October 28, 2024 Newsletter
God Has Established All Authority On Earth
Depending on the authority over you, you may or may not like that statement. Has God really established all positions of authority? If so, why is my boss so bad at his/her job? Why are all politicians not on fire for Christ?
The answer to these questions, and many more like them, is that there is evil in this world and humans have free will. You have the will to choose to do good on Earth as it is in Heaven or the choice to do evil and be a child of this world thereby actively following the devil, the ruler of this world.
So, does God really establish people in positions of authority if they are evil people? The short answer is yes. For support, we must turn to the source of ultimate truth.
“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Romans 13:1
There is no authority except that which God has established. How does God do that? He uses you, and people like you, to place people in positions of authority through promotions, titles, elections, et cetera.
You must trust God and believe that He knows what He is doing. Kill your pride and avoid thinking that you know who would be a better president, leader, et cetera. God is in control. God knows best.
Fine, but do you really need to submit to the governing authorities? Yes, as long as what they are asking you to do follows God’s Word. The moment a governing authority rules to break God’s Word, you must resist.
Resist as Jesus resisted. Peacefully. Use the weapons God provides in the Word. Arm yourself with the Sword of the Spirit. Pray without ceasing according to the Scriptures and trust God to fight for you.
God Bless America.
Spencer Coffman