September has been a busy month for Social Media Ministries. We have been working to expand our reach so more people can hear the good news of Jesus Christ!

We would really appreciate your support! Please pray for us! Also, please like, comment, and share our posts on social media to help more people see them! In addition, if you are willing to donate, please give on our website.

Our monthly accomplishments:
– Continued Posting 1 Sermon Each Week
– Continued Posting 1 Podcast Each Week
– Continued the Ministry Minute on Social Media
– Continued the Ministry Minute Podcast
– Achieved Top Rated Status on Great NonProfits 
– Scheduled Speaking Events For October
– Connected With 2 Potential Volunteers For Marketing & Mobile App
Get involved here!
– Received a Grant From Walmart
Donate here!

Video Transcript

Hey everyone, Spencer Coffman here with Social Media Ministries. Welcome to the September 2023 monthly update and status report. September has been an awesome month for us. We are really progressing, we are starting to get right to the edge of several major breakthroughs.

What have we done in September? We have continued posting the video sermons every single week on YouTube, our website, etc. So make sure you watch them. We are in the middle of a great sermon series right now about the 12 apostles, check it out, it is excellent and it is going to continue being excellent, it is probably going to be one of my favorite sermon series that we have done so far.

What else have we got? The podcast is still going out every single week, so that is pretty cool. Then the ministry minute, that is a daily minute-long devotional each and every day, seven days a week that you can watch for 60 seconds. You have no excuse. It is a verse and about the verse, so it is an awesome devotional to fuel your day, to start your morning.

What is really cool is across all our platforms, we have probably got about a thousand views. Now whether they are individual, we estimate it is about a thousand to about two thousand views. We probably have about 800 to 1200 people who are regularly watching that ministry minute.

For those of you who are regular viewers of the ministry minute, we need some help. Please comment on the video, all you need to do is hit like, say amen or I love this verse or something simple. But comment, because it helps other people see those videos. We need your support, start commenting wherever you are watching the ministry minute devotional.

Those are the kind of maintenance things. We have been continuing with some new stuff that happened in September. We are now certified, registered on a platform called Great Non-Profits, but what is even cooler is that we have received a top-rated status with Great Non-Profits. For those of you in the non-profit world, you kind of know what this means.

Great Non-Profits is one of those organizations that oversees everything and if you receive top-rated status from them, basically what that says is that you are a trusted non-profit, you are good with the resources, you are legitimate, all of those good things that people look for when looking at non-profits. Maybe not people, but especially organizations, grant providers, etc, so it is pretty awesome that we have received the top-rated status with Great Non-Profits.

We have also set up our October month to be pretty good. We have got some events scheduled. We have got some speaking engagements hopefully that are gonna kind of pan through. So please pray for us, that those will happen, that as October comes in we have got some appointment dates booked, that they will go well. That they will reach more people.

That doors will open for Social Media Ministries to get in even more places to speak in front of audiences to connect with people, to reach politicians and senators and mayors and people on councils and boards so that we can start reaching more people throughout all levels of individuals all the way up to government for Jesus Christ. So pray for that.

We also have two more volunteers that are expressing interest. One of them for marketing and one of them for mobile app development, so pray that they would both decide to work with Social Media Ministries. We have just started speaking with them, so they are going to check stuff out. We are going to kind of keep communicating and then they are going to make a decision on whether this is something they want to really get involved with.

Both of these, marketing and mobile app development are obviously pretty important parts of our ministry. They are going to require some work and some expertise and knowledge, so pray that these are the right people. That they will know what they are doing and that they will really want to help Social Media Ministries and then that we can have this stuff come to fruition.

Better marketing to reach more people for God and for Jesus and of course a mobile app to reach more audiences, because then they can download on their phone, everything can be in one place. It will add some great convenience. So please help us out, pray that that goes well.

One other thing that we have, this is a pretty big highlight for us as being a non-profit, we always have limited financial resources. As a matter of fact, we are still paying for our startup expenses over two years ago. It was all financed. We financed it to get going.

But we have received a grant from Walmart that we can use on any operational expenses, so thank God for that. Pray for us that we receive more and if it is in your heart to help us and if it has to be something specific, if you want the money to go to something specific, you can specify that. We are not worried about that. We just need more resources to reach more people.

What are we going to use this Walmart grant for? It is going to go toward operational expenses. We still have to pay off our equipment, so that is going to get paid which is excellent. We still need to pay our legal fees. We are almost done with that, but that is something that needs to be paid.

In addition, we want to start marketing more, so we need to put a budget behind some of these posts and videos to start advertising. We also are soon to be needing a new camera, one that has a better front-facing camera so that is something that we are going to look at for next year. But we can get into that as time goes on. But the point is that when we are running a ministry and a non-profit we have got things we want to do. A lot of things like we want to reach more people.

We want to partner with other organizations. We want to start doing service projects in communities. We have tons of ideas and all of them take resources. So if you want to donate and you just want to give money, that is great. You can do that on our website.

Obviously continue to pray for us, comment on our videos, like our videos, all of that really really helps. If you have money that you want to give and you want to know where it is going and what it is doing, feel free to contact us. You can contact us via email, through our website, we can communicate, we can get on the phone, whatever it takes. If you want to know exactly where your dollar is going, that is not a problem. We are fully transparent. We are excellent stewards. We have to be because that is what we preach, so we need to be the same.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We hope you enjoyed this month’s September 2023 Social Media Ministries monthly update and progress report. Thank you and God bless.