Deliverance Request
If you need deliverance, please complete the Deliverance Requestion Form below.
If you have any questions, please read the Deliverance FAQ.
You will be contacted within 7-10 business days to discuss your deliverance session.
Deliverance Request
Next Steps
Confess your sins and ask God to forgive you for anything you may have done.
If you’ve sinned against others, apologize and ask for their forgiveness. They may or may not give it to you, but you must repent anyway.
Ask for the Holy Spirit to reveal any unforgiven sins, then ask for forgiveness.
Pray this prayer to confess and seek forgiveness.
“Father, I know I have sinned against you and others. I confess those sins now and humbly ask for your forgiveness. If there are any unforgiven sins in my life, please reveal them to me through the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
For deliverance to be successful, there cannot be any unforgiveness in your life.
Unforgiveness is direct permission for demons to torment believers: Matthew 18:23-35.
This is crucial. You must forgive others and forgive yourself if you want to be free.
Pray this prayer to forgive others and yourself.
“Father, because You have forgiven me I choose to forgive others. I forgive everyone who has hurt me, lied to me, or disappointed me. I confess my unforgiveness as a sin and repent of it. I receive Your forgiveness and apply it to my life by forgiving myself. Thank You for Your grace and mercy in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
If you have ever had any involvement whatsoever, in Satanic activities, witchcraft, cults, or occultic activities they must be renounced.
Even if you believe it was an innocent activity. Any involvement opens the door and permits demons to influence you.
Pray this prayer to renounce any bonds with the kingdom of darkness.
“Father, I renounce any bond, or agreement I ever made with Satan and the kingdom of darkness. I know there can be no valid contract with a liar and I renounce any words, oaths, or pledges made to Satan and I choose to be completely free from them. I choose to be cleansed from any ties with Satan in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Sexual relationships outside of marriage are called Soul Ties. Every sexually gratifying relationship outside of marriage can be an entry point for demon spirits.
Soul ties must be severed by confessing them as sins and choosing to be free from them.
Pray the prayer below and renounce each one by name or by whatever you remember about them.
“Father, I confess the sin of sexual activity outside of marriage. I renounce those sinful relationships in Jesus’ Name. I call back the part of me that was given to another, and I refuse the part of another that may have come to me. I renounce soul ties with [NAME] and choose to be free in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Stay Delivered
- Remain in the Word.
- Walk with Jesus.
- Fellowship with other believers.
- Pray continually and without ceasing.
- Memorize, study, and meditate on Scripture.
- Flee from sin.
- Don’t open doors to demons.
- Practice self-deliverance.
- Always forgive others.
- Repent when you sin.
- Have a good support system.
- Be a child of the light.
There are thousands more, but if you follow these you’ll encounter the rest. Exactly as Jesus said, all of the laws of God can be summed up into two commandments: Love God and Love Your Neighbor.
If you would like more insight on how and where demons may have influenced your life, please invest the time to complete the Deliverance Questionnaire.