help you. I will guide you through it right now.
If you are thinking well, how do I be a child of God? Of course, I do not want to be a child of the devil. Am I a child of God? I do not know. You can know right now. You can make that choice. You can say, dear Jesus, thank you for dying for me, please forgive me of my sins. I want to be your child. Come into my life. I want to live for you every moment of every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Then what do you do? You start telling some people, say hey, I made the choice, I am a Christian now. I am a child of God and then start reading the Bible, start watching more sermons, go to church, start learning more about Jesus, pray to Him, talk to Him just like you are talking to your friends. Be His child.
Once you do that no one can take you away. The devil cannot take you away. The only thing you can do is when you screw up, when you sin and you will, we all sin, everyone sins. Even your pastors. They all sin. When you sin you act like a child of the devil, but we are not children of the devil anymore. We are now children of God.
So when I sin, when I screw up, I act like a child of the devil and I do not want to do that. I do not want to sin. So anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child. If people are currently and constantly living in sin or doing wrong, they are not God’s children. Because God’s children would not do that. They would not behave that way.
That is what 1 John 3:10 is telling us. That children of God would not behave like that. They behave a certain way. They do what is right and they always try to do what is right. Yes they make mistakes every once in a while, so you have to do what is right, you must love others, then you will truly be a child of God. But if you fail to follow God and you align yourself with the devil, then you become his child.
Now we are getting to Acts 13:10, ‘You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right. You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the ways of the Lord?’ That is what is being said about these people who are following the devil.
Now whether they are really following the devil and they are satan worshipers and things like that, they are actively pursuing it or whether they are just simply not Christians and they are cold, remember you are either hot or you are cold. If you are hot, you are on fire for Christ, it is a fire, it is a burning flame inside of us.
Have you ever put your hand over a candle and been like, oh that is not hot, that does not burn because it is just a tiny little flame? No, fire is hot. Fire burns, you need to have that spirit within you burning. It is a burning flame, a scorching fire, a consuming flame. We got to go out there and then save the lost souls. We are a burning flame. We are hot. You are either hot or you are cold. There is no in-between. There is no like, oh this fire does not burn me, it is okay. Well maybe it is fake, well then it is cold.
So hot or cold. The cold are like the people who are either actively pursuing the devil or they just do not know. They have not been brought into the light yet. They are still walking in darkness. They are wandering in darkness. You can go be the light and warm them and bring them over and make them hot.
How do you do that? It is very simple, just share Jesus with them. Share these sermons. You get to make that decision to become a child of God. Hot or cold. It is one or the other. You are either a child of the devil or a child of God. Now if you are in the world, remember this, we are in the world. If we are in the world, this world is of the devil.
It is kind of like in some movies they say, oh it is of the devil. Now obviously not everything in this world is of the devil, because if that were the case I mean it is psychotic. But the things of this world, remember this is not our Kingdom, this is not our home.
But this sermon is not of the devil, this Bible is not of the devil, these things come from the spirit which is from another world, our heavenly Kingdom, divinely inspired, not of this world. But we are in this world, but it is not of this world.
You see what I am saying? It is here but it does not originate here, our home is not here. We have chosen to be somewhere else. So if you are living in the world, you are of the devil. You are of the devil. Your goal is to become a Christian and be not of this world. You remember we serve a heavenly king.
Jesus is a heavenly king. He is in a different realm. We are in this world behind enemy lines, in enemy territory and this is where we operate. Eventually, we will go home. We will go to the place of our eternal resting place with Jesus. The spirit longs to be united.
When we become a Christian we have the holy spirit within us, this spirit longs to be united with God and God longs to be united with the spirit. That is why when we start directing our attention somewhere else, God is jealous. Because we have taken something He gave us and we are misappropriating it, we are using it somewhere else. We are focusing the attention in a wrong place and God gets jealous of that justly. We need to turn back to God and connect that spirit with Him.
Remember we are not of this world. This world is of the devil and they may hate you. You might be sharing the light and people are like oh that light is too bright, they may not like you because you are too bright or sometimes things may be too hot and they do not like it. You come out and you are a burning flame. You are on fire for Christ and they do not like you because you might be too hot. You cannot be too hot, you cannot be too bright.
Okay, that is something you can never be, you can never be too hot or never be too bright. So guess what, get out there and be as hot as you can and as bright as you can, because this world will always have a problem with however it is.
It is not your job to tone it down or to compromise in these areas. It is your job to move the line, to push to be bright, to be that light in the darkness, to share Jesus with others, to bring more people to Christ. They may not like you, they may hate you because you are not of this world, you are different. They are going to say you are a freak. Yeah, you are a Jesus freak and they are gonna not like you and they do not know why.
Well let’s see, you are full of salt because you are salty. You are full of light, so you are too bright and you are hot, so you are burning them. They do not like you. You are hot. You are bright. You are salty. But guess what, that is exactly what you need to be, and pretty soon they are going to get hot. They are going to get bright. They are going to get salty and they are gonna be like, wow this is nice and now people are gonna hate them too. But guess what, they hated Jesus first, it is okay, be different.
Now if they hate you because you are a bad person or you are sinning or you are doing something like that, then of course that is wrong. But if they hate you because you are salty and you are hot and you are bright, then that is okay. You have got to be on fire for Christ. They hated Jesus first, they hated Him.
1 John 15:18 says, ‘If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.’ That is Jesus. Continue reading, read the rest of that chapter, the next 10 verses are excellent. We do not have time for them now, but they are really good. Some good encouragement for you, that if the world is getting you down it is okay, they hated Jesus first. You need to be different. You are going to be different. You are going to become that weirdo, that Jesus freak, the Bible thumper.
Yes, you are probably going to get a label, a preacher. Now if you do it appropriately in the right context it is okay, but if you are the type of person that you go out to the bars and you start drinking and then all of a sudden you are starting to preach Jesus, that is not right. You are committing drunkenness, a sin and now you are trying to bring Jesus into it to make it okay.
You are like, wait a minute, I need a few in me in order to have that confidence. No, you do not. That is of this world and people are going to hate you because of that and rightfully so. But if you are on a missions team or a street team helping the homeless and preaching Jesus and they do not like you because of that, guess what that is okay, they hated Jesus first.
Now if you say, okay well I am gonna go sober into a bar and start preaching Jesus, the bar is not the place probably to always be preaching Jesus. It is a good place, people go there to try to drown their sorrows, but when you introduce a chemical concoction into the brain they are not thinking normally and so of course it just does not work as well.
I am not saying it is a bad place to go, there is no bad place to go. You want to be a Christian and walk into a Satanist worship center and start trying to preach Jesus, they are not going to like you, might be hazardous to your health. Maybe you will end up as a sacrifice, but they are not going to like you. It is all in context, everything in moderation, it is biblical.
You keep reading the Bible and understanding the scripture and you will know there is a time and a place for everything, that includes sharing Jesus. It is not like every single day you are going to be sharing Jesus all the time, you are going to be leading by example most of the time and then hopefully you will get chances throughout the day to share Jesus and talk about it.
You got to lead by example though. You got to be in this world, we got to do the things of this world. Whether you are going to work the store, all of this stuff, you got to be in this world. We are in it but we are not of the world. In, but not of.
We are of a heavenly Kingdom. John 17:14-15 says, ‘I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.’ Alright, this is Jesus talking to God the Father. His father. He is praying for His disciples, really for anyone who wants to share Jesus.
He is saying He has given them the Word of the Father. He has given them the holy spirit. He has given them, given you, given me, given us the ability to share Jesus with others and the world hates us for it. They do not like it, but that is okay. Jesus says the world has hated them for they are not of the world because now they are of a heavenly Kingdom, any more than I am of the world, than Jesus is of the world.
His prayer is not that God takes us out of the world, but that He protects them from the evil one. So Jesus is saying He has given us something, you and me, He has given us this Word. This Word, ‘Do not let the book of the law depart from your lips’, Joshua 1:8. Do not let it depart. God has given us this, the world hates us for it, but we are not of this world.
Jesus is saying, hey I pray for the missionaries and those preachers and the people who are sharing Jesus, who are living out their calling, their greater calling, the great commission. Jesus says I pray for you and He is praying, He is saying Father do not take them out of the world, but protect them from the evil one.
Why? Why would we need protection? Because the devil rules this world. Jesus is saying, hey I want you guys there, I want you to live for me as long as possible. God does not want you to go die right now for Him. He does not want you to walk into the Satanist center and be a martyr. No, He wants you to get out there and live for Him for years to come.
We are limited to 120 years. How close can you get to 120? You better make it your goal to get all the way living for Jesus, every single moment of every single day for the next however many years it takes you to get to that 120. God wants you here, Jesus wants you here in the world, but not of the world.
Let’s pray. Lord Jesus thank you so much for this great sermon series. I ask that if there is anyone out there who has not made that decision to be your child, that they would make that choice. That you would soften their heart, that you would help them see the light.
That they would say, hey I want to be hot, I want to be bright, I want to be salty. I want to be that weirdo, that Jesus freak and I want to live every single moment of every single day for you. That you would inspire them to be not of this world and that you would inspire them to get out and live in the world, sharing you as often as they can. That they would lead by example. That they would live for you fully, committed, serving you only. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thanks again for being with us today. If you have not seen the rest of the sermon series, check that out. If you have been with us, thanks for sticking it out. Four-sermon series, it has been great. I hope that you have hit the subscribe button, that you will stay tuned, and that you will consider sharing these with others and helping them live in the world but not of the world. God bless.