Satan and his demons are evil. They want to do things that we can’t even imagine or believe. They fight dirty. They deliver low blows and will continue to hit you when you’re down. They have no mercy, show no pity, and feel no remorse. They are truly evil to the core.
Understand their nature and you will be better able to be prepared the next time they attack you. There will be a next time. And a next, and a next. They will always attack you. Knowing and understanding when and how demons attack you is critical to resisting and fighting off those attacks.
It’s time to take control of your life and stop allowing these negative forces to dictate your thoughts and actions. By learning how demons operate, you can develop a strategy for protecting yourself from their influence.
Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back any longer. You have the power within you to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. With knowledge and determination, nothing can stand in your way.
Take action today by educating yourself on the tactics used by demons and arming yourself with the tools necessary for victory. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it when you emerge stronger than ever before.
Remember: You are not alone in this fight. God is with you and countless others who have faced similar struggles and come out victorious on the other side. Join them in taking a stand against darkness and reclaiming your life once again!
Referenced Verses:
Revelation 12:7-8
Job 1:6-12
Job 2:6-12
Matthew 4:8-9
Deuteronomy 31:6
Zephaniah 3:17
Matthew 6:13
Video Transcript
Already we have spoken about why God allows Satan to torment you and then we spoke about Satan being already defeated. So if you have missed them, definitely check them out and if you have already watched them, feel free to share them with others. Because the messages there and the points have really a great power to give you a new outlook and change your life.
We have learned that God allows Satan to attack you for a couple of reasons. Number one is a course correction. If you are going in the wrong direction, God is gonna put some type of a roadblock there and it could be a spiritual attack—he could allow the devil or the Satan, demons, to attack you, to try to steer you in the right direction once again.
If that is not the case, the other option could be that there is some type of battle going on, a heavenly battle, a spiritual battle that you know nothing about. If that is the case, then it is really nothing that you have done, nothing for your course correction.
If you have already examined the course correction and that is not it, then just take joy that you are part of a heavenly battle and sit there and endure and call on God to deliver you.
Now the next thing is Satan is already defeated. He is already defeated. He was defeated many times by God. He was thrown out of Heaven. He then tried to take the Earth and then when he took the Earth from humans, God even said, “No you will strike their heel, but they will crush your head.”
So you have the ability to crush his head anytime you want, and then when Jesus died, Satan thought he won again, but then Jesus rose and conquered the grave and conquered the world.
So if you have Jesus in you, you have that power, you have the ability to crush Satan and you have already defeated him time and time again. Because you have Christ within you, that is very important. How do you get Christ within you? Very simple. Ask Him.
“Jesus, please come into my life. Forgive me of my sins. Thank you for dying on the cross for me. I want to live for you.” That is it. If you need help with that, if you have any questions about that, please comment below.
This is something that we love to help you do and to guide you in. If you are a new Christian or you are struggling with anything, please comment below. We would love to engage in some discussion with you to help you through whatever it is you are going through.
Today we are talking about when and how demons attack. When and how? We know that they attack. We know that God allows that, and we know that they have already been defeated. They are defeated. They are. That is why they are just here trying to cause as much pain, suffering, and destruction as they can during the time period that they are allowed to do.
Now, of course, some people struggle with the fact that why would God—why would a good God—allow evil to prosper or to grow on Earth? That is a big point that a lot of people have when they are struggling with religion or becoming a Christian or anything like that. A lot of atheists may even say, “I do not believe in a God that would allow evil, so I do not believe in God at all.”
If that is someone or if you are that person and you are watching this, then that is great, share it with them or you can use this point even to talk to someone about that. That a good God allows it on Earth because Satan took the Earth. The Earth was good, and Satan took it away and God’s Kingdom is above.
Here on Earth, we are really behind enemy lines. We are in hidden territory. That we are here trying to do as much good as we can and try to grow the Kingdom of God here on Earth, to make it a better place.
We are trying to make Heaven on Earth; Satan and his demons are trying to make Hell on Earth. It is a battle back and forth and that is why bad things and evil happen here in this world. This is like the in-between place, the fight is raging on and it is going back and forth.
Of course, at any time God could just end it, but it is not the right time for that yet. There is so much more to do. So how could God allow that to happen here? Because His Kingdom is up there. This is a battleground and in war, there is good and evil, there are casualties. That is what we are in. We are in the middle of a war.
When and how demons attack. Demons are evil. They are evil and if evil is here, of course, evil things are going to happen on the Earth. How do we know demons are evil? Well, they are fallen angels, so if you have your Bibles, please use them. Turn with me.
Revelation 12 Verses 7 and 8. Demons are fallen angels, “There was a war in heaven”— So Heaven was not always peaceful. Heaven is this beautiful place. Heaven is like the place everyone wants to go. Just by definition, you use that word to define other things. “Oh, it was heavenly,” “Oh man, it was like Heaven on Earth.” It is just everything you have ever wanted, complete paradise. Peace, peace.
There was a war there. Satan started a mutiny. “There was a war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.” They lost their place.
What happened? Well if we continue, “The great dragon was hurled down, that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled down to the earth and his angels with him.” He was hurled down to Earth and so if he was trying to cause a war and evil in Heaven and he was hurled down to earth, what do you think he is going to do here? The same thing.
He is fighting like crazy down here and we, of course, are weaker than God and the angels. That is why we need God. To help us become stronger. Without that, you are going to be led astray. You are going to be attacked. You are going to be beaten down. Demons are evil, remember that.
They do not have any rules. They have no rules. They do have a leader though. Satan is their leader. As you heard in this, the dragon and his angels, so they follow Satan. Now of course, they do not have any rules, but they do have limitations which we will come to eventually a little bit later on.
If you have something you are struggling with, some type of a sin, a weakness, a fault, a bad point, the demons are going to find that. They are going to look at your life. They are going to see everything you are doing and if there is one spot that you struggle with or one fault or one weakness, they are going to find it and they are going to exploit it.
It is like, if you are a star athlete on a football team or something like that, the other team are the demons, they are gonna fight dirty. They are gonna say, “Hey this kid, when this guy was 15 he broke his leg, that is where we are gonna hit him. Every time I want you to hit him in that leg, do not hit him anywhere else.”
Why? Because you have a little bit of a weakness in that leg, they are gonna hit that leg over and over, and guess what? It is gonna break. They have exploited your weakness.
It is like in other sports, wrestlers or any other fighters if they have a brace or a compression sleeve on one knee, guess what that is the target. It is a weak knee. A lot of them wear it on both knees then that way they do not know which one is the bad one. It is a 50/50 chance. But the compression sleeve still helps.
They are going to always exploit weaknesses. That is how they attack; they are going to continue to use your weakness to their advantage. They are going to hit you even when you are down. As soon as that leg breaks, guess what?
They are not going to say, “Yeah we broke the leg.” No, they are going to come over and they are going to start kicking that broken leg and hurt it even more. Why? Because they are evil.
Evil is no good. There is no goodness within them, no mercy, no nothing, no guilt, no remorse. It is the purest form of evil out there, they will hit you when you are down and keep hitting you. They will keep doing it. A leg break is not enough. They are going to keep going and going and going and going exploiting that weakness.
Then they are going to post it all over the place, share it with the world that you are down, that you are broken, that you are hurting and they are going to try to make it seem like there is no hope that you can have that leg heal again. Or have whatever it is heal again.
There is no hope and you are the only one that it ever happened to. It does not happen to anyone else, you are alone in this, no one cares. They are going to just keep going, making it worse and worse and worse.
What can you do? You need to call on the Lord. He can defeat them. Remember they have already been defeated. Take hope in that. They have already been defeated. You will crush their head. Yes, they are striking your heel right now and it may seem like a lot more than your heel. But you can crush their head. They have already been defeated. Call on the Lord and help fight whatever is going on.
If it is some struggle, some sin, an addiction perhaps that they keep exploiting, that is perhaps the best example in this, is an addiction. If you are struggling with sobriety or whatever type of case, any type of addiction, I am talking drugs, I am talking sex, I am talking alcohol, anything, pornography, any type of addiction, maybe even stealing cars, whatever that addiction is for you, this is a great example.
Because let’s say you are a recovering alcoholic, in every single day or prescription meds, every single day you have to make the choice to stay sober. It is not like you just wake up and go through life and now it is okay after a year or two years. No, every single day you are still sitting there thinking, “Man, I could just have a drink, I could have one.” You have to say no.
You have to make that choice. It is a battle between yes and no. I can drink, I cannot drink. I need a pain pill, my back hurts, but I cannot. I cannot take it because if I take one, I will take two and then it goes more and more and more. It is a battle.
What do you think they are going to attack with? How do you think they are going to attack? Right there they are going to make you feel weak, they are going to make you feel like you need that to help and they are going to do it.
But remember, they do have limitations and these limitations are set by God which is very nice because that means that there is some hope for you. There is always hope. God is on your side. He has set limitations.
We have another sermon that you should check out. It is “Why God Allows Them To Attack,” it is the first one in this series. So if you have not seen it, please watch that video. They have limitations and we know this because Job was a prime example of what was going on.
Now Job, if you have not read that book, you got to read it. He was a perfect specimen, he did not struggle with an addiction or weakness or something like that, that the demons were trying to exploit. He was righteous.
God said to Satan, “Look at this guy.” Satan said, “I will take care of him. I will prove to you that that is not going to work,” and it happened time and time again. But in the end of course, God prevailed. We are going to go read a little bit about this.
Job Chapter 1 Verses 6 to 12. “One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them. The LORD said to Satan, ‘Where have you come from?’ Satan answered, ‘From roaming through the earth, and going back and forth in it.’ Then the LORD said to Satan”— Now every time I say “Lord” here it is “Yahweh,” it is capital, so I will switch to that.
“Then Yahweh said to Satan, ‘Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.’” Satan was going all through here, we are going to keep reading though.
“‘Does Job fear God for nothing,’ satan said. ‘Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds spread throughout the land. But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.’
“Yahweh said to Satan, ‘Very well, then, everything he has is in your hands.’” And here comes the limitation, so God is allowing Satan to attack Job. “‘Everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.’” So there was a limitation there.
Now Job did not know anything that was going on. God was not allowing a course correction to happen here, but instead, this was a heavenly battle that Job knew nothing about. Pretty soon as you go through, Job loses everything, I mean like not just his house and this and that, but like people are dying. They are gone forever, his wealth goes away, everything, every single thing becomes lost.
Then later on, Satan comes back in Job Chapter 2 and says, “Now you had too much mercy, you showed too much compassion, you take away his health then he will curse you,” and God eventually says, “Okay, go ahead, but you cannot kill him.” There is the other limitation. God allowed a lot to happen to poor Job there and Job rejoiced that he was part of a heavenly battle.
Demons are relentless. They continued to attack Job. It was not just enough they took everything, now they wanted to take him. They are relentless and they will continue to attack you when you are tired or in a lessened and weakened state of mind.
They are not going to attack you right away when you are rested and sharp. They are going to attack you when you are weak, when you are sleep-deprived, when you are stressed out. The hits keep coming.
They are not going to attack you at church or at Bible study or when you are reading your Bible or when you are watching something like this. It is going to be as soon as you get out of here like the second you leave church in the parking lot, you have a fight with your kids or your wife or your husband or someone cuts you off and you get those thoughts the second you are away from that holy place or that holy thing.
That is why God tells you to always meditate on the book of the law. Keep these words on your heart, hide them here, keep them on the tip of your tongue so that it will never depart from you. Do not let the book of the law depart, because the second it departs, Satan swoops in like a big vulture. They are way too crafty and clever to attack you where you have people around you, where you are protected.
What do they want? What do they want from you, that they keep attacking you and why are they attacking you? Well, you are a Christian. Satan already has the unbelievers, he wants you. What does he want from you? He wants worship.
Matthew Chapter 4 Verses 8 and 9, “Again, the devil took him”—Who is him? Jesus. The devil took Jesus “to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and all their splendor. ‘All of this I will give you,’ he said, ‘if you bow down and worship me.’” Satan wants worship. He wants an allegiance. He was kicked out, he was cast away.
They are gonna keep attacking you when you feel alone and helpless, but you must remember you are never truly alone and you are never truly helpless. Deuteronomy 31:6 says, “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or terrified because of them. For Yahweh, your God is with you and he will never leave you nor forsake you.” He will never leave you. He is with you all the time, all the time.
Zephaniah 3:17, “The LORD your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you; He will quiet you with his love. He will rejoice over you with singing.” Yahweh is with you. Jesus is with you. If you have Him in your heart, He is inside you.
He is with you at all times protecting you and helping you. You are never alone. Call on Him, seriously. Call on Jesus in your time of need. Even when you are not in a need, call on Him. Why? Because He will see you through. He will help you. He will deliver you.
Matthew Chapter 6:13, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” Call on Him. Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. So if you have something that is going on, call on Jesus. Remember Satan is already defeated, but guess what He is going to keep coming after you, He will.
Sometimes God is going to allow it to happen for a course correction or if there is some heavenly battle so you can guarantee that you are going to be attacked. You are going to be hit, you are going to be persecuted, it is going to happen.
Maybe not persecuted for your faith, but something is going to happen all the time. Stress, anxiety, depression, those thoughts are going to keep coming no matter what. That is why you need Jesus. Surround yourself in His love.
Meditate on this book day and night, have it all the time so that anytime something happens, bam. Satan is not going to attack you if you are strong in the faith and if you keep reciting Scripture. If he cannot see any of himself in you, you have nothing in common with him, and you will be closer to being holy. Jesus says, “Be holy because I am holy.” You can do it. You have Jesus in you.
Let’s pray. Jesus, thank You so much for the insights that You have given us into why and how Satan and his demons attack us so that we know how we can defend against it and strategize and even fight back. We know we cannot defend forever, eventually, we will be beaten down and broken.
But with You, Lord, with You inside us, we know that the battle has already been won. Therefore we do not need to defend all the time, we have already won. All we need to do is claim that victory. It is there for us to grasp with You Lord.
I pray that each and every person out there if they are struggling with something, if they have anything going on in their lives, that they would comment below and say that they need prayer so we can pray for them and help them through this.
Lord, I ask that each and every person would understand when and how, and why these demons keep attacking them and that they would call on you anytime that happens. That they would study the Bible, that they would have scripture always in their mind, on their lips, and in their hearts.
That You would fill them with your presence, that they would have the Holy Spirit, and that they would be one step closer to holy. So that Satan and his demons when they look at them, that there would be nothing in common that they could relate to and that they could grab.
But that they would be closer to You, that they would be more in common with You than with them. See them through Lord. See them through. Give them strength and courage and help them remember that they are never alone. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thank you so much for being here. We have got one more sermon to go, so come back next week. It is going to be a great wrap-up to this sermon series. God bless.