As you learned last week, the Bible says that anyone who does not provide for their family has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. You have denied that God has the ability to provide for you and your household. Keep the faith!
Trust that God will provide so much that you are able to leave an excellent inheritance for not only your children but your grandchildren as well. God will bless you. Follow His plan for your wealth and use it to leave a great inheritance.
Think about the legacy you want to leave behind. Do you want your children and grandchildren to struggle financially or do you want them to have a solid foundation for their future? By following God’s plan, not only will you be able to provide for your family, but also make a positive impact on others.
Imagine being able to give generously towards causes that are close to your heart. Imagine being able to help those in need without worrying about how it will affect your finances. This is possible when we trust in God’s provision and use our wealth wisely.
Don’t let fear hold you back from leaving an excellent inheritance for generations after us. Take action today by seeking guidance from God and making intentional decisions with your finances. Trust that He will bless all of our efforts as we strive toward financial freedom and generosity.
Remember, it’s not only about accumulating wealth – it’s what we do with it that truly matters in the end. Let us honor God through wise stewardship of our resources so that His blessings may overflow onto others around us!
Referenced Verses:
Proverbs 13:22
Proverbs 11:25
Matthew 13:12
Matthew 25:29
Matthew 6:19-21
1 Timothy 5:8
James 1:17
Video Transcript
Today we are wrapping up the sermon series. Last week we had our first message, you could check that out, it was about providing for your family. Today we are talking about leaving an inheritance.
So a little recap of what we spoke about last week: it is very, very important for you to provide for your family. Now your family includes your immediate household, your extended family, your relatives, and the brothers and sisters that you have in Christ.
So, the Kingdom of God— the body of Christ. You are one part of the body of Christ, other people are part of it and you need to do what you can to try to provide for all of them.
Now, of course, you are not going to be able to provide for everyone, but you can provide for your household. You could be donating 10 percent of your income to other places within the Kingdom of God. You could be donating some of your time, some of your services, your skills, your gifts. You could be using it all to further the Kingdom of God.
Now that does not mean 100 percent all the time 24/7, but it means that you should be looking at your life and trying to help those around you, providing for them, and also living in faith. That was huge. You need to live in extra faith. Get out of the comfort zone, live in faith, and do more.
Make sure that your household is serving the Lord because if something is going on in your household that is not godly, something that is ungodly is happening, then one reaps, and the other sows.
So if someone is sowing sin, someone else in your household or your whole household could be reaping that, so make sure that your household is pure, and then God can continue to bless your household so that you will be able to provide for more people.
Today we are talking about how to continue providing after you are gone. As Jesus came and He took all those rules of the Old Testament, everything that God had said and He said, “Hey instead of this, do this. If someone says one mile, go with them two. If someone asked for a cloak, give them the cloak and a tunic. Do more.”
Why? Because. Have faith that God will provide for you, that God will give you more so that you can continue doing more. Go with them two miles. But I might not have the energy, I am just gonna go one. Ah, have faith. God will give you that energy. Boom, go two miles. Do more. God can do it; do not limit God. He is unlimited. Have faith. He will take care of you.
How do you do that long after you are gone? Train up your family in righteousness, teach them to provide for others, and guess what? They will continue providing and providing. That is one way—raise up a good family. Another way is, obviously, you need to have a good financial plan.
We are not going to talk about financial planning here. That is an entirely different subject, I mean if you need assistance with that, comment below and we can help you get connected. But having a great financial plan and being set up so that when you die, the future generations are cared for is definitely something you should do. If you do not have that, please comment below. We can get you connected there.
Proverbs 13:22. If you have your Bibles, please turn with me, if you do not, all of these verses will be referenced in the description below. Please take the time to go back and read a couple of verses before, a couple of verses after as well, because you will get more context, more information in addition to what we are giving you here.
Proverbs 13:22, “A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.” What does that mean? Well, it means you need to be providing for your children and your children’s children, your grandchildren, even beyond, keep going. Provide for as many generations as you can, as far as you can.
Not only your children, maybe your nieces and nephews, maybe their children. Keep going, have the faith that God can do it. He can. But a sinner’s wealth, a selfish person’s, is stored up for the righteous. What does that mean?
Well, we have talked about that before when we talked about the parable of the talents in Matthew and in Luke. You can check out the sermon here, otherwise navigate to our YouTube channel and you will find it there.
What did we talk about there? Well, the sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous. There were in each of those stories some servants that were given an amount of money to do something with and the first two servants in both stories multiplied their investments, the last servant in both stories hid it in the ground or in a piece of cloth and then just returned it to the master when they got back.
They did not use it. What did the master do? He said, “Take it from that wicked evil, and lazy person and give it to the person who did well with it.” The righteous took it – took from the selfish sinner and gave it to the righteous.
Leave an inheritance. If you are selfish, if sinner’s wealth, what is going to happen to your wealth? It is going to be taken from you and it is going to go somewhere else. God wants you to store wealth for your family, for the body of Christ. Now, He does not want you just to hoard it all, because remember we are to store our treasure in heaven, but He wants you to store it.
The proverb says that the houses of the wise are filled with stores of choice food and oil. They also know the status of their flocks and herds. Now, of course, you might not have flocks and herds and choice food and oil, but you have possessions and belongings.
Do the status. What does your balance sheet look like? Do you know what your money is doing? Do you have a good control on your vehicles and your automotive stuff and your toys and whatever else? What you have, do you take care of it? That is what this is, take good care of it, store up this wealth, and use it to bless others and then be blessed yourself.
Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous man will prosper, but he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Another one, here we are going to go to Verse 24, “One man gives freely yet gains even more, another withholds unduly but comes to poverty. Because it is taken away from them and given to someone else.”
This is why it is important to read before and after because we said 25 but 24 is an excellent verse as well. Use your Bible. Read. A sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous, it goes to other people. It gets taken away from them and given to those who are going to use it properly. Leave an inheritance.
Let’s go to Matthew 13:12. This is a little reinforcement in Matthew 13:12, so turn with me otherwise, yes, I will read it to you. Matthew 13:12 says, “Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance.
Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from them.” Whoever has will be given more, if you do not have, it will be taken from you. So if you are storing it up for yourself, being selfish, it is going to be taken from you and go to someone else.
Matthew 25:29 says, “For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.” This is the end of the parable of the talents. Whoever has will be given more. If you store up your wealth and use it for God’s Kingdom, providing for your family, your extended family, those in the Kingdom of God, donating to your church whether it is time, money, services.
We used some examples last week about a car mechanic who said “I am going to take care of my pastors and do the work for free,” something like that, or maybe you are a dry cleaner and you say, “Hey, I want to clean all your dress shirts and suits for free as a part of helping you with your ministry,” something like that.
Whatever the case may be, that is what you can do. You do not have to give out all your money. Money is greatly misused within churches, a lot of people have a negative impression of that. We have spoken about the importance of tithing and giving in other messages that you can check out to see what the stance is on that. I would encourage you to do so.
In addition, you have gifts, you have talents that you can give to help further the Kingdom of God. Do not be so attached to it. Do not hoard it for yourself like the sinners. It is all God’s anyway. It came from Him, you are to use it for His Kingdom.
Matthew Chapter 6 Verses 19 to 21 says, “Do not store up for yourself treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy, where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourself treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Where is your treasure? If your treasure is in money, in the bank or stock, in an investment portfolio, or cryptocurrency, in an exchange, if your treasure is there that is where your heart will be. But if your treasure is in your family, your heart will be there as well. If your treasure is in the Kingdom of God, your heart will be there as well.
Now that does not mean you are not to store up investments. You have to store investments. How else will you provide an inheritance when you die? You must store them, but you also need to be using what you have while you are here on Earth to provide for those around you, it is very, very important. God wants you to provide for your family and take care of them.
Now, of course, providing goes in a number of ways. A lot of times we think of the provider in the family being the person who goes out and works and brings money. They are the provider, but what about the person who stays home and raises the children or watches them or teaches them? They are a provider too.
They are providing education for their children. Now, of course, if you are out working all day and then you come home, you are still a provider in that sense because you are probably teaching your kids something too.
There are many ways to provide and a lot of people have the false perception that providing is only monetary. That if I say you are to provide for your church, you are to provide for your missionaries, you are to provide for the ministries, that you think like all he wants is me to give money to all these places. No.
You can provide your time, you can provide your council, you can provide a listening ear, you can provide your experience, your expertise, you can provide your gifts, your talents, you can provide in a number of ways other than money.
In fact, most of the time people write out a check as a means of a scapegoat to not have to do more. In fact, it would be better for you to provide your talent or your service to someplace rather than just simply write a check because you are valuable, you are worth way more than the money you write on that check. You are worth way more than that.
You are the only one of your kind. You are a miracle created out of a miracle. Think of the miracle that created you, unbelievable, the miracle of conception and how you were formed and then how you survived and you were birthed and all of that. What a miracle.
You are the only person created exactly like you. There is no one else that can be you, no one else who has everything the same as you. You are rare and there is value in rarity. The most rare things are also the most valuable, therefore, you are valuable.
It would be better for you to use your talents and your gifts to further the Kingdom than to simply write a check. Now I am not saying do not write a check because maybe you are using your talents and your gifts in the way God wants you to and you are making a bunch of money and then you are using that money to further the Kingdom.
However it is for you, just know you are more valuable than the money that you have and so for people to say “I want your money,” they are missing the boat. They are missing the boat. You are more valuable than that, so use what you have. Use your gifts to provide for more people, again in any way possible.
1 Timothy 5:8 says, “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” What does that mean, denying the faith? Well, if you say that you cannot provide for more people, you are denying the faith that God can provide for you and all those people. You are denying that faith. God is unlimited.
If you say, “I want to provide for three missionaries and I want to sponsor a couple kids and I want to write 10 percent to the church and I want to give to five other ministries throughout the year,” and you have all that and it is sincere, it is not just some whim and it is sincere and you have talked about it with your spouse and you have talked about it as a family and this is your goal and you pray about it and you do it, you say we are gonna do it and you mean it, guess what?
Have the faith God can do it. He could do that times 10. He can do it. If you have the faith God can provide for you, He has it all. He has given you everything you have already, there is no reason to say He cannot give you 10 times what you have already. Look at Job, Satan took everything from him. God gave him back multiple times more than what he had before. God can do it.
Anyone who does not provide for their household is worse than an unbeliever because you have shown that you do not trust God; you have denied the faith. Your money, your wealth, your talents, your time, your ability, all of that is a gift from God.
Do not believe me? James 1:17, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
He does not change. He gave a bunch of stuff to Job. He can give it to you. He gave gifts of prophecy to the prophets in the Bible, He could give it to you. He gave the Holy Spirit to Elisha and to Elijah. He could give it to you. He gave wisdom to Solomon. He could give it to you. Look at the wealth He gave Solomon. He could give it to you if you have the faith.
What are you doing with it? What did Solomon do with his wealth? Did he hoard it up for himself? No, he made his kingdom the richest kingdom in the world. He built temples for God, he employed tens of thousands of people to do that.
He gave his wealth to everyone, yet he did not only give it out as a return on his investment, he employed tens of thousands of people and never saw a dime come back to him.
But God gave him more in other ways. He even had people coming from distances bringing caravans of gold and spices and fabrics and giving it to Solomon just to sit and hear his wisdom. What is more valuable there? They were giving up all their wealth to see and hear his wisdom. Solomon, the person, was rare. You are rare. You are more valuable than wealth.
Just like Solomon, people came, they gave their wealth to be with him, people could do the same for you. What are they paying you for? They are paying you for your individual value. Wherever you work, whatever you do, you are valuable. Use that value that God gave you to further the Kingdom of God.
Leave an inheritance. Everything, all your good and perfect gifts are from God; use them to provide for those around you to leave an inheritance, for not only your children but also your grandchildren.
Remember, everything that you do, you can do as leaving an inheritance. You could teach them, you can leave a legacy, all of that kind of stuff, but then you also have stores of choice food and oil that is in the form of investments that you will pass down to generations. Again if you need help with that, comment below.
You can just say, “I would like to learn more about leaving an inheritance, leaving a monetary inheritance or investing,” that kind of thing and we can get you plugged in on some learning resources that you can start learning more about how to leave an inheritance of money to your future generations so that they have what you maybe did not have.
Then also, make sure that you leave something more valuable than money, that is the wisdom and the knowledge of what they should do with that money. That is way more valuable. Teach them how to make their own money and also teach them what to do with the money that they are given with the wealth that you will leave them when you leave this Earth and go home.
What are you doing with your wealth? Do you have the wisdom? If you do not, ask God, ask God for that wisdom. If you follow God’s plan for your life, you live in faith, you follow what He says about your talents, about your time, about your gifts, about your money, you will be able to leave that inheritance to your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren, your family. You will bless so many more people than you can even imagine.
Let’s pray. Lord, thank You for this message. I ask that it inspires people who are listening and watching to have that desire to leave an inheritance, to take care of their family, their friends, their relatives, those around them, and to teach what they know to others so that each generation would be rising up more and more righteous and God-fearing than the previous generations.
Lord, we seem to be on a backward path with that. Every time we have a new generation, more and more problems seem to arise. Lord, please correct that and we can only correct that by having better parents and better teachers who are teaching that it is really their own fault if the generation after them is worse. They were not taught properly. They were not given that inheritance.
Inheritance is more than money. Knowledge, wisdom, skills. Lord, I ask that all of that be taught and be carried down generation after generation, so that we could continue providing not only for our own households, our extended family, our relatives, but also our brothers and sisters and their family, in the body of Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thank you for being here this week. I hope that this sermon series was good for you. Comment below with any questions, comments, engage in that discussion. Remember to be polite and respectful to others.
This is a great topic of providing for your family and those around you and leaving an inheritance. It means so much more than money and if that is the only thing you took from this, that is the main point. Inheritance, your wealth, your value, is way more than money.
It is not about money, it is about what you can leave behind, lasting impressions, skill sets, things you can teach. I hope you get that and if you have any questions or comments, please put them below and get some discussion going. Have a great week. God bless.