Our mission here at Social Media Ministries is to use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible.

This mission is made up of three parts, which will be further explained in this video. However, the three parts are:
1 – Use social media to reach the entire world and the next generation.
2 – Present the Bible to as many people as possible.
3 – Teach people how to understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible.

If you agree with our mission and would like to help us achieve it each and every day then please follow us on social media, like and share our videos, pray for us, and support us financially so that we will be able to reach even more people!

Thank you!

Video Transcript
My name is Spencer Coffman, and welcome to the About Us video series for Social Media Ministries. Today we are talking about our mission. The mission here at Social Media Ministries is to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible through the use of social media. That is where we get our name: Social Media Ministries.

But not only that, [our mission] is also to help those people understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. We not only want to present them with the opportunity to learn more about the Bible and to learn more about the scriptures, but we want to do that on social media. Then they can use this knowledge to understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible.

Now, where do we get this mission? Well, this mission is based upon the Great Commission which is the words of Jesus where He commands us to go out and preach the good news to all creation. If you have your Bible check it out, right here, it’s Matthew 28:16-20:

“Then the 11 disciples went to Galilee to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, and surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.”

That is where we get our mission. Now again it is based on three parts. Number one is to use social media, so we are Social Media Ministries. Why do we want to use social media to reach people? Well, nowadays it seems like children are getting on phones and they are knowing how to use iPads and tablets and computers at a much younger and younger age.

I was 15 before I had a cell phone, now kids are getting them at age five. I mean it is crazy, I didn’t even know how to use a smartphone until I was like 25 years old. Now, kids know how to use them again at age five. Kids have tablets and iPads now, whereas I have never even owned an iPad. You know what I am saying.

These children, the next generation, are all on social media and that is where we want to reach them. We want to go to them because a lot of people nowadays are not going to church anymore, so we are going to bring the church to them. That is where we get our mission: social media. We want to use that to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible.

That’s part number two: we are presenting the Bible, the living Word of God to as many people as possible—the whole world if we can—and that is where we need your help. To be on social media, to watch our stuff, to share our videos so we can reach more people.

But we are going to do more than simply present the information. We want to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible. We are going to present the scriptures, but then we are also going to present some interpretations and ask, “what does it mean?” or “how can you apply it in your life?”

We are going to teach them exactly like Jesus says: you need to go and baptize them all, so give them that information, lead them to Jesus, but then also teach them to obey everything He commands.

We are going to use social media to get that information out there. We are going to present that information to them and then we are going to teach them what that information means and how they can apply it in their life. So if that is something you can get behind, we would love to have your support.

Simply go on our website. You can see all of our sermons. You can watch all of our videos there. You can get some great information. When you find one you like, don’t be bashful; click that like button. Hit the subscribe button. Hit the bell icon to be notified of future videos. Find us on social media. Share our posts.

In addition, pray for us; that we would be able to accomplish our mission each and every day. Finally, if you really want to get behind us, put some money behind our videos, behind our mission, behind our ministry. Make a donation to Social Media Ministries. We are a 501(C)(3) non-profit in the United States and you can support us. Help us reach more people and accomplish our mission each and every day. Thank you.