We’ve made some new affiliations here at Social Media Ministries in March. Please help us by commenting on our posts and sharing them on your social media accounts.

Our monthly accomplishments:
– Continued Posting 1 Sermon Each Week
– Continued Posting 1 Podcast Each Week
– Continued the Ministry Minute on Social Media
– Continued the Ministry Minute Podcast
– Applied for Charity Choice to be able to receive gift card donations
– Partnered with Good Shop & Good Search to receive shopping donations
– Partnered with Shopping Gives to receive donations from online businesses

If you or someone you know may be interested in volunteering check out our needs here

Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to Social Media Ministries. My name is Spencer Coffman. This is our March 2023 monthly update and status report. March has been a pretty good month. We have continued posting the one video sermon every week, one podcast every week.

We have also done the ministry minute every single day that is out on the podcast and on social media, so I hope you are watching that. I hope you are following us on social media, subscribing to those channels, commenting, liking, and sharing so that more people can see and understand the Word of God.

In addition, we have applied for a company called Charity Choice. This is a partnership where you can donate your gift cards to Social Media Ministries, or really to Charity Choice, and then Charity Choice allocates them to Social Media Ministries. Now you say, well what about all these little gift cards that I have that only have 20 cents on them or 10 cents?

Get on there, punch them in, allocate them to Charity Choice. They will then combine all of these into some type of total. I don’t know exactly how it all works, but they essentially will combine them all and then they will allocate it to us. They don’t just give us 10 cents at Starbucks; they will combine all of this and put it together and then give us a combined amount at one store.

So I suppose they combine thousands of different gift cards and then allocate them to whichever charities they choose. We applied for that and we are not approved yet, so stay tuned to our channel. We will do an announcement video when that gets approved.

But in the meantime, hang on to those little piddly gift cards or if you get full gift cards that you want to donate, we can do that as well. We have also been partnered with a company called Good Shop. You can get more information on that in a card up here. Good Shop is a great company that we are affiliated with.

You can search and shop online, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Social Media Ministries at no cost to you. It is similar to the Amazon Smiles program which has been discontinued, but now it is with hundreds if not thousands of retailers. So check that out.

You can find again that video that I mentioned in a card, also you could search it on our website or our YouTube channel. There is also something called Good Search that we are affiliated with. You can download that; it is just an add-on or set it as your homepage on your browser.

Then when you search the web, every time you search, money gets allocated to Social Media Ministries as part of fundraising to be donated to Social Media Ministries and that costs you nothing. Again, every time you search the web, boom, money is allocated to Social Media Ministries, so that is really cool. I encourage you to support us by doing that.

We have also partnered with another company called Shopping Gives. This is a great company that is more geared toward business owners. You can check that out in a card up here. We have a video announcing that as well. Basically what it is, is a way for retailers to allow their customers to go on their websites and then purchase things or do things like subscribe to newsletters, share a post, etc.

When those actions happen, whether it is a purchase, a share, or something like that, then an amount can be donated to Social Media Ministries or any other non-profits. Essentially it is in-between the payment or the checkout, and the customer. It adds an option for that business to allocate certain amounts to be donated to charities.

So check that out; it is a pretty good affiliation as well. We are excited about all of these things and we really hope that as time goes on we can start getting more involved. We still have a lot of volunteer opportunities available, so please check that out as well.

We have mentioned it a few times; we are starting to get out there a little bit more. We have had some volunteer applicants come in, and we have got a few volunteers that are working with us. We need quite a few more in specialized areas, so please check out our VolunteerMatch needs by using the link in the description below.

As always, continue to pray for us. Please continue to subscribe and like and follow and comment on our videos. We can use all the encouragement we can get. Feel free even if it is just typing, “Amen,” or “This is great,” or something simple. Those little comments really help us continue on.

Pray for us that we can continue to have energy and motivation and desire and wisdom and knowledge so we can put our content out there in a way that it reaches the people who need to be reached. Finally, if you can donate to help us reach more people, we are going to start entering into a money-raising phase over the next several months to just try to accumulate some funds.

To start doing more for this ministry, to start reaching more people, to start getting the things we need to really start promoting and marketing and getting out there, so we can truly reach the world for Jesus.

Thank you and God bless.