The leopard with four wings and four heads is the most complex beast we’ve encountered so far. This must be a very powerful nation with many other nations allied with it. Remember, it must be a nation that still exists in the end times. Thus, it is not a nation from the past.
Watch this message to find out which nation best fits this profile for the leopard as well as what nations all of those wings represent. In addition, if you haven’t watched the previous messages in this series now would be a great time to get caught up!
Referenced Verses:
Daniel 7:1-28
Daniel 8:1-27
If you haven’t already, please read:
Daniel 2:1-49
Revelation 12:1-17
Revelation 13:1-18
Revelation 14:1-20
Video Transcript
Although, we have also gone back to Daniel Chapter 2 which was Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and then we have tied a little bit into Daniel Chapter 8 which was a later dream that Daniel had two to three years after Daniel Chapter 7. In addition, we have gone to Revelation, which is the favorite book of the end times, Chapters 12 to 14.
We have pulled a lot of the Bible into here and have been stretching it with many of these Scriptures. We have been stretching the series out. Why have we been stretching out the series rather than doing it all in one? Because there is so much prophecy in these five chapters of Scripture.
Well, today we are talking about “The leopard with four wings and four heads.” Now if you are like, “What in the world is he talking about?” Then check out the past sermons in this playlist here if you are watching on YouTube.
Otherwise, navigate to our YouTube channel. You will find the playlist on the “End times” and you have a lot of catching up. You have got seven messages to watch. We talked about the end times. We talked about “Daniel’s dream,” and how the beasts represent modern nations.
Modern, as in really today’s world, is a modern and erroneous representation of the beasts and what other people have speculated that they represent. When you type these in, a lot of people, tons and tons of other ministers and ministries and scholars, think that they represent something else, which is not what we have been presenting.
Then we talked about how the lion turned into a man and the wings of the lion became something else. Last week we talked about the bear with three ribs and the bear is a nation, three ribs are three nations.
The wings are another nation and then the lion that became a man was another nation, so we have got a lot of nations here and we are spreading around the world. I will just quickly recap it. If you haven’t seen the previous one, you are going to get a little preview of it.
But I encourage you to go back and watch them or listen to them at another time. The lion that turned into a man was from Great Britain. Then we have the eagle’s wings that got pulled off of the lion, which became the United States.
We have the bear which is Russia and the three ribs which could be three Islamic terrorist countries or perhaps three countries that Russia had before and they are going to reclaim their old territory of the USSR.
Today we are talking about the leopard and what that could represent. Some people thought that the leopard could represent Alexander the Great, however, that is simply not the case as we have shown about four different times.
Now the main point is that if you go to Daniel Chapter 8, first off the reason people think the leopard is Alexander the Great is because Alexander was great, he conquered a bunch of the world. He got knocked off and then his four generals divided up his kingdom into four places which is where they get those four wings and four heads.
However, that is wrong because in chapter 8 we have the shaggy goat as the king of Greece, and the large horn between its eyes is the first king. The four horns that replace the one that was broken off represent four kingdoms that will emerge from this nation but will not have the same power.
That right there, Alexander the Great of Grecia and his four generals that took over, four horns that replaced the one horn, and four kingdoms not as great as the first. That is pretty simple too. What that could mean of Alexander the Great, so if Alexander the Great is not the leopard, in addition, Alexander the Great didn’t use a leopard as a symbol.
He used a lion with wings so I don’t know how people could confuse all of that, so we just eliminated that confusion. If you need more elimination of that confusion again check out the playlist and watch those previous messages. So what is the leopard then?
Well, it is not Alexander the Great because as we have shown some other nations use the leopard as their symbol. As we have shown in previous messages how different nations have used these animals and what they could be.
Let’s check out some modern nations that have the leopard. We have Pakistan, so that is a possibility. Pakistan could be one of these nations that rises out and right now they are very prominent over there with the terrorism and this war on terror. We also have Afghanistan, the same story. Rwanda and Somalia. So do any of these fit?
Well, the African nations don’t because historically Africa has not been a powerful nation. They have been pretty conquered if you will, they have been taken as slaves, they have been occupied by other nations, colonized by other countries, etc.
Pakistan and Afghanistan could be, but they don’t fit either. Why? Because of the leopard here if we go to Daniel’s dream and read about the beast, it says, this in Chapter 7:6 “After that, I looked, and there before me was another beast, one that looked like a leopard. And on its back, it had four wings like those of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given authority to rule.”
This is a nation that was given authority to rule and now of course this is a modern nation, some nation that is around. But are Pakistan and Afghanistan if they are represented by the leopard? Number one, do they have authority to rule, and the answer to that one is pretty much going to be no.
Because these could be nations that Russia comes in and sweeps out. The US is already bearing down on them. Now the US is the eagle’s wings. If the US combined with Pakistan or Afghanistan and knocked them out and took it over, then we could have the leopard with a couple of wings.
But then what happens to the other two wings and where are the four heads? So it is very unlikely that those are the case. Let’s continue and see what nations could fit this profile, a modern-day nation, and here we have to start thinking outside the box.
We need to look at a nation that is one nation of itself, but that also had four separate nations kind of like Alexander the Great and his four kingdoms that his four generals took over. We were kind of on that line of thinking, so we weren’t too far off, but it is not Alexander the Great so who could it be?
Well outside the box thinking let’s take a look at what comes next. The other thing is to draw on this we check out Revelation and see part of it which we will dive into a little bit more next week, so make sure to stay tuned, but Revelation 13 talks about how the leopard had a fatal wound on one of its heads.
This is 13:3, “One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.” Then we continue.
That was a preview, we will dive into it more next week but what is this? If a little outside the box thinking here, this country of the leopard is Germany and you are like Germany? What in the world? How do we get Germany? Think about it for a minute. Check out Germany.
Germany developed the leopard tank. Now you say, “Okay wait a minute, you are talking about a tank?” Yes, the tank. What did this tank do for Germany? This leopard tank was so revolutionary that they rolled this thing out and the allies were scared, people were afraid, and they were overwhelmed.
This tank was like nothing else and it came out and they used it to nearly win World War II. This leopard tank allowed Germany to do something that no other country had done, it was given authority to rule right there.
What happened over time? Germany had four distinct rules, not like rule one, and rule two, but like rules or they called them Reichs for periods of power. So these four heads on this leopard could represent the four reichs and they were brought in by the leopard tank.
The first Reich was the “Holy Roman Empire” ruled by Charlemagne, this was a long time ago, this was in the past so it is not a modern-day nation but the nation is still here, so it is modern-day. Not like Babylon, which is gone, it is modern day. It has always been the same.
The first Reich was the Holy Roman Empire ruled by Charlemagne from 1800 to 1860, a very long time. The Second Reich was the “German empire” under Otto von Bismarck from 1870 to 1919 so a little less but still there.
What was the Third Reich? “Adolf Hitler,” World War II 1933 to 1945, and then now you say, “Well wait a minute, that is only three, so three heads. The fourth Reich is the “European Union,” from 1958 to the present. Four heads, four Reichs.
Now we have Germany’s symbol, it is not the leopard. Okay, they had the leopard tank, so we have the leopard tank accounted for Germany, and then we have the four heads accounted for by the four Reichs, one of them is present, the last one.
Adolf Hitler, we are going to get into that and how that ties in with Revelation but what is Germany’s official symbol? Well if you remember from a couple of weeks ago, Germany’s symbol is the eagle. You say, “Why does that matter?”
The eagle represents America, so how does the eagle fit into Germany’s prophecy with this? Because the wings that were torn off of the lion did not become Germany, Germany was already there, it became America.
But Germany is the eagle and so we have this leopard with four heads, four Reichs, but remember we also have four wings like that of a bird. Eagles have two wings, so that could be two wings.
Now we have got four heads and we have got two wings on this leopard. What about the other two? What about the other two wings? For that, we have to take a look at Germany’s allies. Who is Germany allied with? Who are they closely allied with? They are allied with the United States.
Hey, now we could have Germany with the leopard tank. With the four Reichs, we have the Holy Roman Empire, we have the German Empire, we have Adolf Hitler, and we have the European Union.
So that is the heads and then we have Germany as the eagle’s wings and then if they are allied with America, now that could be the other two wings. However, there is something that is a little bit more closely related to that and that is France.
You say, “Why France?” France has been allied with Germany for a very long time and the current Reich is controlled by Germany and France. The European Union is a combination of Germany and France and so we look at that and that is very good.
But how do we know that it is France? What is their symbol? Well, that is a rooster. The symbol of France is a rooster. Roosters have two wings, not three, two wings. We have one leopard, we have four heads and four wings, Germany combined with France, the European Union and you say, “Wow that is incredible.”
Well, I encourage your comments and your discussion below because yes I agree this one is a little bit more involved than the others. We have got so far in Great Britain or the United Kingdom with the lion turned into a man.
Then we have got the United States of the wings of an eagle pulled off. We have Russia as the bear with three ribs as three more probably Middle Eastern nations. So we are moving in both directions.
If you kind of look at the map, we started in Europe and we moved to the United States which was over and then we have this direction of Europe, we have Russia and all of them, and depending on how you are looking at the map it could be this way for you.
Russia would be here watching me in Europe and America, but for me looking at it it would be this direction, it could be either way, you get the idea. We are moving around the world from Russia, we are coming towards Europe and from Europe now we have got France and Germany and we are going toward Russia.
This world is kind of closing in. We are getting smaller and smaller as we are starting to snap up these countries. Now we have the leopard with four wings and four heads, four Reichs in Germany, and the four wings of France and Germany as well.
We know that this nation is Germany. The two wings are from Germany’s eagle, and the two wings are from France’s rooster, that is the European Union. They are currently carrying this leopard with the four heads.
They are ruling the European Union as the current Reich, one of the heads. So it is the head plus the two countries of the wings and the leopard which was the leopard tank used to nearly win World War II.
Now next week as I said we are going to dive into this leopard head being wounded as we read in Revelation. What does that mean? Where did this wound come from and what period? Remember it was a fatal wound and then after the wound it rose back up and nations around it started to follow it again.
We are going to talk about that next week so I encourage you to stay tuned. We are not going to dive into it now because it would take too long. We have only got about five or 10 minutes left so what we are going to do right now is give you a quick recap of the beast and what is going on.
Daniel Chapter 7 we have got these four beasts. We have gone through the three, we have this one and we are gonna read Verse 6, remember it is like those of a bird. “I looked and there before me was another beast,” looked like a leopard, so this beast might not be a full leopard, it looked like a leopard which is why we get that leopard tank.
“On its back were four wings like those of a bird. The beast had four heads and was given the authority to rule.” Now are these four heads the heads of a leopard or are they the heads of a man or are they the heads of an eagle?
We don’t know, however, if we jump up to Revelation and go to Chapter 13 and read about the beast out of the sea, this is a completely different beast. It is almost like all of them that come together.
Chapter 13:2 says, “The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.”
What is the dragon? The dragon we are going to come to that, is that fourth beast, the AntiChrist. Then we have one of the heads of the beast that seemed to have a fatal wound. The head with the beast he saw resembled a leopard, so we have a great correlation between the vision here in Revelation and the vision from Daniel, they both resembled and looked like a leopard.
How many heads were on the beast in Revelation? This has ten horns and seven heads with ten crowns on its horns, each head has a blasphemous name. This is seven heads. Well, we are going to get to this. Where do we get the seven heads of this, when this leopard in Daniel only has four heads?
Well, I am not going to ruin it now and I got to be careful so I don’t ruin it, because we are coming there. We are going to get there but right now one of these heads got wounded, so of these seven heads, one is wounded which is probably one of the leopard’s heads because that is what we are going to talk about next week.
It was a nation that came up and re-risened or it fell and then rose again so to speak. Not like Jesus, but it was a nation that its rule got knocked down and then it recovered from its fatal wound.
What nation? What could it be? Tune in next week to find out and we have got a lot more coming up. What is coming up? The leopard head wounded, that is what we are talking about next week.
Then after we introduce all these beasts and what nations they represent, we are going to talk about the new world order that comes about because of them. Then we will talk about that fourth beast which is that AntiChrist, the dragon that comes in, and what that beast is going to do.
It is going to take all these other beasts and the nations and they are going to fight against each other. We are going to have the east against the west which is going to mark the beginning of the end and then finally what will happen is the end.
That is how we are going to wrap it up, so stay with us. We have about a month left of this sermon series. Let’s pray. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this great sermon series that we are powering through.
Today’s message was a lot to handle and it could be a stretch for some people, but I pray that they would look at this with an open heart and an open mind. That they would do their research. They would read these chapters Daniel Chapter 2, Daniel Chapter 7, and Daniel Chapter 8.
They would draw correlations between them all and what they all mean they would also read Revelation Chapters 12 through 14 and they would tie all this together in their minds and put it out on a timeline so they could see it and understand it and that they would pay attention to the methods and the ideas introduced in the previous messages of this series.
They would start to see how everything lines up and makes sense when they look at it and see it. Give them Your eyes to see and Your ears to hear. Put the Holy Spirit in them so they would be able to understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible and also share that with other people so that they would be fruitful.
That this seed that we are planting in them right now would grow and bear fruit and that they would bring other people into the Kingdom of Heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen. If you are watching this and you have not made that decision to follow Christ to add Him into your life and have Him be your Lord and Savior then contact us, it is one of the best decisions.
It is not one of them, it is the best decision that you can make. It is the best thing that will happen in your life. You can invite Jesus into your heart. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins and be the Leader of your life and you can do that today.
You can contact us, you can comment below, we can pray for you, we can pray with you, we can tell you what to say, we can get you to reach out to some local churches, and some people and get connected where you are. If that is you, if you want to make that decision to change your life and follow Christ then definitely reach out and we can help you with that. God bless.