Humanity began existence in a perfect world. It truly was paradise. Then, one day, the devil led the woman into sin and her husband with her. Through one man the world was lost and given over to Satan.
Today, we continue to live in a world that is under the dominion of Satan. He is the prince of this world and his goal is to destroy humanity. Centuries passed and mankind lived in separation from God having to constantly sacrifice to atone for our sins.
But there is hope! Jesus came to defeat Satan and give us back our paradise. He did this by dying on the cross and rising again from the dead. One man, Jesus, became the eternal sacrifice and paid for the sins of the entire world.
If you believe in Jesus then you can have hope too. Your sin has been forgiven and you can experience true life again!
Referenced Verses:
Genesis 3:17
Genesis 3:16
Leviticus 4:2
1 John 2:2
1 Corinthians 15:22
Luke 4:5-6
John 12:31
Video Transcript
A great way to do that is to share this podcast or these videos on your social media channels to help Social Media Ministries further our mission which is to share the living Word of Christ to as many people as possible through social media and help them also understand and interpret the Scriptures in the Bible.
That is what we are doing through these messages. Hopefully, they are helping you. Keep coming back, check out our previous messages, and share them if you can. Today we are talking about one man. That is it. One man.
Let’s go all the way back to the beginning of the world. One man was created. The Garden of Eden was truly an amazing place. Think about this: Adam, which means man in the original text, man. So Adam means mankind.
Whether his name was “Adam” or whether he was just “Man,” we don’t know. He was also given the task to name everything and so we think maybe he named himself “Adam.” Or we have taken “Adam” as in “mankind,” either way, whether it was one man or whether man and mankind was plural we don’t know, but one man was created.
From that man, God created woman and of course, he looked at me and said, whoa man, and there she was woman, he named her. No, that is not it. But God created woman from man because out of man she was created.
So she was called woman and that was Eve. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, this amazing place, they walked around, they didn’t have a care in the world, beautiful immaculate garden.
Just think about this: think about the most amazing garden place you have ever seen. Whether it is some botanical garden or some wonder of the world or a major attraction or some mansion that you saw on TV or something like that.
Think of the perfect hedges, flowers, always in full bloom, trees filled with buds, filled with fruits, filled with things, vegetables probably growing out of the ground all over the place in perfect rows. No weeds.
Think about this. Water would just come up out of the ground and water them. Where would it water? Did it just fill up everywhere? No, water perfect like an irrigation system right where it needed to be. Probably the best green grass you have ever seen, like carpet that you could just walk around in and it was beautiful.
We are talking, this was immaculate, they never had to do anything. No weeds, no pests, [and] no bugs. This was paradise. They were on permanent vacation. They walked around with not a care in the world. Literally. “Oh, I am hungry.” Nice. “Oh, this looks good.” Beautiful.
They were at peace. The animals, the lions, [they were] all were friendly with them. They didn’t try to eat them or kill them. They probably laid down together. The lion and the lamb. Unbelievable. They had no work to do, no worries, no shame, etc. It was literally perfect. Then they sinned. They sinned. One man, Adam fell, and in so doing he cursed every man who followed.
Let’s check out Genesis 3:17. All of these verses will be referenced below so you can come back later and read more to get more of the context of each of these verses. “To Adam he said, ‘Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, “you must not eat of it,” cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life.’” It then keeps going. It will produce all these curses, of course.
He said to Adam “Because you listened to your wife and ate of it.” So Eve did the same thing for women. Eve sinned. Eve fell. She was the first to sin, and in so doing, she cursed all the women to come. Let’s check it out. Genesis 3:16. He addressed the woman first and then He addressed the man. Why? Because the woman was the first to sin.
“To woman, he said, ‘I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain, you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.’” How is the husband to rule over his wife?
Well, we get to that later on in the Bible. Paul talks a lot about that and how husbands and wives should interact together. We won’t get into that, but the point is one man or one woman sinned and ruined it for everyone else.
Let’s continue. As a result of this, people had to make sacrifices to atone for their sins. When Adam and Eve sinned, a lamb had to be slaughtered to pay for that sin. Continuing on, we go to Leviticus 4:2 and that is where it says, “Say to the Israelites, ‘When anyone sins unintentionally and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD’s commands.’” What they are to do is to have a sin offering.
They must sacrifice for something. There is this whole chapter about all of the different offerings and sins, really several chapters. After this, we have the sin offering, Chapter 4, part of Chapter 5, and then we get into all the different offerings and then later on sin offerings again. There are a lot of different offerings that must be made for sin.
If someone sins, they must bring to the Lord a young bull. I mean, continuing on, young lambs. If they can’t afford this, then it goes into doves and different animals without defect, that must be sacrificed to pay for their sins. They had to do this all the time. Can you imagine the amount of animals that had to be sacrificed all the time for the millions of people?
Even today, all the people around the world that would have animals that have to be sacrificed to atone for these sins, and not only animals but perfect animals without blemish, without defect. They couldn’t have something wrong with them. [They] couldn’t have some goofy thing with their feathers, couldn’t have a patch on them, couldn’t have a lame foot, or couldn’t have a squinty eye or something like that.
They had to be perfect and they had to do this until one man Jesus saved the world from this. Jesus became the sacrifice for the world. He was perfect without sin and He became the sacrifice so we no longer have to sacrifice animals all the time.
1 John Chapter 2 Verse 2 says, “Where he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the world.” That is Jesus, Jesus Christ. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins and also the sins of the world. He died like a perfect lamb, just like how they had without blemish, without defect. He died like a perfect lamb and therefore He is the lamb of God.
It is because of this act of selflessness, God gave His only son and He died for you. We have talked about that in a sermon series before, so you can check that out in a card here. Please check it out or if you are on podcasts or social media, navigate to our YouTube channel and you will find that series.
Jesus died for you, for you alone. One man. He came and He took the curse. Cursed is anyone who was hung on a tree. He became the curse for us so we are no longer cursed through sin just like how it says we are cursed. Sure, we still have to work the ground and we have to pay for that. We have to live with that consequence but we are not cursed anymore.
Women, yes, you still have to go through pain in childbirth and your husband should be the head of your household, you should submit to your husband and that is because we have to live with these consequences.
But we are no longer cursed. Jesus became the sacrifice for the world and it is because of this that you can be alive. However, you have to choose to follow Him. You have to choose to follow God; He is of a different world.
When Adam and Eve sinned, they gave up their authority. They had to be cast out of the Garden of Eden. They could no longer live in paradise. They had to toil and work the ground and they were not the rulers of this world anymore. Satan tricked them. Satan lied to them. He did it through the truth and the lie, but he told them and then they gave up their power to him and so satan rules this world.
You have to choose to follow God. If you don’t follow God then by default you follow Adam who is corrupted by Satan. You are following the way of mankind or women, you are by default following Eve who was corrupted by sin. You are following what? Sin. You are following the world. You are following Satan.
1 Corinthians 15:22 says, “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” As in if you follow sin, if you follow the world, all will die. You are cursed. But if you follow Christ, you will be made alive. Because of Christ, you can be alive. Make a decision to follow Christ, not the world.
Remember we are not of this world. You are not to store up treasures here on Earth. You are to store up treasures in Heaven. Anyone who follows the world is not of God. God is not in them if they are of the world. Don’t be of this world. Satan rules this world.
How do we know Satan rules the world? We have talked about it. We have talked about it many times throughout all of our sermons, so check them out. There are too many to reference one, but we have talked about it many times. In addition, we know that it does because of how he tricked Adam and Eve and how he took control.
Also, let’s go to when Jesus was tempted. Luke Chapter 4 Verses 5 and 6, “The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world.” Literally, Satan took him up to a high place and didn’t just say look out and see the horizon, he showed Him all the kingdoms of the world.
Meaning something happened where Satan projected an image of each kingdom right there out on the horizon so that Jesus could see the kingdoms of the world somehow. Or maybe he took Him up and they looked down and saw it all, I don’t know. Maybe he took Him to a mountain and he just kind of put holograms out there, however, it happened.
“The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, ‘I will give you all their authority and splendor; for it has been given to me and I can give it to anyone I want to.’”
It has been given to me. Satan is saying all the kingdoms of the world, all the authority, and all the splendor has been given to me. Satan owns it all; it has been given to him. When was this given to him? It was given to him when he took it from Eve and then Adam. Satan got it and he said he can give it to anyone he wants to.
Right here he says to Jesus, “if you worship me it will all be yours” and of course, Jesus says, “No, because that is lies, worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.” Serve Him only. Serve God only. Follow Christ. He died for you. Satan didn’t die for you. Why would you follow him? Follow Christ and live for Him.
Let’s go to another verse, John 12:31 says, “Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.” When judgment comes on this world, whenever that time is, the prince of this world will be driven out. Who is the prince of this world? That is Satan, the devil. How will he be driven out?
We have another series you could check out about the End Times and this was through the books of Daniel. You can see that in a sermon series on this playlist here. Check that out and you will see some of it about how the devil will be thrown out where we talk about it a little bit.
Basically, when the time comes He will throw the devil out into the lake of fire, the abyss, and seal it up and they will be trapped in there forever, torment, which is hell.
One man was created in the beginning. One man sinned. Then one man came and died and saved the world. Very incredible. I am not getting into what about the women, that kind of thing? We are talking specifically, how through one man the world fell, and through one man it was saved again, Jesus. Which man are you going to follow?
Do you want to follow the man who fell or do you want to follow the man who came and became sin and then ascended into Heaven and rose, conquered death, and paid for us, paid for that sacrifice so we no longer have to slaughter a lamb every other day? Follow the one man who saves. That is Jesus Christ. That is the man to follow.
How do we follow Him? We have talked about it many many times. You follow Him by being hot. Read the Bible. Pray. Talk to God. Follow that man. He is the lamb of God. He was the perfect sacrifice.
He became the curse so that we are no longer cursed. We can choose who we want to follow. We can either follow this world and be a child of the devil or we can follow God and be a child of Him. Make your choice. It is up to you.
Let’s pray. Lord Jesus, thank You so much for coming to die. First of all, thank You so much for creating this world. For putting us here to live in what You had as a perfect paradise for us. Lord, unfortunately, we are so sorry that we are sinners and that we continue to fall away.
Thank You for fixing that for us. Thank You for sending Your son to be the sacrifice to pay for our sins and thank You for providing us a way to no longer be cursed, but to follow Him and live with You in Heaven.
Lord, I ask that each and every person out there would be not of this world. That they would choose to follow the right man. That they would choose to follow Jesus and that they would become children of God, give up their old ways, cast them aside, [and] become a new creation; let the old go. It is gone. The new has come.
Allow them to follow you and to help others follow you. That they would remember that this world is of the devil, the father of lies, he speaks his native language. It is his; we are not of this world. We have to store up treasure in Heaven.
Lord, help them do that. Inspire them. Give them the Holy Spirit. Give them courage. Speak for them as you have said in Scripture that You will teach us what to say. You told Moses that you would speak for him. You told Joshua to be bold and courageous, to meditate on the words.
Lord, tell us to get out there and speak for You. We know that You don’t want us to die for You so Lord I ask that You would abolish the fear that is within any person that they are afraid of what might happen if they profess their faith.
We are not to die for You Lord. We are to live for You and You want us to live for You because through us being alive we can change so many more people than if we just died. Help them to follow You. To choose to follow You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
The choice is yours. Who do you follow? The world? Jesus? It is up to you. God bless.