Sadness after death is very common. However, remember that death is a natural part of life. For Christians, death should be considered a happy moment that allows you to finally live with Christ in eternity.

Therefore, when a brother or sister in Christ dies, grieve for a while. Then, rejoice that they are in Heaven with Jesus and look forward to the day you will be there as well.

It is when an unbeliever dies, that you should be in the most anguish. Allow the sadness after death to break your heart because you know that this person has chosen to spend eternity away from God. Let this knowledge fuel you with a passion to NEVER allow that to happen again.

Do everything you can do to share Jesus with as many people as possible. If those people don’t become Christians, it won’t be because you didn’t try. Therefore, do your best to ALWAYS share Jesus with everyone you meet.

Referenced Verses:
2 Timothy 4:7-8
John 11:25-26
Matthew 5:4
Psalms 34:18
Psalms 6:6-7
Psalms 31:9
2 Samuel 12:23
Philippians 4:8