October has been a good month for Social Media Ministries. We have some noteworthy accomplishments and anticipate even more in the coming months.

We really need your support to help us reach more people with the salvation message of Jesus! Please pray for us! Also, please like, comment, and share our posts on social media to help more people see them! In addition, if you are willing to donate, please give on our website.

Our monthly accomplishments:
– Continued Posting 1 Sermon Each Week
– Continued Posting 1 Podcast Each Week
– Continued the Ministry Minute on Social Media
– Continued the Ministry Minute Podcast
– Attended Some Local Events
– We Can Ordain Ministers
– Registered With Charity On Top

Video Transcript

Hello and welcome to Social Media Ministries, my name is Spencer Coffman. This is the October 2023 monthly update and status report. October has been a good month for us. We have continued posting a video sermon each week. That is every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time. So make sure to get on our YouTube channel, hit the subscribe button, click the bell icon so that each week you can be notified when the sermon comes out.

In addition, we also put out a podcast each week. If you are on the go and you did not have time to watch the sermon, you can listen to it while you are driving or doing something else, anywhere podcasts are available, or wherever you get your podcasts. If there is a platform that you use and we are not on there, feel free to comment and we can try to get our podcast on there to make it easier for you to listen.

In addition, we have continued on with the ministry minute. That is a daily devotion that we are putting out on all kinds of social media platforms. I really hope that you are taking advantage of that content, that you are watching it. One favor that I have, is if you can start to interact with the posts. So if you watch the daily devotional, the ministry minute, or you see a post on Facebook or Instagram or TikTok or somewhere on social media, please comment below.

Even if it is simply saying amen or this is awesome or keep going or do more of this or something encouraging. Post comments. If you want to comment a little bit more in-depth on some discussion, some scriptures, or things like that, that would be awesome as well. But start hitting the like button and hitting the comment button so that the posts will start getting more interaction on them and then organically they will be boosted and promoted to reach a wider audience which is really the goal here. Our goal is to reach more people with the messages of Jesus, so if you agree with that, help us out by commenting on the posts on social media.

Another thing that we have done this month, we have started going to some local events in the community to try to raise community awareness. We are going to start doing more of that as the months go on. Up here in Minnesota we are in winter, so we will see how much of that happens over the next few months, but for sure next quarter when spring happens we will definitely be doing a lot more events. Hopefully, in the winter there will be more events inside, but typically a lot of them tend to be outside, but either way, we are going to start doing that. More community awareness to help get more people around us to know what we are doing and then they can hopefully get on social media, share and you know the rest. More people can be reached with the gospel of Christ, come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Another exciting accomplishment we have done in the month of October, is we have created a way to be able to ordain ministers. If you want to be a minister with Social Media Ministries then you can go on our website, you can complete an application. You have to pay a registration fee and then we will communicate with you to determine if your values and our values are the same.

You have to believe what we believe because we are endorsing you so to speak. You are becoming a minister. Obviously, God is the one who ordains people, it is a divine calling, but we can help recognize it as something in an earthly term. So you can do that if you want to become an ordained minister by Social Media Ministries, that is pretty exciting for us. We can start growing our team. We can start sending people out.

Of course, all of this is going to take money which is why we are charging that processing and application fee. If you do not want to be a minister but you think this is awesome and you would like to support, then you can do that on our website by donating, giving some money to us to be able to then start sending people out, providing them with more resources so that more people can come to know Jesus.

The final thing that we did, I mean we have done a lot more little things, but one more noteworthy thing is that we are now on a website called Charity On Top. You can go on there and find Social Media Ministries. It is another platform where potential donors, potential partners, and people can find Social Media Ministries to be able to support us.

As well we are working on another cool thing that enables you to donate your gift cards. If you have that gift card that has a dollar fifty left, you can donate it to Social Media Ministries or to an organization and then they will pool all people’s gift cards from all these different places and then they can award that to Social Media Ministries in the form of one type of gift card or a dollar amount or something. That is pretty cool, stay tuned for that update to come along. We will do a separate video explaining that. But Charity On Top, you can Google it, you can check out a link in the description below and learn more about that as well.

That has been the October 2023 monthly update and status report for Social Media Ministries. I hope that you continue to watch and follow us online and on social media. If you have any questions or comments, please post them below. Thank you and God bless.