Can you believe it’s already been 1 year! Social Media Ministries has been posting sermons each week for 1 year. Hopefully, you’ve subscribed to the YouTube channel and the podcast. If not, take the opportunity to do so now.

May has been a good month for us. We have maintained and survived. As we enter our second year, we are going to do more than survive. We are going to thrive! We are going to reach the entire world with the Bible and attempt to bring them to Christ! We can’t do it without you.

Here is a summary of our accomplishments!
-We continued posting 1 video sermon and 1 podcast each week.
-We have been updating our profile on various charity databases.
-We’ve continued creating Google Search Ad Campaigns.

We’re still waiting for the following:
-Good Coin

We appreciate your continued support and need your help sharing our videos so more people can find us.

We are also in dire need of financial support. If you feel called to give or to create a fundraiser for us to help raise money please do so!


Video Transcript

Hey everyone, my name is Spencer Coffman with Social Media Ministries. Can you believe it has been one year? That’s right, this is month number 12 of Social Media Ministries. This is our May 2022 monthly update and progress report.

Well, congratulations! Happy anniversary! We have been preaching sermons and posting them out for one year according to the month of May. Now of course our non-profit wasn’t approved until several months later, but it was backdated to June, so June will be our one-year anniversary of the 501(c)(3). So stay tuned for that.

What have we done in the month of May? Well, we haven’t done too much. May has been kind of a flat-line month. We have just been continuing, we have been maintaining, we have been surviving, because yes it has been a little bit tough on some fronts. We have continued posting one sermon every single week and posting it out on YouTube, we have also continued with the podcast. If you have not subscribed yet to the YouTube channel or to the podcast, hey, help us out, subscribe to the YouTube channel, subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you prefer listening to.

That will help even if you don’t listen, I want you to listen though, and more importantly, I want you to share with other people who may not yet know the content that is in there. Okay? Please it is better for them that you do that than it is for us or for you. It is like Paul said, it is better for everyone else if I remain here, but it is better for me if I die and go to heaven. I love that.

What else have we done? We have completed our profiles on several database websites, kind of like GuideStar. Remember when we did that several months ago? We had completed our GuideStar profile on Candid and what that is, is like the non-profit database. Other databases, like smaller ones or knock-off websites so to speak, they pick up our information, probably retrieving it from GuideStar and then they list us on their websites.

One that we did was GiveMN and the problem is they don’t pull all of our information which is kind of silly, they only get like our name and it is like, why don’t they take our logo and our mission statement and our website and all of that over as well? I don’t know. So we went on there, we applied to be a moderator or an editor, and then filled out all that information. We have been doing that on a few different databases. Now when people search for us then hopefully we will come up and they can contribute, donate, see what we are all about, etc.

We have also done more Google ads. We are really getting out there with the Google ads. So hopefully that will bring us more website traffic which will bring more people to our videos, to our podcast, which will bring more people to Christ as that is the ultimate goal.

Now I said, we have been struggling, yes we have been running out of finances. As most of you know our main source of finance for the non-profit comes from me or my business or something like that the space is donated to us from Coffman Everlasting. I write personal checks to Social Media Ministries as well and that is how we have been surviving for a year.

We still have credit cards to pay off, we bought equipment that we haven’t paid for yet. We are just making the payments, we are just surviving, we are barely getting through, we are treading water and so we were hoping that May was going to be a big breakthrough month because we have finally gotten approved on Facebook Charity, YouTube Fundraising, all these different fundraising platforms.

Now we just need people to say, ‘Hey I want to fundraise for you’ and start a Facebook fundraiser and invite their friends, get on YouTube and put fundraisers on their videos, and have their viewers contribute and support Social Media Ministries. That is what we need. We need the funding and it is not all about the money, we just want to continue going, we want to break through, yes of course if we don’t get any money I am still going to be preaching sermons. Because it is not about the money, I need to be very clear on that.

I want you guys to understand it is not like people who comment below, I get a lot of heck in the comments about people saying, ‘Oh all he wants is money’ and this and that. That is not what this is about, it is about sharing Jesus to the world and how do we do that? We are preaching, we are putting podcasts out. But guess what? If we don’t put any money behind that and advertise or boost and get in certain countries with geographics by running ads, then no one is going to see it. Do you light your candle and put it under a bowl? No.

We need to get that candle, that light out, and in order to do that, man get a flood light, a spotlight, get out there, we need to promote, and that costs money and the money that I have been putting in or that has been coming in, is only enough to satisfy the loans or the debt that we have accumulated to start this ministry. Creating the nonprofit costs us like $6,000, we still haven’t paid all that off. It has been a year, but that’s okay. I mean we have the website cost, everything costs money, and we are maintaining now.

This year as we go into year number two, we need to get beyond maintaining and we need to start surviving, to start living, start thriving, start getting out there. That is our goal as we enter into year number two, and that has been the May 2022 monthly update.

I hope that you, if you haven’t seen the others, check back, we are going to keep doing this, because it is a great reminder of the progress reports. It is kind of cool for me to look back and see where we have come from, to know where we are going. To set goals, to see if we have reached them. To look at the previous videos and be like, ‘Oh yeah, we applied for that, did we ever get it?’ No, maybe yes. So stay tuned.

If you haven’t, please subscribe to the channels. If you find it in your heart to support us with a fundraiser you do not even have to donate but support us by creating a fundraiser and inviting your friends or if you find it in your heart that you say, ‘Hey I want to help them with $20 a month, $50 a month, $5 a month, $100 a month or a one-time donation’, you can do that too. If you want to follow us on social media and just say I want to support them by commenting on the content that would be great or even by sharing the content that would be awesome.

We need people, that is what we need. We need people to share because if we create the content and we want other people to see it, we either have to pay for it by boosting and promoting, or we need people like you to share it and that is free. That is organic, that is what I would prefer. Then we don’t need the money, we don’t really need the money anyway, we are going to keep doing this. But if you find it in your heart please help us out any way you can.

Thank you and God bless.