Debt is a heavy weight. It is bondage. If you are in debt, then you are under someone else’s thumb. You could be their slave. Not literally in today’s world, but definitely figuratively. You are working for them. Your income is going to pay that debt. You are a slave to the lender.

It’s time to take control of your finances and break free from the chains of debt. You deserve financial freedom, but it won’t come easy. It takes hard work, dedication, and sacrifice.

The first step is acknowledging that you have a problem. Ignoring your debt will only make things worse in the long run. Once you’ve accepted that you need to make changes, it’s time to create a plan.

Start by making a budget and sticking to it religiously. Cut out unnecessary expenses like eating out or buying new clothes every month. Instead, focus on paying off your debts as quickly as possible.

Consider consolidating your debts into one manageable payment with lower interest rates if necessary – this can help simplify things while also saving money in the long term.
Remember: getting out of debt isn’t easy – but nothing worth having ever comes easily! With persistence and determination, you will become debt free!

Make the decision to free yourself! Start working harder and get out of debt. Pay off your loans and stop working to pay off other people. Start working to pay your own bank account. Then, start giving some of that money away to help others.

Referenced Verses:
Proverbs 22:7
Proverbs 6:1-7
Matthew 13:12
Luke 19:26
Proverbs 17:16
Proverbs 21:20
Proverbs 28:20-22


Video Transcript
Hello, and welcome to Social Media Ministries. My name is Spencer Coffman. Thank you so much for tuning in today. If this is your first time, please take advantage of the description below. We have got a lot of links down there that you can click on and navigate to our social media accounts and follow us on all our different social media channels.

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Today we are talking about a message that could shake you up a little bit. It is something about your finances and how you have everything set up. The main thing to remember is that if you are in debt, you are a slave. Write that down. We are going to explain why and how. What is going on about that?

If you are in debt, you are a slave. You are a slave. The borrower is slave to the lender. As a matter of fact, it is right out of the Bible. “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7.

If you have your Bibles, dig them out, we got a lot of Scripture to go over. If you do not, check out the link, the description below has all kinds of references that you can come back and read at a later time.

So if you follow God’s plan for your money, you will learn to hate debt. There are some people out there, some financial advisors or planners or speakers that say you are to hate debt. They give you permission to hate debt. Now of course, debt is a tool that can be used for a great way to advance your lifestyle or the Kingdom, whatever it may be.

Debt is a tool, but the minute you start taking debt too far you become a slave. Who are you a slave to? The lender. You are a slave to whoever lent you that money. Why? Well, because if you cannot pay, they are going to come calling.

In addition, all the while you are trying to pay, you are a slave, you are working for them. You might think you are working for your job, but you are getting money and your money is going to your lender. You are working for them.

Now like I said, debt is a tool. You need a mortgage to get a house. Great. If you want to advance you might need a business loan. You want to buy more properties, you might need more loans in order to do that.

The thing is, you have to be smart about taking those loans. They have a cash flow so that no matter what, you can pay the loan, and any cash flow coming in on that investment or on that loan, can pay the loan. So that if you walked away or you died, boom all that is covered because you did it wisely.

The borrower is slave to the lender. Do you want to be a slave? I do not think so. I know I do not, but that does not mean I do not still have loans. You just have to follow the right plan and set things up properly.

Let’s go to Proverbs Chapter 6 Verses 1 to 8. “My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor, if you have struck hands in a pledge for another, you have been trapped by what you have said, and snared by the words of your mouth. Then do this, my son, free yourself since you have fallen in your neighbor’s hands: Go and humble yourself.

“Press your plea with your neighbor! Allow no sleep to your eyes, no slumber to your eyelids. Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the snare of the fowler. Go to the ant, you sluggard: consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores provisions in the summer and gathers food at harvest.”

Keep reading, continue on, it is great. What is the point? If you have struck hands in a pledge and been trapped by the words of your mouth, if you have agreed to be in debt, do this right away. Press your plea. What can you do now? Obviously, a lot of places, banks, lenders, loan companies, they are not going to just say, “Yeah, no problem, we will forgive it.”

But press your plea with them. What does that mean? Try to negotiate something. “Hey, can we get a reduced interest rate? Can we get 0% interest for the next so many months? Can we do that? What can we do?”

Press your plea with them right away, do not sleep on it for a few days, go. Then do this, free yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter. What is a gazelle? That is a super fast animal. Run, free yourself, get away from this debt like a bird from the fowler. What do they do? They fly away real fast, they are gone. Free yourself.

How do you free yourself? Start making payments. Pay it off. Get out of debt. Now, of course, like I said, you can have what we are going to call good debt. Now if you need more lessons on finance and money and good debt and bad debt and how to use debt as a tool, use it correctly.

If you need to screw in a screw on your outlet cover, your light switch, and you get a hammer, this is what you are trying to accomplish, that is bad debt. You need good debt. You need that screwdriver to screw that in and accomplish that properly. If you need any help with that finance area, comment below and we will get you connected.

We have got other great resources that you can learn more about money and finance and investing. In addition, we have got several sermons on the topic of money because it is very important in your life to follow God’s plan for your money.

One note about debt though, sometimes yes it can be good, but debt is still something that you want to try to avoid for the reason of your debt is supporting the company to which you are indebted to. For example, if you get a loan from a bank and that bank is not run by Christians or the Kingdom of God, you are now supporting something outside the Kingdom of God.

Now that is not something that you need to really worry about too much. But for example, Wells Fargo, that company has done so much evil, it is incredible they are still in business. Yeah, I singled it out, I did. You want to know about what they have done? You can do some research. I will not get into it. We are not going to even set the stage for any type of a legal course here.

If you are in debt with some other company, whether it is a credit card company, whether it is a bank, a personal lender, whatever the case may be, loan shark, if those people are not of God, then your money is going to support something outside the Body of Christ. Therefore, if you go into debt, it would be best to do it with people who are within the Kingdom of God.

In general, if you are in debt, your income is coming out, gone, and it is going to someone who is wiser than you unless you are using debt as a proper tool. But you need to follow God and get out of debt. Free yourself. Run.

Think about this. Think of the good your money could do if it were going where God wanted it to go. To the right people who God wanted to go to. Check out this video on using your gifts. It is a great sermon, a great message, navigate to our YouTube channel. It is called “Use Your Gifts.”

Matthew Chapter 13 Verse 12, “Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” The big banks are rich.

They lend you money at an interest rate and you pay it back and they make even more money. They have an abundance. But you in proportion to them have nothing and even what you have is being taken from you. It is going out of your hand and into their pocket.

Luke 19:26 is a similar Verse, check it out, “He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but for the one who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.’” Why? Borrower is slave to the lender.

Everything you have, out, gone to the lender. Look at how perfectly it applies to the world today. Like I said, loan companies are loaded with money, they collect tons of money. Whether it is in interest, premiums, fees from people like you who have nothing compared to them. Money flows from the hands of fools to the hands of the wise.

Proverbs 17 Verse 16, “Of what use is money in the hand of a fool since they have no desire to get wisdom.” Money flows from the hands of fools to the hands of the wise. Why? Because the fools do not have any desire to get wisdom.

The wise want wisdom, so guess what? They are going to get the money, and then what are they going to do with it? They are going to get wisdom. Though it costs you all, you have to get wisdom. “Get understanding,” Solomon says.

So if you are in debt, what must you do? Number one, work hard to pay off your debt. It might take time, it could take you a couple years. Do not worry. Formulate a plan, free yourself. Maybe your plan is more complicated than someone else’s plan. Someone might say, “We are gonna cut our budget down, we are gonna make more payments.”

Someone else might say, “I am getting another job and I am going to pay even more.” Someone might say, “I am going to go into more debt and do a business opportunity that is going to cash flow to pay off,” more complicated. Whatever your plan is, make sure you have one and make sure it is working for you.

Know it is gonna take time. You can go into debt in two seconds, you can go on, punch up a loan, boom you got the money. You could spend it, it is gone. It could take you 20 years to pay that off. Just remember the borrower is slave to the lender.

Who are you really working for? Think about when you are going to go into debt or when you are going to strike hands in a pledge or a partnership, who are you partnering with? Are they of God?

The more people that you can have in your life that are of God and the more people you partner with that are in the Kingdom of God, generally, the better that is going to go. Now of course, some people claim that they are of God and then you may partner with them because they say they are a Christian, but generally, that really works out poorly, at least in my experience.

Several things. Christian companies that proclaim they are Christian, Christian people that say they are a Christian business, oftentimes they are the most difficult. Why? Well because they are not really who they are claiming to be. They are false. They have a false doctrine. They are a false pretense.

They are liars. So you have got to be really careful; you have to sift them. If someone says they are, make sure they really are who they say they are. Test them. There is nothing against testing your fellow humanity, fellow mankind, make sure they really are who they say they are.

Work to make sure that you are wisely handling your money. Income is yours, it is given to you by God. What are you doing with it? Are you foolishly giving it away to companies and in interest rates to people who are not using it to grow the Kingdom? Are you using it wisely and letting it grow and being fruitful and multiplying? You worked hard for your money, why not keep it? Really, seriously, why not keep it?

Proverbs 21:20, “In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish person devours all they have.” What is this saying? In the house of the wise they keep, they take care of their stuff, they have stores, they have provisions, they are ready. The grocery store truck does not come in this week, they are fine.

They have got stores of choice food and oil. They have got their groceries, they have got the cupboards full, the fridge stocked, the freezer is full. Their bank accounts are good, they have taken care of their stuff, they have stored it for a rainy day.

But the foolish people devour all they have. They get it and it is gone, they get the money and it is gone. Their money is spent before it is even deposited in their bank account. These types of people, you could probably think of one, that they have got all their money spent.

They say, “I am going to get this paycheck but it is already gone. I have already spent it. This has got to go here, this has got to go here, this has got to go here.” A foolish person devours all they have. That money is being devoured right away. Do not be like that, and if you are like that, make an effort to change.

Proverbs 28:20, “A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.” Be faithful, work hard, be diligent. Diligent hands will prosper. Keep at it. Yes, it might take you a while, but keep going. If you stop that and you try some get-rich-quick, someone who is eager to get rich and says, “Man, I got 50-grand in debt. I got to pay it off in six months.” Probably not gonna happen.

“I am gonna go to the casino,” “I am gonna enter a poker tournament,” “I am gonna strike hands in this business,” “I am gonna develop a property,” “I am going to whatever the case may be,” “I am going to rob a bank,” one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. You will have your fill of poverty.

“To show partiality is not good. A man will do wrong for a piece of bread. A stingy man is eager to get rich, unaware that poverty awaits him.” Poverty awaits. That is if you are eager to get rich. That is a sign of greed. Also a sign of idolatry. Maybe you are putting money above God. Just know that if you are in debt, you can live in debt. Work to get out of it. Free yourself, because the borrower is slave to the lender.

Some take-home points. Debt is okay as long as it is used correctly. If you have to go into debt, make sure that it is something that you talk about, it is not something you enter into lightly. God has a plan for you. He has a plan for your money. Make sure you are following that plan. How? Do what it is. Talk to Him.

In addition, if you are in debt, make a plan. How are you going to pay it off? How are you going to get out of debt? What are you doing with your time, with your resources? Are you using your gifts? Now you might say, “I have a gift of preaching or prophecy or teaching, I am using my gifts. But it is not paying me very well.” Well, it is better to use your gifts and have little, than to go do something else and have a lot.

Use your gifts. “Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all else will be given to you as well.” That is very very important. That is in Matthew 6:33, by the way. Seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness and everything else will be given to you.

Store treasure in Heaven. You will have everything you need here on earth. Remember you are better than birds. Check out that sermon. It is a good one, “Better Than Birds.” You are better than birds. God will take care of you. Have a plan and follow the plan.

Let’s pray. Lord Jesus, thank You for all of the monetary discussion that You have given us in the Bible. I ask that if those out there are struggling with finance, that they would start seeking Your knowledge and Your wisdom on how to handle their financial situations.

That if they need help, if they need guidance, they would comment below so we could refer them and get them connected with resources and people who could help them understand their situation and change their situation.

Lord, I ask that they would realize how important it is, that they would know that the borrower is truly a slave to the lender. That if they owe money somewhere, that they are working for them ultimately and that if they are in debt, not to panic. That it is okay as long as they have a plan to see it through and to get out.

Lord, I ask that they would start to follow Your plan for their money. That they would seek Your Kingdom and Your righteousness and then they would have everything else given to them, like Solomon sought Your wisdom and became very very wealthy.

You have said that if we meditate on Your Scripture and do what it says, then we will be prosperous and successful. Lord, I pray that upon each and every person out there, that they would start doing what Your Word says and the prosperity and success would follow. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thank you very much for giving us your time this week. We hope the message has been great. If you have any questions, please comment below. We would love to help you out. In addition, if you need prayer, comment below. If you need prayer for your finances or any area of your life, comment below. Have a great week. God bless.