The concept of living your life as a living sacrifice may be difficult to understand. However, it is an essential part of living a life worthy of the calling you have been given.

Most people are familiar with sacrifice and associate it with death. If something is sacrificed it is usually lost or given up. Living your life as a living sacrifice is similar.

You’re not going to die for them. You are going to live for them. In the same way, you’re not going to die for God. You are going to live for God. That may mean your life will be more difficult. You will have to sacrifice and give up some things in your life.

Therefore, make an effort to put others first. Remember why you were created and seek to live your life as a living sacrifice pleasing to God for the benefit of others. Sacrificing your will to do the will of Him who sent you.

Referenced Verses:
Romans 12:1
John 15:13
Philippians 1:21-24
Daniel 3:17-18
Colossians 1:10
Hebrews 13:15-16
John 3:16
Matthew 16:15
Revelation 3:16