July has been a month of continued work. We have been working hard to continue producing all of our content and trying to reach more people with the Word of God.
Our monthly accomplishments:
– Continued Posting 1 Sermon Each Week
– Continued Posting 1 Podcast Each Week
– Continued the Ministry Minute on Social Media
– Continued the Ministry Minute Podcast
– Partnered With Some Great Volunteers!
Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to Social Media Ministries, my name is Spencer Coffman. This is the July 2023 monthly update and status report.
July has been a good month as have all the other months. We are continuing to preach a sermon every week that is going out on Wednesday, so tune in to that. It is on our YouTube channel, our website, you can find it all over social media as well.
In addition, we have continued to do the podcast, so that is out there. If you are on the road or something, tune in to our podcast, that is an awesome thing. Also, we have continued to do the ministry minute. That is a daily Bible verse and devotional that is going out on social media and a podcast. Subscribe to that as well.
As far as other updates for the month of July. We have secured some great volunteers. We have got about four people helping us out right now which is awesome. We are getting help with Google Ads. We are getting help with transcriptions so that we can start translating our sermons into other languages so people around the world can view them. If this is something you can get behind, and I hope it is, then please help us out by liking and sharing our posts. Like it, share it, get it out there so more people can see it.
Now that includes our sermons, you can share our sermons directly on your social media. You can share our Ministry Minute on your social media, that is a minute-long real devotional. You can also share our posts like the images of our sermons to get people to recognize us more. Do all of that.
In addition, if you want to go further, comment, share your feedback about the content in our videos on our post, that really helps get us up there to get more people viewing and watching, which then of course is going to hopefully bring more people to Jesus and into the Christian faith.
Now if you want to go above and beyond that, we can use your financial support. Of course, this isn’t about getting your money, but your money will be used to promote those videos, to help create those transcriptions and translations into other languages so that we can reach more people around the world. If that is something that you want to get behind, you can go to our website and use the donate links to donate in a variety of different ways to support Social Media Ministries.
That has been the July 2023 monthly update and status report. Not a lot new, but a lot of direction happening. We are reaching more people and we want to continue doing so. We would appreciate your help and support in any way you can, even praying for us would be awesome. Pray for strength, energy, and good health to continue doing the Lord’s work. Thank you and God bless.