Defeat is in Satan’s nature. It is his identity. He has been defeated time and time again, will continue to be defeated, and will ultimately be defeated for all eternity. It’s a bleak future for him. Therefore, when Satan is attacking you, remember that you’ve already won. He has already been defeated. Satan lost the battle before it even began. He stood no chance.
As long as you have Jesus within you then you have already won. Satan has been defeated. He IS defeated. So, next time you’re feeling down and it seems like Satan is wreaking havoc on your life, simply remind him that you’ve already won with Jesus. Then tell him to leave!
You have the power to resist his temptations and overcome any obstacles he may throw your way. Don’t let fear or doubt consume you, instead, stand firm in your faith and trust that God will always be by your side.
It’s important to remember that Satan is a master of deception, but with God’s guidance and strength, you can see through his lies. Stay vigilant in prayer and surround yourself with positive influences who will uplift you during times of struggle.
Don’t give up on yourself or lose hope when faced with adversity. Instead, use it as an opportunity to grow stronger in both mind and spirit. Remember that every challenge presents itself for a reason – embrace it as a chance for personal growth.
So next time Satan comes knocking at your door, don’t cower away in fear – stand tall knowing that victory has already been won!
Referenced Verses:
Revelation 20:10
Ezekiel 28:17
Genesis 3:15
John 10:28
Galatians 3:26
Galatians 2:20
Video Transcript
If you have not seen it, check it out in a card here and navigate to our YouTube channel where you can find the playlist for this sermon series “Why Does God Allow Satan To Attack You?”
Well, it could be for two reasons: number one is a course correction. Number two would be that there is some heavenly battle going on that you know nothing about and that you are a key part in that battle, so keep the faith and praise God that you are fortunate enough to be in that battle.
Today we are talking about Satan and how he is already defeated. If you are a returning visitor with us, please, I hope that you are engaging in some discussion. Share these videos, help bring other people to Social Media Ministries and to the Bible, to these interpretations and the Scriptures in the Bible. If you are new here, again, feel free to check out our channel, check out the links in the description below, follow us on social media, and get plugged in.
Satan has already been defeated, already been defeated. You do not have to worry about him, his fate is sealed, everything is done, it is over. Someday he will be cast into Hell for all eternity. How do we know this? Well, this is in the Bible. Revelation 20:10. If you have your Bibles, please turn with me. Use your Bible.
Revelation 20:10 says, “And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” Wow, that seems kind of harsh, tormented day and night forever and ever.
The devil is here on Earth tormenting you day and night, for your whole time you are here. He has been tormenting everyone else, all the Christians, he is tormenting them. This is justice. His fate is sealed. Remember God, the devil, all of them, they live outside of time, in fact in an instant.
When Jesus was on the earth, He was casting out some of these demons that have been tormenting people and this one said, “Have you come to torture us before the appointed time?” He said, “Silence, stop telling people what is going to happen, what has already happened, we live outside of time.” For them everything is in a moment, in an instant, this great battle, everything has happened, we are simply going through it, we have not lived it yet.
But they know their fate. The demons know their fate. They know what is going to happen to them. Their fate is sealed. There is nothing they can do. They are here trying to cause as much havoc, as much destruction as possible, until their appointed time. They are like, “All right, I have this much time. I am going to do my worst for this much time until I am condemned for all eternity.”
Do not let them grab you. They are going to try. They have already been defeated. Though God has not only defeated Satan already once but twice. The first time He defeated Satan’s rebellion, Satan had a group and they were grumbling against God, they were complaining against God, then it evolved into muttering and a mutiny rose up.
We have talked about complaining and the importance of not doing that and what the difference is between muttering on our channel. So you could check out a card here to go to that video, otherwise navigate to that channel. It is called “Do Not Complain or Do Everything Without Complaining.” No arguing.
They were doing that and they caused this mutiny to happen and all of a sudden, they fought and God defeated Satan and Satan’s band of angels, the mutinous crew, and threw him out of Heaven. He cast them out of there, cast them to Earth. Cast him here to Earth.
Ezekiel 28:17, this is God talking to Satan, “Your heart became proud on account of your beauty and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth. I made a spectacle of you before kings.” Then it continues on with everything, He is speaking to Satan here. Satan was like His number one guy, His first mate.
Satan was decked out in jewels. He was really awesome to look at, beautiful. He became proud; pride comes before destruction. God destroyed him, cast him out, down to Earth. Then what did he do here? His first act, he was able to usurp control of the Earth from the humans.
He tricked Adam and Eve and he stole the dominion of the Earth. So now he is here roaming to and fro, he is in charge of it all. It is his within moderation, within some rules set by God. Okay so that was the first time he defeated Satan, but Satan was still trying to rise. He took over the Earth.
Then when was the next time? He defeated Satan when Jesus died on the cross. Satan thought he was winning. He was like, “Whoa, you sent Jesus to my Earth, I am going to kill Him.” And so he puts all these plans in motion and the Jews, the Sadducees, the Pharisees, they are plotting to kill Jesus all throughout Jesus’ ministry. They are plotting to kill Jesus.
So Satan is like, “Man, God, you made a tactical error. I cannot believe you sent Him to my domain. I am going to kill Him.” The whole time Satan is planning and scheming and eventually Jesus gets crucified and Satan is like, “I told you. I won. I won.” Then all of a sudden, three days later—
We are going to talk about why it took Jesus three days to rise in a future sermon, it will be really great. But some stuff was happening during the three days. Jesus had a mission and He was accomplishing it, and as these days went on, Satan was like, “No, no, what is happening? No, no, no.”
Then finally Jesus rose from the dead, conquered the grave, and Satan is at that point just like the guy screaming in the movies, he thought he had it all, and all of a sudden it all unraveled and God won. Jesus was victorious and that was it, he was crushed.
Genesis 3:15, “And I will put an enmity between you”—Who is you? Satan, the serpent, “and the woman, between her offspring and yours; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” This is God talking to the serpent, the devil.
He is going to make an enemy of mankind or humankind, the offspring of the woman and the serpent, Satan, the devil, not only snakes on the ground in the animal kingdom but the representation of the serpent, the devil. Jesus crushed the head of the serpent when He died on the cross and rose from the dead.
Satan struck, the serpent struck Jesus. But then He rose and crushed his head. There is a difference here in the Verse itself, just know Satan is already defeated. If you have anything going on, fate is sealed.
This Verse even here should give you some hope. You will crush his head and what will he do to you? Strike your heel. Strike your heel. You are going to crush his head. Which is more fatal? His fate is sealed. He will crush his head.
Yes of course, he is going to strike your heel and what is up with the heel, the Achilles tendon. Yeah that could really do some damage to you and it could be very painful, it is not like it is nothing striking your heel. Could cause a lot of problems in your life, but you can crush his head. That is final, that is over.
He is already defeated. You are not going to die from your heel being struck. I guess you could by a spider bite or a venomous snake, you get the picture. In terms of severity, he is already defeated. Jesus crushed the head of the serpent when He died and rose again.
Satan may still have dominion of this Earth, but he does not have dominion over you. Satan may rule the world but he does not rule you, that is what you should write down. Write it down. Satan has dominion of the earth but not you.
How do we know this? John 10:28, turn with me, do it. John 10:28 says, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.” This is Jesus talking. He is talking about you. He is giving you eternal life. You shall never perish. No one can snatch you out of His hand. Satan does not rule you. No one can snatch you out of Jesus’ hand, He has you.
God has got you. Satan has a reputation for being defeated. It is his destiny. It was his destiny from the beginning. He was cast out of Heaven after the mutiny. He tried to take the Earth. He thought he was coming up, he thought he was rising again, and guess what? God says, “I will put an enmity between you, you are gonna strike their heel, they will crush your head.”
Right there, day one, not only did he get defeated there, I mean he has really been defeated a lot. He was defeated by God. Then he thought he could take over God’s creation, mankind, and God says, “Even mankind is going to defeat you, will crush your head although you will strike their heel.”
So you are going to do some damage, but they have defeated you. They will. You can defeat him. You can crush his head. You have Jesus. You have the Holy Spirit. Now all of a sudden, there is nothing Satan can do. He has already been defeated. You are the offspring of the woman and you are a child of God. Do not believe me? Galatians 3:26, “You are all sons of God, through faith in Christ Jesus.”
What are you? What are you? You are the offspring of the woman, yes, and of the man, you are. That is how we repopulate. You are born of a woman, you are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus so you are already the offspring of the woman which means you will crush Satan’s head.
You can. He will strike your heel, but through faith in God, you are now a son of God as well. Now if you are a female, it still fits. You are a daughter of God, you are a child of God through your faith. You are a child of God.
What does that mean? Well, you are the offspring of the woman, so you can crush Satan. You are a child of God which means now you have already defeated him. It is no longer in the future, it has already been done. Satan is already defeated. You have God within you. God is in you. You have the power to crush Satan with your heel.
Galatians 2:20, I just closed it so bear with me. Galatians 2:20 is another great Verse that we are going to read here. Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
That is a big Verse. There is a lot going on there. You have been crucified with Christ. Step one, you no longer live, you are dead. Why? Because you were crucified with Christ. But Christ lives in you. God is in you. The life you live in the body, you live by faith in Christ, and by your faith now you are a child of God.
You are a child of God through your faith and Christ lives in you. If Christ lives in you, He has already defeated Satan. Which means yes, you can crush his head. He can strike your heel, but now with Christ in you, it is over. No matter how many times the devil can torment you or try to get you down, he has already been defeated and you can defeat him anytime you want. How? Crush his head.
You can defeat him. His fate is sealed. So whenever he attacks you, remind him of that. Satan starts attacking you, starts persecuting you, things start going wrong in your life, all you gotta do is remember he has already been defeated. By who? By you. I have already defeated him. I have already defeated Satan. Say that. Whenever you have a problem in life, I have already defeated satan.
Man, even saying that I do not have a problem right now, I just am filled with so much energy saying I have already defeated Satan. I cannot explain it and this is not anything, I just said these words and it is like holy moly, try it, say it. There is a feeling you are gonna get. I have already defeated Satan. I just want to keep saying it.
You have already defeated him. You have crushed his head. You have Christ in you. You are a child of God. You have already won, it is over. Whatever he does in life, he is trying to strike your heel.
Yes he is, he will try and try and try and try and sometimes God may even allow him to strike. If that is the case, remember it is either a course correction or it is a heavenly battle. But the bottom line, he has already been defeated by you.
Let’s pray. Lord, thank You so much for the inspiring words of the fact that Satan has already been defeated. I know it is a broken record, but thank you so much. Through you, Satan is done. He is no more. He has been defeated and we are victorious. Thank You so much for that.
Lord, I ask that if there is anyone out there who is going through something, some type of trial or attack and they do not have You, that they would get You. That they would ask for Jesus to come into their lives so that they would have Jesus in them. That they would have that power of already defeating Satan.
If they need to know how to do that, Lord give them the courage to comment below or to contact us on social media. We want to help them do that. That is what we are here for. God, please give us the ability to reach more people, to change more lives, and to help more people follow you and give us the encouragement and the mentality and the idea that we have already defeated Satan.
Help us keep those positive words in our hearts and on our lips all the time, especially in times of trouble. See us through. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Thanks again for being here this week. Remember we got two weeks to go, so stay tuned.
These are some awesome messages, really inspiring, that can help you get through whatever it is you are going through in life. If you are going through anything and you need prayer, comment below, just say “Pray for me.” and we will pray for you.
If you have any questions, comment below. If you want to engage in the discussion, do so. Please remember to be polite and respectful, but we encourage you to comment below and we hope to see you again next week as we go through this series. We have got two more to go, so I hope you come back. I hope to see you next week. God bless.