Make Your Plans Based On God’s Plan For You
God has great plans for your life. Therefore, you need to trust Him and follow those plans. When you make plans for your life, make sure you are planning according to the plans God has for you. If you do, then your plans will succeed.
Consult God In Everything And He Will Establish Your Plans
When you consult God in everything and seek His guidance, you invite divine wisdom and power to help establish your plans. God knows what is best...
God Wants You To Be A Planner And Follow His Plan
God wants you to be a planner and plan your life according to His will. He has a divine purpose for every one of you, and it is your responsibility...
Your Plans Will Happen If You Are Making Plans According To God’s Will
It is great to have plans for your life. God is a planner and you should be as well. God has everything planned down to the tiniest detail....
God Plans In Detail, Has Great Plans For You, And Is Always In Control
God is the most detailed planner ever. No matter what circumstance, scenario, outcome, et cetera, God knows every single detail and every single...
Commit To God In ALL You Do And Your Plans Will Succeed
If your plans are continually failing, then you may have the wrong plans. It is essential to make sure that what you want for your life is precisely...