Heaven is a real place where you can go and spend eternity. Heaven can also be thought of as a state of being. Heaven on earth, so to speak.

You need to always be thinking about doing God’s will on earth as it is in heaven. Only then, will you be able to preview a little bit of heaven on earth.

However, this sermon is focused on heaven as a place. Yes, it exists and you can go there after you die. The only way you can get there is by believing in Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Then, when you die, you will go to heaven.

Until then, you must live your life for Jesus rather than for yourself. Remember, you exist to serve God. Not the other way around.

Referenced Verses:
Philippians 3:20-21
1 John 3:2
Ephesians 1:19-20
John 14:2
Isaiah 65:25
Revelation 21:18-21
Revelation 21:1-5
Revelation 21:4

Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to Social Media Ministries. My name is Spencer Coffman. Thank you so much for being with us today. This is part seven of a seven-part sermon series that we’ve been calling “The Resurrection: Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.”

So, if you haven’t seen or heard any of those other messages in this series, check it out in a card here or find it on our website or YouTube channel.

We’ve talked about hell, we’ve talked about purgatory, we’ve talked about Jesus dying and taking three days to rise. During Easter, we spoke about the Ascension: The First and Second Ascension. And now we’re talking about heaven.

Yes, Heaven is a place. Heaven is mentioned in the Bible over 580 times, a lot more than Hell. Remember, the word hell was never specifically mentioned in the Bible, but the words Sheol or Gehenna were mentioned a few times. Hades, the grave, the pit, things like that. Tartarus was once.

Heaven was mentioned over 580 times. It is a glorious place where Christians will receive a new Eternal Body, and we will be with God forever. Now, last week, we kind of talked a little bit, I hinted at it, about our bodies. Remember, I am not a body. This, that you see, this is my shell, this is my husk.

It’s kind of like the clothing. You don’t see my body under here. I could be full of tattoos and I’m just a shell of clothing. Well, beneath my skin and everything inside of this flesh, this mortal form is my spirit, I am a spirit. That is who I am, that is the identity of Spencer Coffman, that’s your identity.

We are spiritual beings; we were made to live in Heaven with God forever. And you can choose to do so by believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. So, I encourage you to do that, believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.

When this body dies, it gets planted in the earth, just like a seed gets planted. And a seed doesn’t grow, no, the seed dies and decays and new life forms and a new body comes, same with us.

Let’s go to Philippians 3:20-21: “But our citizenship is in Heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.”

We will be in a new body, one that lives in eternal youth, without decay, without pain, without problems, without this dry skin that happens when it’s 20 below outside or without the dry skin that now, as springtime enters, we’re finally getting over. Without the aches and pains in my back and my neck and things like that, one that is just always full of life, youth, and energy.

1 John 3:2, says: “Dear friends, now we are all children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see him as he is.”

Kind of confusing, but it means that anyone who believes in Christ. If you believe in the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you are a child of God. Of course, we are all God’s children, but some of us choose not to be, for some reason. Some people here on earth will reject God, they will run away, and they will choose to go to Hell rather than choosing to go to Heaven.

For those of us who choose heaven, we will receive a new body, and we will be like him. Remember, what we will be has not been made known, so we don’t know what our heavenly body will look like, but we know we will receive a new heavenly body and we will be with God forever.

Jesus is at God’s right hand, and we will be in their presence forever. How do we know this? How do we know that Jesus is there? Well, let’s go to Ephesians 1:19-20: “And his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms.”

Jesus is sitting at God’s right hand, and we can go and be in their presence. It’s like a throne room. Okay, think about this for just a second. God is in Heaven, He is the King of Heaven, sitting on his throne. Jesus is sitting at God’s right hand.

We are citizens of that Kingdom. Alright, in a traditional kingdom, if a citizen went into the throne room of the king without being summoned, he or she is executed, “Get him out of here, how dare they?” Okay, think about that, that’s how it was, don’t know then study some history.

Alright, we as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, can go into God’s throne room, approach Him, and ask Him for anything we want. We have that freedom. God says, “Hey, come to me, ask me, approach me boldly, seek me.” What an incredible King we serve. The day you became a Christian, Jesus began preparing a place for you.

You have a place in Heaven already, it’s waiting. You don’t need to find it, you don’t need to save to buy it, and you don’t need to work to earn it. When you accepted Jesus Christ, He began preparing a place for you.

It’s ready, it’s waiting, it’s fully furnished, all the cupboards are fully stocked, and the refrigerator is there ready to go. Now, it probably doesn’t have a refrigerator and cupboards because we can eat from all the trees that grow. I mean, it’s incredible, but it’s waiting for you and you don’t have to worry about the dust, you don’t have to worry about cleaning, no vacuuming, sweeping nothing. Why?

Because you have a bunch of servants and slaves? No, oh, do the little cherubs and gnomes clean? No, because it’s perfect, none of those problems ever happen. If you want snow one day, it snows but not on your driveway, not on your sidewalk, and nowhere you don’t want it. You want a beach and sunshine but no hurricanes, guess what, you got it. Heaven is incredible.

The day you became a Christian, Jesus began preparing a place for you. He is building you a home. When it is ready, He will call you there. So yes, He’s building it, He is preparing a place for you. When He is ready for you, or when you are ready to go there – I mean, I’m ready to go there now, but my mission here isn’t done.

I have a long way to go, 76, 78, 79 more years until I’m ready to go to Heaven. It’s a long time to have, I’ll have a great place prepared. What does this say? John 14:2, “In my Father’s house are many rooms. If that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?”

So Jesus told us he was going there to prepare a place for us. If that were not so, why would He have told us that? He’s saying, “Hey, I am preparing a place for you, okay? Don’t even doubt this, come on, don’t call me a liar. I’m not. I won’t lie. I’m Jesus. If it wasn’t true, I wouldn’t have told you I’m preparing a place for you.” Guess what? He’s preparing a place for you.

Heaven will be a place of ultimate peace, and ultimate relaxation. The Bible tells us that the wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like an ox. There will be no harm, no destruction.

Let’s go to Isaiah 65:25. “The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. But dust will be the Serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my Holy Mountain, says the Lord.” Now this could be talking about heaven or it could also be talking about Earth during that 1000-year reign.

There’s no reason, though, to believe that if this is talking about the 1000-year reign of heaven isn’t similar. Now what is the “1000-year reign?” That is the period when Jesus comes back to Earth, and He, well, first of all, the Believers will come here.

Those believers who have lived on Earth and who have worked hard and who have done what God had told them to do, will receive a job. So, seriously, this is like an audition. It is a training ground. The more you do for Christ now, the better job you’re going to get later. Oh, what am I going to do?

Well, I’m working hard and I want to be one of those that Jesus says, “Hey, you lead a team. Get down there, prepare that Earth for me,” or, “Do this.” And some of us will be like, “You carry the supplies, you do this, you do this.” You will get a job according to your talents and abilities, like the parable of talents.

Whatever you can do, whatever you have shown you are capable of, well, here on Earth, that’s what you will be doing. This is an audition, a training ground. Do your best, and live for Christ. Come on, this is exactly during that 1000-year reign. So, we will come here, prepare a place for Jesus, and then come 1000 years of pure peace and tribulation.

During this time, those people who are waiting in Hades, half of the realm of the dead, get sent to Pit, Tartarus, and Hell because Hell is empty during this 1000-year aim. Boom, into Hell. The Greats get sealed up over there and then all the ocean gets over them so they can’t get out. 1000 years of pure peace on Earth, you won’t have to mow your lawn, no shoveling snow.

God will be with us all the time. He will be the light here on Earth, He will be in the sky. It’ll be like we’re talking with Him. It’ll be like the Garden of Eden over the whole world. I mean, I don’t even know, we can’t even comprehend what will be possible. I have a feeling like I’ll be living in my house and everything will just be perfect, with no maintenance.

The grass is going to be green all the time, with perfect height, and thick. My garden will be full, and I’ll have fruit trees. All the trees will be perfect, and there won’t be a dead spot anywhere. The firewood will be all there, chopped, stacked, perfect, ready to go. My, uh, equipment, should I choose to use it, it’ll work, I think, will still work.

I’ll still be cutting down trees and cutting logs, but I won’t have to. It’s not like there are going to be thorns and thistles growing in my way. The garden isn’t going to need to be weeded, it’s going to be perfect.

And if I say, “You know what, I think it’d be great to go sit on the beach in Mexico, I’d love to go to Bali, I want to go here, I want to see Russia, I want to go see the Dome of the Rock,” boom, I think it’ll be like we just do it. A 1000 years. Now, will we die? Maybe. I don’t know.

We might live like in the time of Noah, we might live 900 years, we might live 800 years and die and go to—or we’re here the whole 1000 years. We don’t know exactly, but during that time, it’s perfect peace.

Now, in this verse where “The wolf and the lamb will feed together, the lion eats straw like an ox, and the dust will be the Serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountains, says the Lord.” That could be talking about the 1000-year reign or it could be heaven. Either way, they’re going to be very similar.

When this 1000-year reign is over, what’s going to happen? Well, God’s going to release all of them out of Hell for one final reign of terror. They will do whatever they want for the Earth. We won’t be here; we’ll be in Heaven. And then, uh, He’ll destroy the Earth and everything here and send them all back to Hell forever.

So Heaven is going to be awesome, you want to be there. It’s an immaculate place with pearly gates and a Main Street of pure gold. There’s an old joke where this rich man goes to Heaven and the Saints are by the door, they’re like, “What’s going on, man? You can’t bring anything in here.” Because he’s got this briefcase with him.

What’s going on? “Oh, no, no. I talked to God, and He said I could bring this, it’s very, very important to me, it’s mine. And He said it’s okay.” Okay, He says he talked to God, and God said he could bring this. “Hmm, I don’t know, let’s go check.” So they go check to find out, then come back, “All right, sure. But we got to see what it is, let us look.”

So they open it up, okay, you can go, and so then the other guy is there, “So what was in the case?” “I don’t know, man, I have no clue why you’d want to bring pavement here.” Do you get it? He was bringing a case of gold. Where on earth a suitcase full of gold would be worth so much up there?

I don’t know why you’d want to bring pavement. Kind of a silly joke, but it’s a good point. The Main Street of Heaven is of pure gold. What is the Verse Revelation 21:18-21? Let’s read this. 21:18-21, it’s just going to be incredible. I can’t wait. 21:18-21, “The wall was made of Jasper and a city of pure gold as pure as glass.”

Think of that. That’s gold like nothing we have here. “The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was Jasper, the second Sapphire, the third Chalcedony, the fourth Emerald, the fifth Sardonyx, the sixth Carnelian, the seventh Chrysolite, the eighth Beryl, the ninth Topaz, the tenth Crucifix, the eleventh Jason, the twelfth Amethyst.

The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single Pearl, each gate made of single Pearl.” Not this big. Think of how big that Pearl would be, incredible. “The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass.” That’s just the gates. Imagine what it’ll be like on the inside.

You will never have to worry about food or water because all of that is provided to you in variety. Let’s go to Revelation 22:1-5. “Then the angel of the Lord showed me a river of the Water of Life, as clear as Crystal, flowing from the Throne of God and of the Lamb.”

I can’t wait for this man, we get a little thirstier on Earth. Just think of that! What, how good a cold glass of water tastes here on Earth. Think of having this pure water flowing from the Throne of God, as clear as Crystal, man. Do you all think I’m weird?

Yeah, I’m a freak, okay? A Jesus Freak, let’s go down the middle of the great Street of the city. On each side of the river stood the Tree of Life bearing 12 crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. Variety, man! And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the Nations. Think about this, this is just incredible. No longer will there be any curse?

The Throne of God and the Lamb will be in the city, and His servants will serve Him. They will see His face. We can see the face of God, but they will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads. There will be no more nights. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the Sun, for the Lord God will give them light, and they will reign forever and ever.

Now, will we be servants? Probably not. We will be up there, perhaps as equals with Jesus. We will be like His guests, treated in that way. And the angels and the cherubs and all of them will probably be servants. I don’t know for a fact; we might be honored to serve. Remember Jesus came here, and what did he do? He washed feet, he served.

We’re going to go into Heaven and want to serve too. We might be trying to serve and he might say, “Hey, relax, sit here and have a papaya, you want something else next month, you want that? Go to a different tree. Do you want some beautiful water here? Relax, enjoy.” Heaven is going to be awesome.

We will never have to worry about food; it’s all provided in a variety. It would seem that in heaven, though, everyone is a vegetarian. Then none of us will eat any meat. Well, I don’t know, could I give up that? I like a good steak now and then. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe this, and all the other stuff will be so good. I mean, think about it.

Would you rather have the best cut of meat ever, perfect for me, perfect his tuna then I could just dip in some Wasabi and soy sauce? Oh, so good. Or a beautiful rare tenderloin sliced up that just melts in your mouth or a fresh ice-cold juicy piece of fruit that just satisfies and nourishes you and it’s just refreshing? Which would be better?

Which is, I mean, think about it, even as much as I love eating steak and fish and all of that, the fruit is also so much more refreshing. So, in Heaven, if we’re all vegetarian, who cares? Even the lion will eat straw. Heaven is a place of pure joy and no pain.

Revelation 21:4, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old Order of Things has passed away.” Unbelievably, it is a place of pure joy and an excellent party waits for you. How do you get there? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.

Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one goes to the Father except through me.” Do you want to get to Heaven, to the Father, to the throne room? Go through Jesus. Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.

Say, “Dear Jesus, come into my life. I want to live my life for you. Thank you for dying for me. Please forgive my sins. I want to live for you in Jesus’ name. Amen.” And mean it. Start reading your Bible, start praying to God more, watch more sermons, share Jesus with other people, and live your calling.

We’re going to talk about that next week, not part of the series, but it’s a little preview. Live your calling, get out there, tell more people about Jesus, and live on fire for Christ. Let’s pray. Lord, thank you so much for this great sermon series about the “Resurrection, Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.”

I can’t wait to be in Heaven, Lord. I ask that you would just give us a taste of Heaven on Earth, show us that healing, that feeling of no pain. The joy, the refreshingness, that living water, allow it to bubble up in us, give us an early release. You’ve paid for it for us, we’re waiting for the delivery, Lord.

Give us a little bit of a sneak peek, a trial or a teaser, some early release of those blessings while we’re here on Earth so that we can go out and continue to build up others in faith and bring more people into the body of Christ.

I pray an anointing over every person out there, Lord, that they would desire you more, that they would be bold and courageous and get out there and show other people you, that they would bring more people to Christ, and that they would bring more people to these messages so that these messages could transform lives, change hearts and minds, and lead them to Jesus. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Thank you so much for being with us through this series. I hope you’ve enjoyed it. I encourage you to comment and discuss it with other people, watch them again, listen to them again as often as possible, and share them with others. Have a great week. God bless.