You probably know that there is power in a name. In other words, if you drop someone’s name, and other people know that person, then you’re likely to get further than if you didn’t mention the name at all. That name has the power to open a door.
On the other hand, sometimes dropping a name can have the opposite effect. You end up getting stonewalled because the name you dropped is unfavorable to that audience. That name ends up closing the door instead of opening it.
Similar to how human names have power, spiritual names have power. Except, they have even more power. This could be very dangerous if you are using the names of evil spiritual beings. You could be opening the door to allow these evil beings into your life.
Therefore, similar to how you need to be careful when dropping human names, you need to be extra careful when you use spiritual names.
Referenced Verses:
John 14:13
John 16:23-26
James 4:3
Romans 10:13
Luke 10:17
Acts 19:13-15
Leviticus 19:31
Matthew 16:23
Video Transcript
He is the way, the truth, and the light and the life in some translations, no one goes to the Father except through Him. But we know He is the way. Jesus is the way to Heaven. What else is Jesus? He is power. In His name alone there is power and that’s what we are going to be talking about today.
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Like I said, today we’re talking about how there’s power in the name of Jesus. Pretty much the lesson for this is you can ask anything in His name and it will be done for you. Jesus said this a number of times to the disciples. He said, “Hey, you guys got to be asking for things in my name.”
Right now you have not really asked anything or you just ask me, but ask it in my name. Because I am in the father. That is what Jesus says, and the Father is in Him. So if they’re together in one, then He’s saying to His disciples, ask in my name and it will go to the Father as well.
John Chapter 14 Verses 13 and 14, this is a great story, I encourage you to read it on your own. Go back to the beginning of the chapter and read the whole thing, get the context so you understand what is going on.
For time constraints in all these sermons, we’re only limited to a couple of verses to help push the points, but I really hope that you take advantage of the references in the description below. Dig out your Bible.
Maybe it’s under your bed or buried in the bookcase, start using it. Read the other verses because they will help give you some extra insight and some great understanding to what’s really going on.
You’ve had plenty of time, John Chapter 14 Verses 13 and 14 (John 14:13-14), I hope you’re with me. Let’s check it out, John 14:13, “‘And I will do whatever you ask in my name. So that the son may bring glory to the father you may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it.’”
That’s what Jesus says. He’s saying that He is the way to the Father. He is explaining this to His disciples. He’s saying, “Hey ask me, ask in my name and I will do it.”
There’s another great section in John that we’re going to go to. This is another couple of pages over, so turn with me to John Chapter 16 Verses 23 and then we’re going to keep going to 26. This part is historically a frustrating part to read in the Bible, from the beginning of Chapter 16, really it is the whole thing.
The whole thing is about Jesus promising the Holy Spirit and working in the Holy Spirit and it’s just repeating back and forth. We’re going to skip over that part, but I encourage you to read it and just start laughing. Laugh at the sense of humor of Jesus. How He says “In a little while you will see me no more, then after a little while you will see me.”
Then the disciples repeat that. Then Jesus says, “What are you guys talking about?” Then He says it all again and it’s like, “Wow He has got such a sense of humor that He just kind of keeps bringing up the same thing,” then eventually He is explaining it to them.
That explanation, we understand it of course nowadays, because we have the Holy Spirit. It’s that He is gonna die and leave and then He’s gonna rise again and come back. So in a little while, He will die and they won’t see Him, and then He will come back and they will see Him again.
Then they won’t see Him because He is going to Heaven, but guess what? He’s leaving them with the Holy Spirit so that they can still communicate to Him and then ask in His name and He will do it for them. That was a good little segue, I hope you read that section.
But let’s go to John 16 Verses 23 to 26 (John 16:23-26). This is afterward, it says, “In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” So you won’t be able to ask Jesus directly, because He’s not with you anymore, but you’ll be able to ask in His name.
Now of course today we can ask Him directly, but we have to do it in His name of course as well. Jesus is telling us this, ask in my name. “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.
Ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete. Now though I have been speaking figuratively. A time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language, but will tell you plainly about my father.”
He has been speaking figuratively. Why? Because they have not received the Holy Spirit yet, so they didn’t understand. He spoke to them in riddles and parables and figuratively and they still didn’t get it. They didn’t understand, because they didn’t have that Holy Spirit in them. We have the Holy Spirit in us, Jesus has made that possible through His death and resurrection.
“In that day you will ask in my name. I am not saying that I will ask the father on your behalf.” Oh wait a minute, ask in my name and you will receive, and Jesus will do whatever you ask in His name. Now He’s saying, “I’m not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf.” What does that mean?
Does that mean that sometimes you might ask for things in Jesus’ name and Jesus might not take it to the Father or the Father might not hear you? Of course not, Jesus and the Father are one, which means when you’re asking you’re praying to God by the name of Jesus or through the name of Jesus or in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.
You’re praying to God the Father all the time, whether you say “Dear Jesus” and then you pray — He and the Father are one. So as you’re praying, it is one God — it’s not like you’re praying to a saint or to someone with the hopes that they’re taking the request to the Father.
You’re not having the mentality that “Oh God’s too busy, so I will pray to someone else and if they have time they will bring the request to God.” That’s not how this works.
We can pray directly to God and we’ve to pray directly to God. Praying to anything else is idolatry, false gods, idol worship. God’s a jealous God. Pray directly to Him. Who is our God? Yahweh. We pray to Yahweh in the name of Jesus because they are one.
Yes sometimes Jesus might not give you everything you ask in His name, but He’s saying if you ask in my name, you will have more power with your prayer than if you don’t ask in my name.
He’s telling His disciples this and He told them this time and time again. Now of course He says, “Whatever you ask in my name, you will receive it and your joy will be complete.” But then why do you not always receive everything you ask for? Well, it’s because maybe you don’t need it.
Let’s go to James. It’s a great book and he has some really really good solid advice and wisdom for you. If you haven’t read James, I encourage you to do so. James 4 Verse 3 (James 4:3), “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives. That you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”
we’ve had a sermon about this. You can check it out on asking and all about this James verse specifically and how you’re asking with wrong motives. So maybe you might pray for a million dollars in Jesus’ name and then you’re wondering why I do not have it?
Why did I not win the lottery? Why did I not get a stimulus? Why did something not happen that I have a million dollars? Well, why do you want the million dollars? For your pleasures? Then you’re not gonna get it. It’s the motive. It’s the heart behind the request.
You might be praying for healing for something and you’re not getting it or praying for someone else and you’re not getting it, there might be a plan in play that you don’t know about. Think of poor Job, how long he prayed for relief, he finally got it but it might not have been on his timeline. Keep that in mind.
Romans 10 Verse 13, “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” The name of the Lord has power. Everyone who calls on it will be saved. Ask in Jesus’ name with the right motives and you will receive. His name has power. In the same way that there’s power in ordinary names, maybe my name or your name or you bring up a big name and there’s power.
How do we know this? Well when you’re knocking on doors or if you’re phone calling or cold calling so to speak and people might not give you the time of day, but all of a sudden you say,
“So and so referred me or such and such suggested I talk to you or I speak with you,” all of a sudden they’re like, “Oh yeah, I know that person,” and it opens the door for you by using someone else’s name. That name had power.
The more people know a certain name, the more power and name recognition that person will have. Think about presidential campaigns. If I ran for president against somebody who is famous like say a big celebrity, Brad Pitt, who is going to win?
Hands down it would be Brad Pitt. Why? Because he’s more popular, he has more name recognition, people know who that is. Ordinary John Doe runs against the celebrity, the celebrity is probably going to win.
Not just because they have so much more money, but because they have power in their name. Celebrity endorsements are a huge thing. Why do you think brands want celebrities to promote their products? Because there’s power in that name, in what they say. People just automatically do what popular or what known people do.
If the name of Jesus has power, and we know it does, and human names have power, and we know they do, then you must realize as well that the devil’s name has power. This is serious business. Now you may be saying, “Well how do we know that the name of Jesus has more power? I mean He says we can ask in His name, but does it really have such power?”
Does it have power to heal or to stop evil or if someone is robbing you, can you say, “Stop in the name of Jesus”, and all of a sudden they might just stop? You can and it will. How do we know this? Luke 10:17, let’s check it out. “The 72 returned with joy and said, ‘Lord even the demons submit to us in your name.’”
Even the demons. So here is the thing, if whatever is going on on Earth is something evil, like maybe there is someone who’s sick and it’s a demon that is making them ill or sick and you say, “In the name of Jesus be healed.” Guess what, they will be healed. That demon will leave. The demons submit. There’s power in the name of Jesus.
Now if it’s part of God’s plan that that person is sick for some reason, maybe they’re going to go through a testimony and then go out and speak and bring others to Christ, but it’s not their time to be healed yet because it’s God’s doing.
Now God could allow a demon to make them ill. Okay then you could cast that demon out by the power of Jesus’ name, but now if God is allowing that person to be ill because God’s plan dictates it, that it’s an integral part, it’s not simply something that God allowed, that He inserted into life for a little teaching moment and that happens.
You can check out another sermon here that is all about how God allows things to happen to us and it’s all part of his plan. He is in control. We’ve got several messages on it actually, so check them out because they are very very eye-opening.
But even the demons submit to us in your name. You can use the name of Jesus. If you have faith like a mustard seed, those people can be healed or things can change. There is power in His name.
Now human names also have power. We are going to go to Acts Chapter 19 Verses 13 to 15. I’m gonna read this quickly. Ready? “Some Jews went around driving out evil spirits and tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed.” Okay, so this could be you, maybe going around. “They would say in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.”
Now it was working for them for a while. “Seven sons of Seva a Jewish chief priest, were doing this one day. The evil spirit answered them, Jesus, I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you? Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding.”
I took that a little further, I went through Verse 16. But what is important here is that the name of Jesus has power and these people here, these seven sons, were casting out demons in whose name? Not Jesus’ name? They were saying, Paul. “Whom Paul preaches.”
Paul’s an ordinary human like you and me and the evil spirit says, “Jesus, I know.” So he knows Jesus. Why? Well because they’ll came from heaven together. I know about Paul. So Paul’s name had such power that the demons knew who he was. If you’re a powerful Christian and you’re out there preaching the gospel and saving lives, saving souls, the demons are going to know who you’re too.
What about the devil’s name? That name has power as well. Leviticus 19:31, let’s check that out. “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.”
You will be defiled by them. Do not turn to mediums or spiritists. Why? Because they have power. How do we know they have power? Well because people use mediums and spiritists all the time, psychics and they get readings or they talk to the dead or they seek omens and get signs.
This happened in the Old Testament with the pagans and the false prophets. They would seek them or the prophets of Baal and they would cut themselves and try to reach them. Who do you think they were talking to?
They weren’t talking to Jesus or Yahweh. They were not talking to Him and if they are not talking to the one true God, the only other people that they could be speaking with and receiving some type of reply are demons. Demons.
When someone dies, they are not roaming the earth, they are gone. Our soul leaves this place, goes out of here. Jesus made it possible for us to go to heaven or we go to a waiting place. If you’re not saved you go to a waiting place and then eventually on the last day of judgment you will be sentenced to hell. We will talk about all that in future sermons, so stay with us.
But you’re not still here on earth. So for people who are saying, well I want to speak to my dead father or my dead grandmother, or they’re seeing people and they’re reading them and say, “Oh your dad says he loves you.” All of that.
That person number one, they’re either lying and they’re a fraud and they’re just saying what they think you want to hear based on psychology and body language in their reading. Or if they really are in connection with something, they’re probably speaking to demons or spirits here on Earth, because they are here. They are here. This is very very critical.
You have to be careful with names. Dark magic spells, they’re all a path toward evil. You have to be careful. This is why so many Christian homes have cautioned people when it comes to things like sorcery. Wizardry movies like Harry Potter have been a big controversy, all of that. Where it is spells and names, something that you must be very very careful with.
If you call on spirits by name and use them improperly, you’re asking for trouble. You better believe they are gonna show up, they’re just sitting there waiting. Remember the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
You start calling on demons and spirits and the names of these things and guess what, they are going to show up immediately and start devouring your life and the lives of the people you love and the lives of those around you.
They’ll even if you don’t know it. You could be reading a spell out of a book, and you’re saying it is a fictional book, yes but those words could have significant spiritual meaning or meaning in the spiritual realm. Or you’re looking into magic or dark arts or something like that, even watching a TV show of vampires and old languages or dialects or witches or something.
Guess what, all of that originated from somewhere. Where do you think those dialects and languages that those witches in the shows are speaking came from? It’s possible that you could be watching that and letting it into your mind and then some time when it comes to your mind you could be summoning some type of evil into your life. You must be very careful.
Definitely don’t let children around it, because children are like sponges. I remember when I was a kid we would watch movies and our parents would just think it was so crazy how we could reenact the entire movie and remember every line. Kids do that. Now if we had been reenacting and remembering every line of some evil witch saying a spell, that could be really bad.
Be careful, be very careful. The only way that Satan or demon’s names should be used is how Jesus used them in shunning. Matthew 16:23, “Jesus turned and said to Peter, get behind me Satan, you’re a stumbling block to me. You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”
Now this instance was when Peter had a moment of pride. You can read that later on. But you must be careful. You have to be very very careful not to use or support the use of it. What do I mean by supporting the use of it? First of all the overuse of names such as devil, minions, demons, or any formal names like satan or Lucifer or anything like that supports the use of them. How?
Well, there are TV shows about angels and demons or about Lucifer or about Satan or entire shows on him or minions or things like that. Now are you gonna support all of that by watching them and promoting it? Or are you going to stay away from it and choose to not go down that path?
I hope you choose to stay away. The more well-known these names are, the more sensitized people become to evil. Then we live in a world that is even worse than the world we live in now. Flee from it. Flee from evil.
Use Jesus’ name. His name has power. Stay away from any names regarding evil and make sure you shield yourself and those you love from any types of calling on any of those spirits. The only thing you should be calling on is the name of the Lord and you will be saved.
Let’s pray. Lord Jesus thank you for this great message, this fun time we had together. I really ask that everyone listening and watching would really just grasp the importance of this. This is so significant in their life that they call on your name and your name alone.
Lord, inspire them to pray every single prayer in Jesus’ name to the Father Yahweh by the power of the Holy Spirit. Stir up the spirit within them so that they are able to seek and recognize and understand when this spiritual warfare is happening.
That if they hear or see or encounter any of that evil, whether it’s worship of any demons or beings, or calling on any false names, that they would instantly recognize that this is not right, and that they would steer away from it. That they would fix their eyes on you and you alone. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I really do encourage you to pray in Jesus’ name and if you need to have Jesus in your life, feel free to comment below or reach out to us. You can do that. Ask Him into your life. He will change your life. Your life will be much better. Trust Him, there’s power in His name. Ask Him to lead your life. God bless.