Money is a powerful tool that can either bring joy and abundance or lead to stress and hardship. It’s time for you to take control of your finances and handle money God’s way.
The Bible has plenty of wisdom when it comes to managing money and they all boil down to four steps to success. You need to work hard, eliminate debt, build wealth, and build the kingdom.
Proverbs has many verses about working hard and avoiding laziness. And the Apostle Paul says that the one who doesn’t work shouldn’t eat. Proverbs also has several verses avoiding debt and borrowing money.
By working hard, living within your means, and not relying on credit cards or loans, you free yourself from financial bondage and allow yourself to build wealth and the kingdom of God.
When you handle money God’s way, you will be able to truly build wealth as an inheritance for your children and your children’s children. You’ll even be able to build the kingdom of God through your generosity, which is exactly what God wants you to do.
You are to work hard, eliminate debt, build generational wealth, and be extremely generous so that you can build the kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven.
Referenced Verses:
Psalms 119:105
Ecclesiastes 2:26
Proverbs 27:23
Proverbs 14:23
Proverbs 10:4
Proverbs 24:33-34
Proverbs 22:7
Proverbs 17:18
Proverbs 22:26-27
Proverbs 3:27
Proverbs 11:25
Proverbs 22:9
Proverbs 28:27
Matthew 13:12
Proverbs 13:22
1 Timothy 5:8
Video Transcript
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We’ve got great sermons, and today is no exception. We have an excellent one coming up for you on how to handle your money. Now we may have just lost a few viewers, by talking about money so quickly right out of the gate.
A lot of people like to sugarcoat it a little bit and then sneak it in there, but guess what? We aren’t beating around the bush. Today’s sermon is on handling money.
And if you have money or if you don’t have money, you need to know how to manage your money. You need to know how to handle it, and God has a way for you to do so. People like Dave Ramsey, making an incredible living traveling all around the United States, and even maybe the world, telling other people how to manage their money.
And he’s very successful at doing it. But how is he managing his money? And how is he teaching people to manage their money? It’s not Dave Ramsey’s way, it’s God’s way. Dave Ramsey has read the Bible and he’s telling biblical principles. And he’s teaching you how to manage your money according to God.
So if you don’t know who he is, spend some time learning some of his philosophies, some using, reading some of his resources. You could even take his Financial Peace University. You can read some of his books.
“Total Money Makeover” is a great one, but get plugged in and learn more about how to handle your money. Money and possessions are the second most talked about thing in the Bible.
God’s kingdom is first, and then it’s followed by money, the poor, the rich, et cetera, or money topics. So if God is spending so much time talking to you, with “Through the Bible” about money, then it is very very important.
He’s spending a lot of time telling you how to manage your money, telling you what to do with your money, and you need to listen to him. We believe here, at Social Media Ministries, that it’s so important, we’ve created an entire playlist called “Blessed to be a Blessing.”
You can check that out in a card up here. It is filled with sermons that are specifically dedicated to money, and money management and what you are to do with your wealth. So check that out. The Bible is the ultimate financial guide.
Psalms 119:105 says “Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” It is the manual. The Bible will tell you everything you need to know about how to manage your money. You need to be wise with your money and listen to what God tells you to do with it.
Let’s go to Ecclesiastes 2:26 “To the man who pleases Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and happiness. But to the Sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth, to hand it over to the one who pleases God.” This too is meaningless: a chasing after the wind. This is one of my favorite verses. I’m going to read it again, just part of it. “To the person who pleases God, God will give wisdom, knowledge, and happiness.”
All right, so if you please God, if you listen to what he’s telling you, He will give you wisdom, knowledge, and happiness. Now this is very important, because wisdom unlocks so much more knowledge, unlocks so much more.
What are we talking about? Money. If you have wisdom and knowledge, and hold it as more precious than silver and rubies as in Proverbs, then guess what? You will receive riches and honor and long life as well.
So if you please God, He will give you this. But to the person who doesn’t please God, to the Sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth. You will gather and store wealth and then here’s the kicker, hand it over to the one who pleases God.
Who do you want to be? Do you want to be the one working for wealth to hand it over to someone else, or do you want to be the person that’s standing there “Wow! Thank you God!” and receiving all of this wealth that other people are gathering and storing up? That’s who I want to be. I want to be the one that pleases God.
So you need to be wise with your money, and do what God tells you to do with it. A fool and his money are soon parted. Therefore, be wise. There is another great saying that I like. “The man with the money meets the man with the experience. And the man with the experience gets the money, and the man with the money gets the experience.”
You get it? I hope so. God wants you to have a plan for your money. Proverbs 27:23 says “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks. Give careful attention to your herds.” Now, you probably don’t have flocks and herds. Maybe you do, you might be a farmer, but most of us don’t.
However flocks and herds were assets in Bible time, and you certainly have assets: you have bank accounts, you might have investments, you have maybe a house, car. Those are arguably not assets, but assets typically make you money. Like flocks and herds would have been used for income and building wealth.
But all of that is a financial lesson. You can dive into that on your own time, but you probably have things today. You may not have flocks and herds, but you need to know the condition of what you have.
Not only are you to know the condition of what you have, like maybe the balance of your bank account, where your money is invested, how your portfolio is performing, what returns you’re getting, if you need to move it out of silver into gold or out of gold and into Bitcoin or however
you’re investing.
You need to pay attention because this is very important. Not only do you need to know the condition, but you have to pay super careful attention to it. Now does that mean you need to be watching it, biting your nails all day long? No, it means you need to know the status.
You need to know what you have. This goes, this is way, way beyond finance. Know what you have and where you have it. Know your gear. I have a pen right here, I have a Bible right here, I have whatever my lights are here, and know where things are. Take good care of them. Take good care of those possessions, and God will give you more.
It’s very very very important, because if you know the condition of everything you have, and you know the status, and you know where it is and you’re paying careful attention to it, God will see that you’re responsible. And he will continue to give you more.
Your money needs to be budgeted, whether in your mind or on paper. Every cent needs to be accounted for. Banks do this multiple times a day, and they do it on paper. Your possessions, they need to have a place. They need to be well-maintained and taken care of.
When you’re done mowing the lawn or weed whipping or chainsawing, do you just throw it in the garage, and away you go? Or do you take and clean it up with an air compressor or a broom or a paintbrush, and you dust it all off? And you get it all clean or the hose or something and you get that cleaned up and put back on the shelf like it was as good as new, each and every time.
Of course, it can’t be as good as new, but you can clean it up and take good care of your tools. When you’re done with a shovel, do you just hang it in the garage, or throw it in the garage even worse? Or do you take the time and wipe it off and oil it so that it stays nice? If you take good care of your things, God will continue to give you more.
Your possessions need to have a place. They need to be well maintained. Nothing is lost. God doesn’t lose anything, neither should you. You want to be like God, you should never lose anything. You have to follow God’s plan. He certainly has one.
What is his plan for your money? What is his plan for your wealth? Well, there are three things that you need to do. Number one is you need to work. You need to work to achieve money. Now are you working just to get money, or are you working for the good of the Kingdom?
Right now, specifically, we are talking about the role of money. Of course your purpose in life, your calling is to build the Kingdom, to grow the Kingdom. In order to help you with that, in order to live a blessed life, a happy life, money is something that we all need. It is a tool to use.
You need to have a tool, if you want to get the work done. So what are you doing on Earth? You’re working to obtain money for this purpose. Yes your goal, your overall goal is to do the Will of God. You need to get out there and work for the Kingdom. But in terms of money and how you’re handling it, that is the first step. God wants you to work.
Next, what is it? Build wealth. Finally, build the Kingdom. Of course, while you’re working and while you’re building wealth, you should be building the Kingdom. These are all simultaneous. It’s not like you just work and work and work and work and then all of a sudden you build wealth and then all of a sudden you build the Kingdom.
No, you’re working, and as you’re working you’re bringing in money, which is you’re building wealth. And while you’re working, you’re also building the Kingdom. But as it grows bigger and bigger and bigger, eventually when you have these big nest eggs, you can start using more money to further build the Kingdom. Even more than you could years ago. Because you’re building wealth.
How do you do that? Well, it’s work. No debt, be generous. Let’s dive into some scripture. We’ve got a lot of scripture, mostly in Proverbs. So you Proverbs people are going to love today. Let’s start out “Work hard.” The Bible talks a lot about the importance of working.
We’re going to go to Proverbs:14:23. “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Hard work brings profit. What’s profit? Money. Wealth. But if you just talk about it and you never do it, poverty. What does that mean? Poor, without, lack. You have nothing. Poverty. You do not want to be there. Hard work brings profit. Let’s continue.
Proverbs 10:4 “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.” If you’re lazy, poverty. Mere talk, poverty. Hard work, profit. Diligent hands, wealth. God is telling you something here.
Let’s go to Proverbs 24, Verses 33 and 34 “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man.” If you’re lazy and you sleep and slumber and sit around, you will have poverty. You will have scarcity. You will have nothing. But if you’re diligent and you work, you will have profit, prosperity, and wealth.
Let’s continue. God wants you to be in charge of your money. He wants you to work for it, to earn it. You work and earn the money. And you build wealth. And you help others. In addition, there’s something that he doesn’t want you to have, and that’s debt.
If you are working to pay debt, you’re not building wealth, because you’re working for someone else. Do you understand what I’m saying? If you’re working to pay your debt, you’re not building or helping as much as you could. You are a slave working for that lender.
We have an entire sermon on that. It’s it’s called “Slave to the Lender.” Check it out on our YouTube channel, the podcast, or our website. Type it in: ”Slave to the Lender.” Because if you are in debt now, of course, I understand, most people are in debt and that’s okay.
Work to get out of debt. Do what you can, take an extra job, be a slave. Slaves are worked all day long to the bone, So guess what? If you got yourself in debt, become a slave. Work.
Now, of course, I’m not saying “Go be a slave and work for free.” We’re taking this as a metaphor. So slaves are worked all day long, or we’re worked all day long without pay, brutal conditions. Maybe you need to start working 80 hours a week so you can get out of your debt.
Of course, don’t kill yourself over it. Be smart, take some extra jobs, work hard, pay off your debt. Get out of debt so you’re no longer working for your debt.Let’s check out some verses to support these points.
Proverbs 22, Verse 7. Proverbs 22:7: “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” Another translation says “The borrower is slave to the lender, the rich rule over the poor.” It’s the rich that are lending you money at exorbitant interest rates. You’re paying them back, you are their slave. You are working to pay your debt. Work harder. Pay it off.
Proverbs 17, Verse 18. Proverbs 17:18 says “A man lacking in judgment strikes hands in a pledge and puts up security for his neighbor.” So if you lack in judgment, you’re striking hands in pledges. Either putting up security as in you’re guaranteeing a debt, you’re taking money and putting up security.
Like when you go to get a loan on something, and they say “What assets do you have in case you default on this loan, that we can take it?” Typically, when you go get a mortgage, this is a great example of it.
When you get a mortgage, the bank says “Well you’re going to have to put so much money down, so that if you default we have some money and we take the house.” That’s the collateral. “If you don’t have collateral to guarantee the loan, we won’t give it to you.”
And so it says here: “A person lacking in judgment strikes hands in a pledge, and puts up security.” That’s what that is talking about, collateral. If you’re putting up things for collateral and borrowing money you’re going to go take out a loan on your car because you need more money that’s not a good thing.
Or you say “I have a nice watch let me go to the pawn shop I’ll pawn it to them get some cash and then later I’m going to go buy it back and pay more than I borrowed.” That’s dumb. God doesn’t want you to do that.
He doesn’t want you to give your money away, throwing it away at worthless things. i.e. says “Hey, if you’re going to pawn something and then go pay more for it later, you should have just kept it and given that difference to the poor.
Instead of going into debt with credit cards and paying 20 percent interest, why don’t you spend your own money and then give all that money you would have paid in interest to the poor. Or to a charity, or to your church, or to feed people, or to stop slavery or human trafficking. Or donate it to Social Media Ministries, or to any other place other than the rich who are ruling over the poor.
Let’s go to Proverbs 22:26-27, 22:26-27. “Do not be a person who strikes hands in a pledge, or puts up security for debts. If you lack the means to pay your very bed will be snatched from under you.” Perfect example. You don’t pay your mortgage, the bank snatches your house. Boom, foreclosure. Hit the road.
Now, of course, a lot of people’s mortgages are something that is pretty hard to avoid. They are pretty hard to avoid. So, as Dave Ramsey teaches, get out of debt with everything else. Debt for a mortgage is okay, but pay it off as fast as you can. You need to get out of debt. Control your money, and use it to build the Kingdom.
Dave Ramsey once said, “For people that like to write off all that interest on their taxes for paying mortgages, what about paying off your house and then donating all of that?” Exactly. Build the Kingdom. Don’t get so stingy with all your money, once you start having it is the time to start giving more of it away every year.
Every year, if you believe in tithing, all right, you tithe, that’s a tenth. Tithe means tenth. We have sermons on it, you can check them all out. Tithe means tenth. That’s 10 percent. So if you are someone who says “You make some money and you give 10 percent away.”
How about this? How about each and every year that goes by, starting in whatever year you’re in right now, whenever you’re watching this, start it now. You’re giving 10 percent. Next year, 11. Next year, 12, 13, 14, 15. Try it.
You say “Wait a minute, I’m not going to try to give away more,” give away more. Give away more. My goal in life is to be able to give away 90 percent of what I make and keep 10 percent for me. That’s my goal.
Someday God’s going to get me there. It may take a while. I’m hoping to increase it by more than 1 percent every year. Once you earn money and get out of debt and you’re building wealth, guess what? You can do. Be generous.
Let’s go to some verses. Proverbs verse 3:27. Proverbs 3:27 “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it is in your power to act.” if you are making a lot of money and you have the power to act, do not withhold it. help other people donate. Give it away, bless others as God has blessed you.
Let’s go to Proverbs 11:25 Proverbs 11:25 says “A generous person will prosper. He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Refresh others and you will be refreshed. God will continue to bless you.
There is plenty more where that came from. Do you think God has limited resources? No, he has the cattle on a thousand hills and many many more. He has thousands upon thousands of Chariots. These are both in the scriptures by the way.
God has it, give it to others. He will continue to bless it. Don’t be foolish. If you’re wise with it and generous, he will continue to replenish it. It is a free-flowing spring, a never-ending well. ur finances will never run out.
Let’s go to Proverbs 22, Verse 9 “A generous person will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.” Share what you have: food, money, time. Give people rides. Whatever. It is your coats, your cloaks, your shoes. Share, you will be refreshed.
Proverbs 28:27 says “He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many many curses.” Give to the poor, you will lack nothing. Who’s poor? Are poor the people you see sitting on the side of the road with a cardboard sign? Maybe, maybe not: they might drive a Lexus.
The poor would be anyone who has less than you, that’s poor. Because to someone who has less, you’re rich, and to someone who has more, you’re poor. So what to do with your money? Who is poor to you? The poor to you would be anyone else who is less fortunate, anyone who doesn’t make what you make, or have what you have. Those are the poor. Give, be generous. God will refresh you.
Let’s go to Matthew Chapter 13, Verse 12. “Whoever has will be given more and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.” If you have, you will be given more. Refresh others and you, your self will be refreshed. God wants you to build wealth to be generous, to pass it down to the next generations. To leave an inheritance.
We have a card here, check out that sermon about “Leaving an Inheritance.” Otherwise search for it on our website, it’s very very important. It’s a playlist. You need to leave generational wealth. Build an inheritance, because guess what? God wants to bless you.
Let’s go to Proverbs 13:22 “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous. Again, just like Ecclesiastes, they’ll build up the wealth and hand it over to the one who pleases God. You need to work, build wealth, and build the Kingdom. It’s very, very important.
Let’s go to one more verse 1 Timothy 5-8 “If anyone does not provide for his relatives and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Provide for your family, leave an inheritance.
Who is your family? God says you have brothers and sisters, biologically, and you have brothers and sisters in Christ. So guess what? 1 Timothy says provide for your entire family. Brothers and Sisters in Christ and especially your immediate family, your biological. To your children and your children’s children.
How can you provide for everyone else? Unless you work hard, get out of debt, build wealth, and be generous. You can’t. So follow that model.
Let’s pray.
Lord Jesus, I pray a blessing on each and every person out there that they would be motivated to work hard to earn money, to build wealth, to build the Kingdom, to get out of debt, and to bless others as they have been blessed.
That they would be wise and knowledgeable with their money, with their resources, that they would steward it well. That they would know that they are simply taking care of it for you. They are an asset manager here on Earth. You are blessing them, and they are blessing others.
That they would treat it like a free-flowing spring. It’s never going to run dry. It will never dry up. They can keep pouring out and refreshing others, and you will continue to refresh them.
Lord, I pray that in Jesus’ name over each and every person out there, that you would give them a heart of generosity and the motivation to build wealth for your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Get out there and handle money God’s way. He has a plan for your money. Listen to him. Apply it to your life. Work hard, get out of debt, build wealth, be generous, and build the Kingdom. Have a great week, God bless.