Ever wonder why people lived to be so old back in the Old Testament? Well, it’s because it is the “Old” Testament. Not really. The reason people, and animals like dinosaurs, lived to be so old and so large was that the world in which they lived was very different from the world in which we live today.
The dinosaurs lived in a world with no predators, no disease, and plenty of food. The environment back then was much better suited to sustain human life. In addition, reptiles that never stop growing were provided the opportunity to become massive!
Today, the world is very different. We live in a world with predators, disease, not enough food, or poor quality of food. These are some of the reasons why people today don’t live to be as old as they did during the Old Testament. There are several additional reasons that we don’t live as long nowadays. Check out this sermon to learn more!
Referenced Verses:
Genesis 6:3
Genesis 1:6-7
Genesis 2:5-6
Genesis 7:11
Genesis 9:3
Video Transcript
We rely on viewers like you to share on your social media so that we can reach more people through social media and of course, it is about sharing the Gospel and the Bible with those people through social media. That is what we are doing, we are preaching from the Bible.
Today we are in a sermon series. This is number five of a seven-part sermon series, so if you haven’t seen the previous four check them out, card up here with the playlist, or navigate to our YouTube channel where you can find the playlist about “How the Earth was in the time of Noah and what was going on there.”
There is a lot to be learned from this point in time and if you have been following along you know exactly what the topic is today and how men or mankind was limited to 120 years. That also fell upon the animals and the dinosaurs and all the beasts of the field and everything like that.
Why did God do this? Well because He was frustrated and angry with how wicked people were in that time and people probably still like that today. That could be why God sends natural disasters or war or famine or plague or diseases on certain countries, certain lands to wipe them out, to get rid of them.
Let’s dive into Genesis 6, which is where we are going to spend most of our time today. Now there are also a few other references throughout the Book of Genesis that we will pull from. Genesis 6:3 says, “Then the LORD said, my spirit will not contend with humans forever for they are mortal. Their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
That is it. All right, we are done, wrap it up. No no, why are we 120 years? Well, let’s start with a little bit of history. The previous messages we have spoken about are “How the Earth is young,” and “We are less than 6,000 years old.”
Then we spoke about the “Water in the atmosphere” that created a hyper-oxygen chamber here on Earth, allowing us to live much longer. Noah was 500 years old when he started building the ark, 600 when he finished, and several hundred more when he died. I can’t quite remember when he died.
We talked about it before that people got very old. Methuselah, the oldest man in the Bible, Noah’s grandfather, was 969 years old. He died before the flood, probably before the flood occurred.
Well, obviously before the flood, he wasn’t one of them drowned in the flood, he would have died before because we imagine he would have been righteous which is how Noah became such a good follower of God and was spared.
Then we talked about “How dinosaurs were on the Earth with humans.” Great, great message. If you hadn’t seen that one, dinosaurs were immaculate creatures. Then we talked about “The first rain” which is when all that water left the atmosphere and just poured down on the earth destroying everything and everyone in it.
Now God is saying, this is right before He sent the flood, right before He told Noah to build the ark and He is saying, “Humans are wicked I will not contend with them forever, limit them to 120 years and this is how we are going to do it. We are going to start over, you, your family, build this ark, get on it and I am wiping everybody else out.”
Why did He do that? Well, let’s go into a little bit about why He did that. Well first of all people are living in this world, dominated by the devil, it is ruled by the devil, he is the one who owns this realm or this level of Earth, this place. Why and how do we know that?
Well because when mankind fell, when Eve was tricked by the serpent and sinned and then gave some fruits to her husband and he sinned as well, that was it, they gave their rulership over to the devil then he started ruling the Earth and we just live here. That is it.
We just live here and we live in a wicked place ruled by a wicked person and our Kingdom is from somewhere else. We are not of this world. We are of a heavenly realm here for one purpose and that is to share the Gospel and to grow the kingdom of God. We have other purposes and callings within that main purpose.
So God saw how sinful and corrupt the people had become, living in a world dominated by the devil. He put a stop to it, He removed all the water from the atmosphere. Destroyed the hyper-oxygen chamber.
We talked about this before. I mentioned the water in the atmosphere. You can check out a card there for that sermon. It is noted in Genesis 1:6-7. I will read that for you guys quickly, “And God said let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water. So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it.”
The water under the expanse was all of our oceans and lakes. The water above the expanse was this hyper-oxygen chamber, when it started raining or when the flood hit. Genesis 2:5-6 says,
“And no shrub of the field had yet appeared on earth, no plant had yet sprung up for the LORD God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no man to work the ground. But streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground.”
That is how everything got water. Now as we mentioned it is very possible that at this point, rain had not come, but then God allowed it to rain after that and up until the flood, but it wasn’t like a huge rain of the floodgates of heaven just pouring out.
Genesis 7:11, again you can watch this video if you would like on the first rain. It is up here in a card, you can check that out. You can also see the whole playlist. Like I said this is a sermon series that we have been going through.
Genesis 7:11, “In the 600th year of Noah’s life, on the seventh day of the second month, on that day the springs of the great deep burst forth.” All the springs of the earth were opened up, water was just gushing out everywhere. “And the floodgates of the heavens were opened and rain fell on the earth for 40 days and 40 nights.”
This was just an incredible amount of water coming from both directions. All that hyper-oxygen chamber, all the water just poured down through there and flooded the earth. God killed off all the unrighteous and evil people and all the animals and started fresh with Noah and his family and only the good animals that he sent to Noah.
Now were some animals evil or not? I don’t know. But the animals that Noah put on the ark were animals that God sent him. Let’s just say there were 500 giraffes on the Earth at that time, God sent some of those to Noah.
The giraffes are clean. God sent seven pairs. Out of 500 giraffes let’s just say, only 14 went on the ark. There are a lot of them that died and so were they random? Well, there is nothing God does that is random.
We have to believe, we don’t have to believe it, but we can believe that whatever animals God sent to Noah to be on the ark were specially selected by God to be saved. Why? We don’t know, we have no idea why certain animals were chosen.
Could be due to their health, or their size, God had a plan for everything. God is not random at all. He didn’t just simply say, “Well whatever animal, just grab these here and throw them on the ark.” No, He had it planned, every single detail. We know that because that is how God is. We can transfer and imagine, that He had to have planned exactly who was on the ark.
Then when that happened He limited mankind to 120 years. That way they cannot become so corrupt. We still do a really good job of becoming corrupt and that is evidenced by Sodom and Gomorrah which was destroyed after the flood.
Abraham pleaded with God to spare any righteous people out of those two towns. God only found four that He got out of there. Lot, his two daughters, and his wife. Lot’s wife wasn’t that righteous because she turned into a pillar of salt on the way out of there. So three really out of that whole city and expanse, the rest were destroyed.
Later God wanted to destroy people again. After the Israelites left Egypt, He told Moses “These people are wicked and corrupt, they are down there worshiping idols and you are up here with me. I am gonna wipe them all out. I will save you and start a new group of people from you.” Moses says, “No no no, we can’t do that” and God spares the people because Moses pleaded with God on their behalf.
We are still well on our way to following Satan more than we are to follow God. That is because people without God, people who don’t have Jesus in their lives are wicked and corrupt, they are children of the devil.
I hope that you choose to become a child of God, follow Jesus, invite Him into your life as your Lord and Savior, and say “Lord I want you to lead my life.” You can do that. If you need any help with that or have any questions, message us on social media or comment below.
The reason that people cannot live as long, could be several reasons. There are many pollutants in the world we have created. So many machines and the air quality is not as good as it was back then.
Another reason for that is because the hyper-oxygen chamber is no longer here, so we are breathing less concentrated oxygen which means our body is not being enriched and fueled, and our cells are not getting as much oxygen as they used to.
Let’s take a look at why. We know that these people were becoming corrupt and we know that they were sinful and God wanted to wipe them out, but why? How and why were they so bad that God had to wipe out the whole Earth?
After this we see God doing this, but He only wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah, or He was only going to wipe out the Israelites and He didn’t. He wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah, but not the whole Earth.
How was the whole Earth so bad? I mentioned this last week and I asked that if you guys wanted to know more about it you message us or comment or do something to let us know and we had a few people that did that, so I am going to throw this in here.
This is Genesis 6 and it is about the Nephilim and so this is Chapter 6:4, which says, “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward.” In those days, before the flood, and then, also, afterward. We are not sure if this means after the flood or if it is just in those days referring to the period when men began to increase in number.
“And the daughters were born to them. The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they married any of them they chose.” Then the LORD said, “My spirit will not contend with man forever for he is mortal. His days will be 120 years.”
Now if we are referring to those days, like up to this, like once upon a time, and then afterward, after God said this, the Nephilim were still there and then they were wiped out with a flood. If they survived the flood somehow, if the genes were carried on, we know from David and Goliath which is after the flood that there were giants in that time.
Whether the giants were part of the Nephilim or not, well they were, but we have people surviving, and the Nephilim is still here. But why were they so wicked then and what were the Nephilim?
That is all something that we can talk about at another time, but I am going to allude to it here. We have the Nephilim here on the Earth when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children with them.
“They were the heroes of old, the men of renown. The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on Earth had become and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil at the time. And the Lord was grieved that he made humankind and his heart was filled with pain.
So He said, ‘I will wipe mankind whom I have created from the face of the earth, men, animals, creatures that move along the ground, birds of the air, for I am grieved that I made them. But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.’”
Now we get into the account of Noah, righteous, and blameless, God saved Noah, spared him, and wiped everyone else out. Why was everyone else so wicked? It was because they were corrupt and were they corrupted because the celestial beings or the sons of God came down and had children with the women of the Earth?
And then they created these supernatural human-type figures and they were the result of wickedness. It is more than that. People were born into sin. The devil rules down here and so we became wicked and that only fueled the fire and so everyone just became so wicked and God said, “We got to wipe them out.”
We got to get rid of them and obviously, we have David and Goliath, we have giants that came later and so there were still these immaculate creatures. If the celestial beings came down after the flood and did the same thing again then God had to take care of it, wiping them out through His people, the Israelites.
None of them survived the flood, we know that. But maybe the genes were carried on through Noah’s family, we don’t know. But again those creatures were some different beings on earth. This is where we get Greek mythology of demigods and stories like that. Because it did happen.
In the Bible, we have heavenly beings coming down and creating these almost supernatural beings on Earth that walked around on Earth that were more powerful and bigger and stronger and they were here in the Nephilim.
We can talk about that again in a future time. For now, why were they so corrupt? It is because they were following the devil and now God wiped them out and said, “I am limiting them to 120 years so they don’t have 600 years to become so corrupt.” What are some of the reasons that we are limited? Why don’t we live as long anymore?
Well, the main reason is we don’t have that hyper-oxygen chamber so our bodies are not getting fueled as well as they were before. In addition, the sun’s rays now come through the atmosphere, we don’t have that blanket of water protecting us so we are getting beat up and damaged by the light and the sun more than we were.
Then in addition all these chemicals like I said are produced by humankind from all of our machines and everything, we create all these pollutants, and thus the ozone layer is failing. No, is the ozone layer failing or is it just because we don’t have that water protecting our ozone layer that the sun is now burning it up? Could be both.
In addition, after the flood, God said “All the animals are now okay for you to eat.” Whereas before, it was only okay to eat the clean animals. And so if we are now eating the unclean animals, we could be getting more pollutants or toxins from those unclean animals, and that could also be damaging our bodies.
That is in Genesis 9:3 I will read that for you quickly. Genesis 9:3 says “Everything that lives and moves on the ground will be food for you just as I gave you the green plants I now give you everything.”
Then, there are a couple of stipulations. Don’t eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. So you can’t eat anything with the lifeblood still in it. It has to be drained out. It has to be dead and drained first.
You can’t just start eating the meat with the blood still in there. Now, people sometimes do that. Well, then that could also be part of why they don’t live as long. So, the more carcinogens more cholesterol comes into us could also shorten our lifespan.
The other thing is prey for animals. Why are they no longer dinosaurs? Well hunter, hunted, and prey. They are killing each other off a little bit faster and they are eating more of each other, so that could also be part of the effect.
Mankind has played a lot of those fierce creatures like the “Dragon Slayers” and everything like that. We have killed them off and animals are going to go extinct, God I am sure is still creating more animals that we haven’t discovered or that we haven’t found. So it is a cycle, it is a cycle and God has His hand on everything.
We are limited to 120. We can’t become so wicked. Well, let’s not even become wicked during those 120 years. If we are fortunate enough to live that long, let’s not become wicked. Strive to be better, strive to be more like Jesus.
If you want to know how to be more like Jesus. Reading this book, the Bible, specifically the New Testament, Paul wrote so much of it and he says follow me as I follow Jesus. So follow Paul and follow Jesus and also you could watch more of these sermons and start living your life by the principles given to you through them.
That would help. Mainly you need to invite Jesus to become the Lord of your life, your Savior, and so inviting Him in to lead you and to forgive your sins is a great way to start doing that. If you need help with that comment below.
Send us a message. Speak to someone at your church. We would love to be able to help you do that. Father God thank you so much for this time together, for the message. Thank you for controlling the wickedness on this Earth by not allowing us to become so evil that we are only thinking of evil.
We ask that you would inspire us to think of good more, that you would fill us with your Holy Spirit. That you would speak to us with your Holy Spirit and show us where to go and what to do step by step. You know we plan but you determine our steps in every way.
Lord for anyone out there that hasn’t made that decision to follow you, I ask that you would work on them. Have them turn to you. That Jesus would become the Lord and Savior of their lives and I ask that every other person who is following you or has made that decision, that they would be inspired to share you with more people so we can continue to grow the kingdom of God.
Lord, thank you so much for giving us your Word, the Bible, and for explaining to us why certain things were done and we know that we were limited to 120 years. Help us to make that 120 years the best 120 years ever, that we can live and share you with as many people as possible, and that we can live that calling of the great commission. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Once again I want to thank you for tuning in to Social Media Ministries, to this message. Please stay tuned, I have got a couple more in this sermon series and if you haven’t seen the rest of them find that playlist, watch those, and if you have any questions or comments feel free to do that below.
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