WWJD is a popular acronym that many people know. It is a question that has been asked by many people over the years. It’s a simple yet powerful reminder to always act with love, compassion, and kindness toward others.

The idea behind it is that anytime you encounter a situation, you are to ask yourself, What Would Jesus Do? Then, that is what you are supposed to do.

Although this seems like a very simple concept, it is incredibly difficult. Remembering to think WWJD in the heat of the moment can be tough. In addition, Doing WWJD is even harder.

I challenge you to try to make it a part of your life. Constantly be thinking about what Jesus would do in a situation. Then, try to do it.

So next time you’re faced with a difficult decision or encounter someone who may not see eye-to-eye with you, remember WWJD. Let’s choose love over hate and understanding over division. Together, let’s make this world a better place one small action at a time – exactly as Jesus would have done himself!

Referenced Verses:
1 Peter 2:21
John 13:15
John 14:12
1 John 2:6


Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to Social Media Ministries, my name is Spencer Coffman. Thank you so much for being here today. If this is your first time, please check out the links in the description below.

You can follow us on a variety of social media sites. You can see all our posts there as well and I also encourage you to check out our website to learn a little bit more about us and the videos on our YouTube channel.

If you’re a returning visitor, I certainly hope you have already done that. If not, take the time to check it out. In addition, use those share buttons to help get more new visitors to watch Social Media Ministries. Now what are we? Well, at Social Media Ministries, we preach a sermon every week, so hit that subscribe button to stay tuned.

In addition, it’s our mission, our purpose to present the living Word of Christ, that’s the Bible, to as many people as possible through the use of social media and also to help them understand and interpret the Scriptures in the Bible.

We’re presenting the Bible to the whole world, but not only are we presenting them the Bible, we’re presenting them a means of interpretation and that is through the sermons or through the messages that we deliver.

It’s a very important mission, it’s a very important process. I really hope you can help with that by clicking on a share button. Whether it’s on any of our posts, whether it’s on the YouTube channel, the podcast, anywhere.

Or if you don’t want to do that, if you could support us financially then we can use that money as a means of marketing to boost posts and promote and advertise to help draw more people in so that they can learn and understand the Bible.

All right, so thank you so much for listening to that. You could share that clip with anyone you want if you want to do that as well. You can put it on your TikTok or one of those 30-second or one-minute social media apps.

Today what are we talking about? We have spent all this time saying we deliver sermons and here we go. Today it’s very important for you to remember, WWJD. That’s it.

Now there’s more to the sermon. WWJD? If you grew up at all during the 90s and early 2000s, this was a saying and acronym that came out and it was very popular. It was all over all kinds of bracelets, lanyards, people had keychains, bumper stickers, all kinds of stuff said WWJD.

Now there are a couple of different translations. What Would Jesus Do? That’s the primary one. It’s the main one, What Would Jesus Do? The idea behind this was that every time you encounter a situation, you’re supposed to think to yourself, “What would Jesus do?” Rather than acting on impulses of this world

It’s similar to when people say, “Oh if you’re angry just pause, count to three, and then respond or count to ten and then respond.” Of course in theory all of this is great, but when something is going on that in the heat of the moment people forget to think or to count or to do what they’re supposed to do, they simply act.

That’s human nature. We are creatures of reaction. Something happens, we react instantly. We have reflexes. We’re people. It’s something that is tough on our human nature and that’s the beauty of this, that human nature says we are reactive, we can’t do anything. Everything we do, something happens to us.

But when we become a new creation with Christ, we lose that. We become active and then guess what, we can do it now. When something like that happens, we have that ability to pause, count to ten or count to three, or think WWJD? and then we can act upon it. That way we lose that when we give up our sinful nature.

For example, this is a little tangent, but reactive, when you don’t know Jesus, you’re reacting to everything. With Jesus and you’re a Christian, you are a new creation, you’re active. When you don’t know Jesus, you are repopulating, repopulating all over.

With Jesus now, we begin to populate, we actively populate by presenting the gospel, by being fruitful and multiplying. We had a whole sermon on it. You can check it out in a card if you’re on the YouTube channel or just go to the YouTube channel and look for “Be Fruitful And Multiply.” You can come up with some other rewords. You’re reactive, now we’re active. If you have any, put them in the comments for other people. It’s kind of a cool thing.

All right, so the other one for WWJD is “Walk With Jesus Daily.” Now I really hope you’re already doing this. This is very important, walking with Jesus daily doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to read only the New Testament words of Jesus, you can read anything in the Bible and you’re walking with Jesus daily.

The reason is because the entire Bible is from God and Jesus is God. He is God. He wants to be your God. If you believe in Him you have to be reading the Bible and spending time in prayer every single day. You need to commit yourself to God.

There is a playlist we have, it has a bunch of sermons on how you can do that. It’s called “Be Fully Committed.” Check it out on our YouTube channel or our website, whatever works for you. But you need to be reading the Bible and spending time in prayer every day.

Today you have to realize that means it’s in everything you do. In everything you do you must first ask yourself “What Would Jesus Do?” This does not simply mean in the heat of the moment, it means in anything, even if it is a good interaction.

What would Jesus do right now? He would be sharing the Bible. So guess what, open up 1 Peter 2:21, tiny little book in the back of your Bible. 1 Peter 2:21 says, “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.”

What would Jesus do right there? Especially when you’re in the heat of the moment though, that is when it is the most critical. Because usually in the heat of the moment something happens. That’s usually when people say things they’re going to regret, they sin, they do things that they wish they wouldn’t do. It’s the sin in them.

Remember Paul saying that in Romans, “It is the sin within me. It is not I who do it, it is the sin within me, even though I do what I do not want to do.” It’s a very good verse. But you have to be thinking what would Jesus do when you become angry or upset when you feel like retaliating? When you feel like retaliating and being a real person, ask yourself “What would Jesus do?”

Sometimes it might be easier to ask yourself if what you’re about to do is something that Jesus would do. For example, a lot of times things happen to us and we don’t react immediately. We let it go at the moment or we’re too busy to respond or to fight or to argue with it.

Then later you’re thinking about it and like, “Boy that was some pretty rotten thing they did to me. What am I going to do? What am I going to do about that?” What you need to do is be thinking, not “What am I going to do about it?” but “What is God going to do about it” or “What would Jesus do about it?” Then that is your answer.

You have to think what would Jesus do? Would Jesus call up that person and chew him out? Would He get mad? Would He try to get even? Would He get upset? No, He would love them. He would let it go.

He would forgive them. He might even go up to the person and say, “Hey what you did to me the other day was wrong, but I forgive you.” Then that person, who knows what they would do, but Jesus would forgive.

So you have to be thinking all the time of what you’re about to do. Are you going to go to a party? Are you going to go to a bar? Are you going to go to a Bible study? What are you doing? What are you doing tonight, tomorrow? What are your plans? In everything you do, say “What would Jesus do?”

If Jesus would not do it, then you shouldn’t do it either. John 13:15 says, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” This is Jesus talking. He has set an example and you should do as He has done for you.

Now what did Jesus do for you? Well, Jesus died for you. Does that mean you need to die for Him or die for everyone else? In a way, yes, you do. Your old self has to die. You need to kill it, your old self has to die.

You say what are you talking about? My old self? Anything of sinful nature has to die. Then you need to become a new creation in Christ. You died and then you rose again as a new creation in Christ, exactly as Jesus has done for you and for the world. From then on it is not your time to die. From that point on Jesus wants you to live for Him. You have to live for Him.

Now you say “How do I die? How do I kill my old self and become a new creation?” It’s very simple: you pray, you ask Jesus, you say, “Dear Jesus, thank you for dying for me.” You have to recognize He died for you. “Thank you for that. Please forgive me for my sins. I want to live for you for the rest of my life. Come into my heart and be the leader of my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

It’s that easy. There’s nothing to it. Simply pray, then you are an example. You kill your old self to sin. You become a new creation. Now we’re not talking about a physical earthly death and resurrection here, this is spiritual. There are two realms. There’s this world, this earthly realm where your physical self is, then there is a spiritual realm. Both are very active.

When you are becoming dead, when your self is dying, it’s not your physical body that is dying. This is very important. Your physical self is not dying, your spiritual self is dying and then being raised up and you are becoming a new spiritual awareness.

Now in order to achieve that, nothing happens to your physical body. You don’t need to go into a coma. You don’t need to die. You don’t need to almost die. You don’t need to get high on drugs. You don’t need to drink the Kool-Aid.

Nothing happens with your physical body. There’s no need to have some sort of out-of-this-world weird experience that has to happen, it’s a simple prayer to Jesus and being willing. It’s your heart. If you’re willing, you will change.

Then the next thing that you can do for your physical self, your body, would be to get baptized. It is where you get dunked underwater and come up. It’s a symbol that would be the most physical thing that could happen to your body during this. Now of course, if you have sickness or something and Jesus could heal you, that would be physical as well.

But in terms of going from a non-Christian, an old creation, and being a new creation, a Christian, the thing that happens is mental, spiritual, in your heart. There doesn’t need to be any weird experience.

Those religions or those cults that have people go into trances or a coma or a hypnotic state or try to commit suicide in order to get somewhere, that’s all wrong. It’s of this world which is of the devil.

The devil rules the world. It’s his domain. When you start to do things of this world or in this physical world, that’s of the devil. You need to make sure that you’re asking yourself, “What would Jesus do? Because why? What is that doing? Well, that’s detaching yourself from the physical world. You’re in the physical world and you say, “What would Jesus do?

Now you are up in the spiritual realm. Then you’re going to get an answer from the spiritual realm and then all of a sudden, boom, you can act in the physical world as if you’re living in the spiritual world. That’s what we have to do.

Jesus said we’re in this world, but not of this world. We’re of a different world. We’re here on a special assignment. We’re behind enemy lines and our goal is to do what Jesus would do. What would He do? He would preach the gospel. He would share with others all kinds of stuff.

Remember when you ask yourself if it’s something Jesus wouldn’t do, you shouldn’t do it either, but this answer must not be something that you have to think about. You say, “Well, how else am I supposed to ask?” It has got to be instant.

It has got to be readily apparent. Would Jesus give to the poor? Yep, you bet He would, instant. Would Jesus help that man up who fell? You bet He would. Would Jesus tell this person He loves Him? Yes. Would Jesus be kind? Yes. Would Jesus tell others about God? Yes.

All that is instant. Would Jesus do something bad for a good cause? That’s a gray area. It’s a gray area. If it’s a gray area, the answer is probably no. Would Jesus kill someone? Nope. Would Jesus steal that? No. Would Jesus lie about this? No. Those are instant. The gray areas, the answer is probably no. So if it’s a gray area, you shouldn’t do it.

Now when you start to become more or elevate yourself spiritually or step into your calling from God, those gray areas will get smaller and smaller as you learn more about the Bible and about Jesus and about the Scripture. As you become closer to God, your heart and your spirit becomes so much closer to God. Those gray areas will get smaller and smaller.

That’s also because your knowledge increases. Right now I said the answer has to be instant, but if you don’t know Jesus and you haven’t learned about Him, how would you know? If He would help that person who fell, how would you know?

If He would be kind to the poor, how would you know what He would do? So you have a big gray area. You might not know, but as more and more of that gray area will get smaller and smaller and you will have those instant responses.

In addition, there are some gray areas that are definitely gray, but as you step into your calling they will be revealed to you. For example, we had a sermon on lying for a higher purpose, you can check that one out, it’s on a card on the YouTube channel. Otherwise on the website. The YouTube video is called “Lying For A Higher Purpose.”

In there, there’s an example of, if in Nazi Germany you had a house full of Jews and they were in the basement and the Nazis knocked on your door, the Germans, would you tell them? If they said, “Do you have Jews here?” What would you say? Yes and then they all get executed or no and take the chance but maybe save lives or maybe you die?

We aren’t going to go into it right now, but that’s one of those gray areas that as you know more and more and step in your calling, it becomes less of a gray area in your life. You need to really really try hard and remember to only do the things that Jesus would do. That’s it. If there’s something that’s gray, don’t do it. If it’s something Jesus wouldn’t do, don’t do it.

We’re going to turn to another verse. John this time, John 14. So if you have your Bible, turn with me. I’m giving you ample time here because my marker fell out. John 14:12 says, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. You will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

This is a very very important verse and there is so much more meaning, we could do a whole sermon on that one verse and we will maybe.

Whoever does the things that I do, if you want to do what Jesus is doing, you can do it, but guess what? You will do even greater things. How do you know what Jesus has done? What can you do greater?

Read the Bible, you’ll learn everything Jesus did, not everything but you will learn a lot of things and you can do even greater things than those. Why? Because Jesus went to the Father and now He provided you with the means to have the Holy Spirit within you so you can do great things.

In everything, ask “What would Jesus do?” 1 John 2:6, “Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.” If you claim to be a Christian, you must do what Jesus did. WWJD, “What Would Jesus Do” must be a part of your life.

Now how do you know what Jesus would do? If you don’t know, if you don’t know, the best thing to do is to get in that relationship with Jesus. How do you know?

It’s like asking yourself, what would my mom do or what would my dad do? You know the answer in a certain situation. How do you know that answer? Because the person, you understand how they think and what they do. So you can predict what they would do.

How do you know what Jesus would do in a situation? You got to get to know Him. How do you get to know Him? You pray that prayer. Ask Him into your life, have Him lead your life. In addition, study the Bible. The Bible is filled with all kinds of great ways for you to live your life.

The New Testament has all kinds of examples of what Jesus did. The gospels are filled with them. Read them, then read the rest of the New Testament because the Apostle Paul gave all kinds of excellent ways to live your life.

He even said, “Hey if you don’t know Jesus, he said it’s okay, Jesus is not on this Earth anymore physically, so follow me as I follow Him.” He says use him as an example and that’s great.

You can look to your leaders. Your Christians, they are supposed to be examples for you. Sadly, a lot of people are not being great examples in this world and so that’s why it’s so important for you to go to the source which is the Bible and let that be your example.

Let Jesus be your example. Seek Him, pray, talk to Him, spend time in prayer with God, read the Bible and you will know what Jesus would do all the time.

Let’s pray. Lord Jesus thank you for this message. I ask that the people watching and listening would be constantly thinking, “What would Jesus do?” That in everything they do, that in the plans, in the heat of the moment, in their day-to-day interactions, that they would think WWJD?

That they would share that with others. That they would always be trying to do what you would do and that they would seek you. That they would develop that great personal relationship with you. That they would read the Bible, spend time in prayer so that they would really get to know you. So that they would have a better idea of WWJD? In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Once again thank you for being here. I really hope that you take this sermon and you take the message and you apply it to your life. In addition, if you haven’t made that decision, if you’re not in a relationship with Jesus, this is a great time to do it.

Simply pray the prayer. If you need help, if you want to know more of what to say or why to say those things, comment below. In addition, you could reach out to us and we can talk to you. We can help you do that.

If you have someone else who has been bothering you about it in your life, go to them. It’s really easy, simply talk to Jesus as if He were sitting right next to you. God bless.