HF 3926 Amendment to HF 4021 and SF 4292 Minnesota Human Rights Act
Today I’m writing regarding HF 3926, an amendment to HF 4021 and SF 4292, the Minnesota Human Rights Act.
In 2023, a new definition of gender identity was created. Unfortunately, no corresponding religious exemption was added when it comes to hiring practices for faith-based institutions.
Initially, the omission of a religious exemption was thought to be an oversight. However, later, we learned that it was intentional. This action directly contradicts our First Amendment right to religious freedom in Minnesota and America.
This caused Minnesota’s faith community to speak up. As a result, House Republicans worked with religious leaders to craft HF 3926. A bill that ensures religious organizations and faith-based schools can operate in ways consistent with their mission and values.
Recently, Representative Harry Niska urgently brought HF 3926 to the floor to restore religious freedoms in Minnesota. Unfortunately, Democrats tabled the motion to reinstate these protections into state law. This was the third time this session that Democrats blocked a Republican attempt at restoring religious freedom language to the HRA.
To be clear, the law as it stands today does not allow for religious exemptions related to gender identity in hiring practices. The proposed amendment is to restore those religious exemptions protecting religious organizations and faith-based schools against claims of gender identity discrimination.
We at Social Media Ministries strongly support the HF 3926 amendment and the restoration of religious freedom in Minnesota and America.
“I can’t imagine living in a state where faith communities of all types can’t pick their own teachers and ministers.” – Rep. Harry Niska
Without the HF 3926 amendment, HF 4021 and SF 4292 directly violate our First Amendment right to practice religious beliefs. No matter what you believe, we are asking readers to express their support of the amendment to restore religious freedoms in Minnesota and America.
Do this by contacting your MN House and MN Senate representatives, posting on social media, contacting your local news stations, media outlets, et cetera.
“Republicans and Democrats used to believe in the First Amendment right to religious liberty,” said Rep. Engen. “Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. The DFL has told us that removing these protections for religious liberty was done intentionally and they have voted against our fix, Rep. Harry Niska’s bill, multiple times on party-line votes. This shouldn’t be a political issue – when leaders of all faith groups come together to support a bill like HF 3926, we should listen.”
Thank you,
Spencer Coffman, Founder
Social Media Ministries
Find your Minnesota House Representatives here.
Find your Minnesota Senate Representatives here.
House Majority Leader Jamie Long (Democrat)
House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth (Republican)
Senate Majority Leader Erin P. Murphy (Democrat)
Senate Minority Leader Mark T. Johnson (Republican)
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