After Great Britain, Russia, the three countries Russia absorbed, and Germany, combine to form the fourth beast. There will be complete chaos. Of course, they will have France and potentially nine other nations backing them as well. This will be an alliance we’ve never seen before.

Virtually every country in Europe and Asia will be united in their quest to destroy the Abrahamic faiths. Of course, destroying Judaism and Islam will be easier than destroying Christianity. After all, those faiths are more closely related to people groups like the Jews and the Arabs/Muslims.

The Christians will be more difficult to find. As a result, the war against Christianity will be nothing we’ve ever seen. It will be a bloody and gruesome slaughter as the fourth beast continues its quest to devour the earth killing anyone and everyone in its path. If Christians are still on the earth at that time. We won’t be for long.

Referenced Verses:
Daniel 7:7-8
Genesis 16:1-16
Genesis 21:2-3

If you haven’t already, please read:
Daniel 2:1-49
Daniel 7:1-28
Daniel 8:1-27
Revelation 12:1-17
Revelation 13:1-18
Revelation 14:1-20


Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to Social Media Ministries, my name is Spencer Coffman. Thank you so much for tuning in today. This is the final part of our 14-part sermon series. We have been going on this for three months now, so thank you so much for staying with us.

It has been an incredible journey. We have spoken a lot about “The End Times.” If you have not seen or listened to the other sermons up to this point please check them out, they will be listed in a card here. You can also navigate to our YouTube channel to view the playlist and watch them all and you can share them with others, talk about them with people, etc.

Today we are talking about “The End.” That is it, the end. What is going to happen? We have built up to this point for the past three months now. We have spoken about “The End Times,” Daniel’s dream, all the beasts in the dream and what they represent, and how they unite to form this fourth beast that is being fueled by the devil and the AntiChrist.

Then what will happen with the people groups and how they will go to certain places eventually it will be one world superpower against another superpower, the East against the West, and the beginning of the end.

Then really just the end, this fight that is going to finish off the world. Then at that point Christ returns, slays the beast, throws them into the abyss, the lake of sulfur, the burning fire, and then that is it. That is done.

Let’s dive into this, we have got the countries that we are in on, this beast. We have Russia and Europe and they are made of three main countries that are represented by the three beasts in Daniel’s dream. We have the lion with the wings which was Great Britain or the United Kingdom, and then those wings got broken off and became the nation of America.

Then we have Russia which is that bear, plus we cannot forget about the three ribs which are three more nations that Russia will devour or conquer. Could be part of the former Soviet Union, or could be three other nations like Iran, Syria, and Turkey as part of the Middle East conquest. We don’t know.

Then of course we have Germany the leopard with its four Riechs, four heads, and then France which is part of those two wings on the back of that leopard. They are forming together to form one huge beast like no other and they become a fourth beast.

They form one great country, great as in great not like as in awesome but it is kind of full of awe, so not as in good I guess. It is just this huge country and we know this from a few verses that we will reference quickly. They join together. How do we know they join together?

Well, Revelation Chapter 13:1-2, “I saw a beast coming out of the sea with 10 horns, seven heads, 10 crowns on its horns. Each head was a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast its power.”

That is in the next verse, so we know that the devil is behind this new beast that combines. Daniel Chapter 7:8, “While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one which came up among them and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and spoke boastfully.”

It is this new country that comes about and becomes this fourth beast. Let’s go to Verse 7, “After that in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast terrifying and very powerful. It had large iron teeth, it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different than all of the former beasts. It had 10 horns.”

We have this common theme here, there are 10 horns, which represent 10 kings, we know that from the interpretation of the part in the latter half of Daniel Chapter 7. We also know that because Revelation Chapter 13 says that the 10 horns had 10 crowns on them, they are 10 kings.

This new beast is a conglomeration of all of these other beasts. What are the beasts? The beasts are nations so let’s just switch vocabulary. The new nation that comes about because of this or the new nation is a result of these other nations coming together and forming this great alliance.

Potentially like the United Nations, they are ruled by 10 leaders of which three of them get ousted and one new one takes the place of those three. They have this new nation that has the support of these 10 horns or these other 10 allied countries with them.

This one beast, this one nation of Europe, Great Britain/United Kingdom area, Russia, Germany, France, is one new nation, one beast that has the support of 10 other allied nations with it. How many countries are we talking about here that are going to be united together?

It could be a lot. Let’s just hypothetically say that “We have the United Kingdom which is made up of several countries, Germany, we have France, we have Russia, and then the three other countries that Russia devours, whether it is three Middle Eastern countries or it is part of the Baltic areas, Ukraine and those part of the USSR. So three more.”

We have for sure eight plus, we have 10 more nations that are going to ally with it. Part of those horns now of course, some of those horns are probably from the existing or maybe it is just one person, one leader that rules all of those other countries that form that new nation and then nine more we don’t know.

It is for sure anywhere from eight to 15 countries or nations that will come together to form this final beast and that support each other. The 10 other allied countries, the 10 horns, part of that 10 could be part of those.

I have a great feeling that let’s say “It is 10, but three of them, one for Russia, one for Germany, and one for the United Kingdom, France, Germany, European Union, and one for the United Kingdom.” So one, two, three, plus seven more, and then eventually one horn comes out and knocks off the three and becomes one.

What would that be? That could mean that then that one nation that started it all. Instead of having three leaders, Russia, Germany for example, and the United Kingdom instead of having three, they all merge and get rid of them and one person takes over ruling that entire area. Then we have of course the other horns that are there as well, the other allied countries.

This is incredible, it is very very very big and in these other countries that are allied with it, they could change in time, it could be different. Could be a nation that maybe a couple of states merge and come up with a new name that we don’t know of at this point.

The point is that there are anywhere from seven to nine other nations that could come about or ally together by the time the fourth beast is formed. We don’t know what countries will be countries at that time due to our world of war and conflict and people always trying to overtake others. It could all change.

Remember this is set in a time of war and strife and the multitudes of people are going to be fighting amongst themselves, so a lot of things could change at that time. The bottom line is that virtually all of Europe and most of Asia are going to unite to destroy, not only the Islamic terrorist groups, but they will destroy Islam as well.

Why are they going to go after Islam? It is because Islam is an Abrahamic faith. What does that mean? The world’s three major religions came from Abraham directly. What are they? Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all came from Abraham as a direct descendant.

How? Why do we say that? How do we say that? Well because Abraham had a child named Ishmael and that was a people group and then they became Islam. Then he had a child named Isaac who was another people group, they eventually became Jews and then Christians.

So Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are known as the Abrahamic faiths. This isn’t something I am making up or I am coming up with, you can type in Abrahamic faith and read all about it on Google or other search engines if you want.

There is a reason that this new beast led by the dragon or the AntiChrist is going to destroy Islam. This AntiChrist may be using the radical Islamic terrorists to help further their mission. We don’t know if radical Islam, these terrorist groups that claim that religion is providing them the ability to commit these acts of evil, are false.

You go ask Muslims, the word Muslim or the word Islam is they are both derived from peace. If you go talk to a practicing Muslim and ask them do you believe it is okay to do all of this stuff? The majority of them are going to say “No.” They do not support what the terrorist groups do. Some of them are going to lie to you and say that they don’t support it, but they do.

I mean it is exactly like any other religion. You talk to Christians and they say “Do you think it is right that this person is killing in the name of God?” Some people are going to say “Yes,” and some people are going to say “No.” But the point is the people who are out there doing that, are not being led by their religion. Religion is peaceful, they have distorted something.

It is also possible that the AntiChrist could be behind that distortion and is leading them astray. It is very likely because usually, it is a demon or something that has a foothold in their life. The fact is that these radical Islamic terrorists could be a tool of the AntiChrist.

Then this new nation that is the beast, this new beast, this new country, this new nation which is going to have the dragon behind it or the AntiChrist behind pushing it, it is really like the AntiChrist is getting behind all these people and causing them to fight against each other and then is creating one big world power.

It is going to attack the rest of the religion that isn’t controlled or doesn’t have a demon foothold on them. It is going to wipe out the rest of Islam. Why? Because it is birthed from Ishmael. If we go to Genesis Chapter 16 we would see that Ishmael is one of Abraham’s children.

I will jump down. This is the whole chapter about Hagar and Ishmael and how Abraham could not have a child with Sarah, so Sarah’s servant Hagar was given to Abraham and she had Ishmael.

“The Lord says to her, ‘Go back to your mistress and submit to her.’ The angel added I will increase your descendants for they will be too numerous to count. You are now with a child. You will have a son and you shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard of your misery.” That is Ishmael from one of the Abrahamic faiths.

The next one, we continue, this fourth beast he is attacking these descendants, these Abrahamic faiths. If he goes after Ishmael and wipes out Islam, then where is he going to go next? Isaac. Isaac is gone of course, but Isaac and the next descendants of Abraham and Sarah have created Judaism and Christianity.

The next thing that they will do, this nation is going to attack Christians and Jews. Now of course this is no surprise and it is nothing new in history when a nation or a people group is attacking the Jews. This has happened back in Bible times.

In the Book of Esther Haman tried to wipe out the Jews. We have Russian leaders like Lenin and Stalin going after Jews. We have Hitler of course going after Jews. This fourth beast, this new nation going after Jews is going to simply be another thing that happens and is part of history.

For some reason, the world does not like God’s people, so they will go and attack the Christians and the Jews. Genesis 21:2-3 is the birth of Isaac, so we will read that quickly. “Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age at the very time God had promised him. Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him.”

So Isaac and Ishmael are two proponents of Abrahamic faiths, Islam and then of course Judaism and Christianity. That is what this beast is going to start attacking and going after. Once Islam is gone, the reason we say Islam is first is because of the world today.

Radical Islamic terrorists are over in the Middle East and so what is the easiest thing for that new nation to go after? What is the easiest way for Russia the United Kingdom France, or Germany to ally? It is to ally against a common enemy that is already there. Prevalent terrorism.

That is one of the only things that if they allied against terrorism the United States would allow to happen because they have a war on terror going as well. They can say, “All right, fine you guys want to join in this fight of terror, you take it on your side and we will let it happen and we will allow it.”

They could do that and start wiping out terrorism, expand to wiping out Islam, and then of course Israel is over there, the Jews. So they could start wiping out Jews. Then we would have an influx into the United States of these refugees, of Christians that are fleeing that area because Christianity is very prevalent in Russia and Europe and we could have the Islam religion.

Muslims fled that area as they started getting wiped out and then of course, Jews fled that area as those nations started getting taken over as well. Then here we will have the United States as a haven and a refuge for the remaining people of those Abrahamic faiths and eventually, this beast will turn its focus and go after the only powerful nation left which is the United States.

At that time the end will truly have begun. The people of God are going to be attacked, persecuted, and slaughtered. If Christians are still here at that time they won’t be for long. There will either be, they will be pulled out and then the rest of this will run its course, or Christ comes back and demolishes it and finishes it once and for all.

You can read a lot more about that in the Book of Revelation and also of course Daniel, we have gone through a lot of Daniel. I hope that you have enjoyed this sermon series. That you know now exactly what these beasts mean.

What they represent and you can pay attention to the signs of the times that will be given to us when these countries start to get together and ally, we can know what to look for next. Start looking for terrorism to be wiped out, maybe some peace. Start looking for this new nation to start attacking religions. Start looking for an influx of refugees.

Start looking for people uniting against the common enemy or even people turning from their ways and worshiping this new nation for some time while this one new king that knocked out the other three is speaking these profound proud arrogant blasphemies and then people start worshiping that new nation or country.

Then eventually America said “Enough is enough” and then it was this major war of the east against the west and it was a religious war. It is this AntiChrist beast fighting to try to wipe out Christians Jews and Muslims.

We know that at some point based on the rest of Revelation, that at some point the four horsemen come and the corners of the earth that are being restrained get let loose and all kinds of natural disasters and catastrophes happen.

We didn’t get into any of these Revelation prophecies that relate to the end times but they could also have representations of things and they come in and wipe out a third of humanity and people are just gonna start dying like crazy because of this. When that stuff starts happening we know truly that it is the time of the end.

I hope that you have enjoyed this series. Please feel free to use those share icons and those like buttons and share this with other people. Communicate with them, and engage in the discussion. We have 14 different posts on our Facebook page, Instagram, throughout YouTube that you can comment on and engage in.

Feel free to engage in discussion on all of them. I know that could be a lot, but feel free. Just remember please be polite and respectful of other people’s thoughts, beliefs, and opinions as well.

Let’s pray. Lord Jesus thank you so much for such a powerful sermon series. Thank you to every person out there who has stuck with us through these three months of excellent, excellent messages.

I ask that each of them be intrigued and fueled and something inside of them would be ignited that they would dive into your word and find the correlations and be like a crazy person putting up a big timeline on their wall with all the strings and notes and pictures and everything like that.

They would really dive into this of course within reason and then also share it with others and draw people into your word and then they would use that as a great way to increase the Kingdom of God. Please touch every person. Give them eyes to see and ears to hear and put a blessing upon their life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thanks again. This has been a great series. I have enjoyed presenting it to you. I hope you have enjoyed it. If it is something you have enjoyed please comment below with some words of encouragement for me.

It has been a lot to do. There has been a lot of research. It has been three months. It is more than just a 20-minute presentation, it is a lot of preparation, a lot of reading, and a lot of research so it has been a lot.

This has been a very taxing series. Please any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. If you did enjoy it also feel free to like and share the videos and check out the links below.

Please continue supporting us in prayer. You can buy our T-shirts, you can support us financially, all of that, all of it is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for all you do, and for continuing to watch and support Social Media Ministries. God bless.