November has been a busy month for us and it really seemed to fly by. We have really been working on expanding our reach so that more people can come to know Jesus.
Of course, we need your help. Please comment on our videos and posts to provide encouragement! Please pray for us. Specifically that we would be able to find regular financial support and that our sermons would continue to reach the unreached areas of the world.
Our monthly accomplishments:
– Continued Posting 1 Sermon Each Week
– Continued Posting 1 Podcast Each Week
– Continued Posting A Daily Verse on Facebook, Instagram, & TikTok
– Continued the Ministry Minute on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, & YouTube
– Continued the Ministry Minute Podcast
– Became a registered charity with Walmart SparkGood and RoundUp
– We are listed on Volunteer Match
– We are eligible to receive matching donations from Meta on Facebook from now through the end of 2022.
Video Transcript
Hello everyone, I am Spencer Coffman with Social Media Ministries. This is the November 2022 monthly update and status report. November has been a pretty good month for us. We have been making some progress.
A couple of noteworthy items, we are now verified with Walmart through a thing called cyber grants and Spark4Good. You can check out a video on it, it is right here, but what it means is when you shop at Walmart online or on the app, you can round up your purchases and donate that difference to Social Media Ministries. That is awesome. If you are spending $20.50, round it up to $21 and donate 50 cents to Social Media Ministries. It is small but over time it all adds up. So share that with your friends and your family. Get everyone supporting that on Roundup.
If you need instructions on how to find that, you can go to our website and there will be some instructions on there on how to enable Walmart Roundup when you are shopping using Spark4Good Walmart charity cyber grants. All of their different interwoven spider web of things. So that is a cool update.
Another thing is we have a Walmart charity registry and so what that means is we have a list of items that we can use for our volunteers, for events, to keep me going, things like that. You can purchase from Walmart and they will ship them directly to us here at Social Media Ministries. Right now it is just a lot of drink items, teas, things like that when you gotta have a hot cup of tea between sermons and breaks and things like that. So that is what we have got on there now. But the items will continue to be added and updated, so feel free to check that out at any time.
Another awesome thing that we made happen this month, is we got signed up with a program or a database called VolunteerMatch and that has been pretty cool because we have been able to go on there and select certain things we need help with, getting transcriptions for all of our videos, help with marketing, email marketing, maybe some telemarketing, Google ads, help with social media marketing, all of these things, SEO, and just to kind of alleviate some of the workload from me onto other volunteers that want to help.
We have put these positions out there, so if you want to volunteer you can check that out. We will have a link in the description below to our VolunteerMatch page and you can go there and you can say, ‘Hey look they need help with this.’ Maybe that is something you are good at and you want to help us. You can volunteer. All of our postings really are only like an hour or two a week and so it is not that much time. If it is something that is on your heart and you want to help us out, that would be awesome.
Finally this month we have a cool thing enabled, there will be another video on this as well, it is something called the Meta Match. That is through Facebook. Right now we have got a fundraiser going on, so if you feel led to donate anything to Social Media Ministries do so through Facebook. You can do that on our Facebook page.
All donations that come in through Facebook that are monthly donations, they will match up to $100 per individual after your second month of donating. So again there will be a video on that, but basically, if you want to donate $50 a month starting now to the end of the year, they are only doing it through the end of the year, so you have to get that donation started before the year is over, and then after your second month of donating they will match up to $100, up to $100,000. Now wouldn’t that be cool, if we had $100,000 coming in and they matched that? We would have $200,000. Think of what we could do for the Kingdom. But I am hoping really for like $1,000 or something. Anything is better than nothing.
So if you or someone you know has a passion or call to donate anything to support Social Media Ministries, do so through our Facebook page. Again there will be a link in the description below and another video explaining more about that.
So that has been our November monthly update. Of course, we have continued to post weekly sermons, we have continued the weekly podcast, we have been doing the Social Media Ministries ministry minute, all of that stuff is still going out there on Facebook and Instagram, TikTok, YouTube shorts. We are reaching people and we need your help to reach even more people, so if you can support us in any way, prayer, volunteering, money, we need all the support we can get. I hope you subscribe to our videos, comment on them, show your encouragement and support that way because that really helps as well.
Thank you and God bless.