September has been a good month for us at Social Media Ministries. We have been maintaining and working toward growth and progress.
Of course, we need your help. Please comment on our videos and posts. Please pray for us. Specifically that we would be able to find regular financial support and that our sermons would continue to reach the unreached areas of the world.
Our monthly accomplishments:
– Continued Posting 1 Sermon Each Week
– Continued Posting 1 Podcast Each Week
– Continued Posting A Daily Verse on Facebook, Instagram, & TikTok
– Began A Daily “Ministry Minute” Reel On The Daily Verse
– Held Our Quarterly Board Meeting
– Received Our First Financial Donation!
Video Transcript
Hey everyone, Spencer Coffman here with Social Media Ministries. This is the September 2022 monthly update and status report.
Thank you so much for being a part of this, for your interest in the life of Social Media Ministries, and wanting to continue on with these monthly updates and status reports. I enjoy doing them. It is cool to look back sometimes and see how far we have come and what we have gotten done and what months certain things happen and how God has blessed us during each of these months.
September has been a pretty good month. We had our quarterly board meeting, which is always good to have and we just hashed out some new things. We covered what we have done in the last quarter, our accomplishments, and what we are still striving to do, and set some new goals for this coming quarter. So that is excellent.
We have continued to post one video sermon and one podcast every single week. If you haven’t been watching those, please do so. I also really want to ask a favor, please please please comment on the video sermons on YouTube if you can, because I would like to have some more interaction there. Put some good comments, some feedback about the topic, not about me, don’t make it personal, don’t do anything like that, just start some discussion. Like, ‘Wow I really enjoy this topic about Noah’s ark or the flood’ or ‘It is so cool that Jesus came to save us and how God would do that for us’. Things like that. Encouraging discussion and positive comments would really really help us out.
If you can do that, that would be greatly appreciated. That is an excellent way you can help support Social Media Ministries. In addition, we have continued to post a daily verse, we started verse of the day or daily verses in August and every single day I record a daily verse and we post that on our Instagram and Facebook Stories, also on TikTok. Then I post it again later in the day as a reel to reach more people and that has been working.
We have been reaching some more people. That is encouraging. We are getting more traffic, more followers, and of course, the hope is not just to get a bunch more followers, it is to get more people watching the shorter videos, enticing them in, and then getting them to watch sermons so that they become Disciples of Christ. That is what the goal is here. We want to draw more people in, get them to follow Jesus, and change their lives, so they can go out and change the world. That is what we are doing here. It is a greater picture, it is a big long-term goal. I really hope that you want to help us with that and support us in that.
In addition, we have also started in the month of September expanding upon the daily verse, whereas like I said we do the verse as a story in the morning and then we do a reel in the afternoon, and that reel now instead of just reading the verse or saying it from memory, I have to memorize them every day which is good for me, but we say the verse and then I am doing a little bit of a devotion or Ministry time after that verse. That is going to be really good, it is going to help people dive a little bit deeper into exactly what that verse is saying or hopefully saying directly to them. That has been really exciting.
One other awesome thing that happened to us during the month of September is we received our first financial contribution. Now, of course, we have had finances because we have been operating, we have spent about $10,000 in expenses, legal fees, equipment, all of that, and in the past all of that has been coming from either me or my business, and that is it. It has just been donations personally, but I am really really happy and thankful to say that we have received our first outside-of-our-influence, outside-of-our-spirit donation. You know who you are, your donation really really has helped.
It has helped encourage me, it has helped to renew what we are doing and it has really really taken off some stress and some load and strain. Because now we have been able to continue the mission and move forward even more, so thank you so much, sincerely thank you for your generosity, and thank you for your contribution. For those of you who say, ‘Well, who cares’, it is really really important.
If you want to help support Social Media Ministries, we really need the support and we really appreciate the support. Now you can do that in a variety of ways. You can write a check, you can donate online, that would be awesome. But you can also pray for us, pray that we would reach more people and change their lives so they can change the world. In addition, comment. Comment on posts, hit that like button if you don’t want to be public about commenting or something, hit the like button, they are all anonymous. Anyway hit that like.
Hit that heart on social media, you can hit the like and then it is not anonymous, but that would really help us. On Facebook, on Instagram, TikTok you can follow us on those platforms. Follow us on our Medium blog. That would all help. That is showing support. So if you can do that, if you can like, comment, follow, and share our posts that would be awesome.
If you want to go above and beyond and contribute financially that would be awesome as well, and of course, pray for us. That sincerely helps as well. More prayer is always good for our ministry, pray that we can reach more people, change their lives, and change their world.
Thank you so much. This has been the September 2022 monthly update and status report.
God bless.