Here is our September 2021 status update for Social Media Ministries. September has been a pretty good month. Please continue to pray for us and help us accomplish our mission by sharing our videos on your social media accounts.

Here are the highlights:
-Continued posting 1 video sermon each week.
-Held our first quarterly board meeting.
-Distributed the Social Media Ministries Podcast. Visit for a list of places to subscribe.

Unfortunately, we still haven’t received our IRS letter. Hopefully, that will arrive soon and we can begin getting verified on fundraising platforms. Please comment below if there are any platforms you recommend.

Thank you!

Video Transcript

Hey everyone, Spencer Coffman here with Social Media Ministries. This is the September 2021 monthly update and status report. Check out the previous monthly updates in a Card up here. We have a playlist for you, we have got a few of them up there, rather than having all board meetings a bunch of times we thought we will do these videos, give you guys monthly updates.

What have we done in the month of September? Well, we have done a few things, this will be a shorter video but still an important one. We continue to post one video sermon each week, every Wednesday at 6:30 pm Central is our sermon. Be sure to click the bell icon down there and the subscribe button so that you are alerted every Wednesday when we post those videos.

Another thing we did was hold our first quarterly board meeting. Now you might be saying, ‘Hey, there is a repeat. You already said you had a board meeting in the last video’. Well yes, that was our organizational board meeting. We had the organizational board meeting and then a special meeting to resolve to enact the policies, open a bank account, etc. That was before now. This month we had our first quarterly board meeting, that was exciting but pretty much uneventful. Basically, a repeat of everything that I tell you guys here in these videos, and then we moved on.

Now the other thing we did, this is an exciting thing, it is something I hope that you will like and that you will share with your friends. We started the Social Media Ministries podcast. Basically, it involves taking the audio versions of all of these sermons instead of video and then distributing it out there all over the place where podcasts are hosted. You can check that out.

There will be a link in the description below It is going to be on there where all of the links that you can go to, to subscribe at your favorite podcast platform places like Amazon, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify; all the big names. We will be on there and that is very exciting. Hopefully, you will listen there, or watch the video, or do both.

The next thing, we are still waiting on our IRS designation letter, so that is a little bit disappointing because we need that in order to be completely official as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We need that in order to prove that we have the nonprofit status and until we get that we really can’t do any official fundraising through platforms like eBay for Charity or Amazon Smiles or the Target Giving or YouTube, Google Giving, and Charity where people can donate through that.

If there are any other places that you think we should fundraise please let us know in the comments below, because I really want to get geared up for getting online and accepting donations to help support this ministry and this cause. If that is something you want to do feel free to comment below, we will have the non-profit status so anything you give will be tax deductible which is a good advantage. That is something to keep in mind as well.

In addition, what else do we need? Well, we currently have all the equipment that we need. We have all of the cameras the lights and everything, we have a studio provided by [Coffman Everlasting] which is really great. Basically, they are letting us use all of their stuff for free, that is awesome. We are making some sound panels, we are getting those again through from Coffman Everlasting. They are going to let us use everything, so that is a good blessing.

What can you do? Pray for us, help us continue to post, have the energy to do so, and that the areas that we do it in will continue to go well. We had a little bit of a flood problem this last month with water coming into the studio, so that was a little bit of a hindrance but it wasn’t too bad. Everything is good. Now continue to pray for us that things go well and that we can move forward.

Pray that we get that IRS designation letter, that is our number one prayer request right now. We need that and then we need to start getting some funds so that we can get out to more people, because right now our podcast, we just launched it, there are no subscribers; the YouTube channel, there are very little subscribers, we get about 10 views on the videos if we are lucky, we need to make that be like 1,000, so that is our goal.

We gotta dream big, help us get there, pray for us, share these videos, like them, subscribe to the channels, anything you can do to help because we are Social Media Ministries and the only way we can reach more people on social media is if people like you share on their social media.

If you could do that, that would be great. This has been the September 2021 monthly update. That is all I have got for you. If you need a recap check out the description below where I will have it all listed. In addition, be sure to watch our other monthly updates so you can see all the progress we have made.

God bless.