Here is our December 2021 status update for Social Media Ministries. December has been an exciting month!
Please continue to pray for us and help us accomplish our mission by sharing our videos on your social media accounts.
Here are the highlights:
-Received our 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Status!
-Continued posting videos and podcasts
-Held our quarterly board meeting
-Elected officer positions
-Set goals for 2022
January Goals:
-Get registered with donation platforms to be able to accept money
Video Transcript
It took us about six months to get that approval. So now that we have it, we can kick off the new year 2022 with some fundraising, and that will be excellent. So stay tuned, watch out for those fundraising links where you can donate to contribute and help support Social Media Ministries in a financial capacity, if that is something that you feel called to do.
That would be great for us, as well as knowing that you can help support us and make this happen. The next thing: we had our quarterly board meeting. So we did our final year-end quarterly board meeting. This was a good meeting to have. We’ve summed up the year and what we have done. We also spoke about our year ahead.
So, the coming year: 2022. We’ve set a whole bunch of goals. Some of them are huge goals. We want to dream bigger dreams. We want to set really high goals because if we limit ourselves—God is not limited, so we can set these huge goals. As long as we have faith, as long as we work hard and get toward them, we trust that God will provide, and it’ll happen.
Now, we didn’t set, like, huge goals like, “We’re gonna have $10 million in the bank account.” We didn’t even set any financial goals if that’s what you’re thinking immediately. The types of goals we are setting are things like: we want to continue posting the videos. We want to reach more people. We want to get on more platforms; we want to increase our following.
And they’re modest goals, but they are still achievable and not, like, over the top. For example, a couple of our goals that we set for the coming years are to get 500 likes on our Facebook page, 500 subscribers on the YouTube channel, and 500 active Instagram followers. So, we want to obviously hit more.
And that’s not for the whole year, that’s per quarter. If it’s for the whole year, then it’s for the whole year—things like that. We want to get on the fundraising platforms. We want to get verified as charities on all these different platforms: PayPal, Amazon, Target, Facebook—you know, get out there!—Google, and so that we can start fundraising.
We want to get a website going at some point. There’s a lot of stuff that we want to do within Social Media Ministries, and so that is what this great board meeting was about. We kind of sat down and planned everything out. We also elected new positions for the next year, and so those’ll all take effect in January.
Board member positions like president, vice president, secretary, etc. So, we did all of that. That’s been exciting. We set a lot of good goals. I really think we’re going to achieve most of them. If you pray for us, pray that we achieve our goals—not only achieve them but blow past them. So, that would be excellent.
In addition, pray for some contributions. We gotta start fundraising. I mean, we cannot operate without some form of budget, and any money that comes in is gonna go right back into the ministry. Our operating expenses are very, very low. We are talking, like, super low.
I mean, once we get the website and everything, obviously it’s gonna go up, but we’re still going to be hopefully operating for $500 a month or less. Even in the future, $1,000 a month or less, and so that’s really, really huge. So, our operating expenses are really low, so anything else that’s coming in is going to go right out into advertising, promoting, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, all of that kind of stuff.
And that actually really could be a part of our operating expenses. So, if more comes in, it’s just gonna be more going out, more promoting, and hopefully, we can start doing other great things as well. So, continue praying for us. If you want to give financially, stay tuned for our donate links.
They will be coming out as soon as we get approved on these platforms. We’re gonna start all of that next quarter, so January: look for that. It will probably be in January 2022’s monthly update. Hopefully, we will have those donate links out. Or, if we get them approved, we’ll do some videos like this to get you out there, to get the information.
Now, the last thing we’ve, obviously, continued to do is posting a video sermon every week and a corresponding podcast every single week. So, stay tuned for those. Share those videos on your social media because we can only operate Social Media Ministries and reach other people through social media if people like you share our content.
That’s the only way we can reach more people—advertising on social media. After all, it’s Social Media Ministries. We have the mission, the purpose, the goal is to reach as many people as possible through the use of social media, and present the gospel to them, help them understand and interpret the scriptures of the Bible, and reach more people for the Kingdom of Christ.
So, anyway you can help us out, that would be great. We really appreciate all your prayers, your support, hitting the like buttons on all our videos, hitting the subscribe buttons, sharing them on your social media platforms. That is huge for us.
We’ve been in operation for about six months; it’s been a great six months. We’ve really grown a lot, and we really hope that these next 12 months, this year of 2022, are just gonna be outrageous. It’s gonna be huge. We’re gonna explode, and the floodgates of heaven are gonna be opened up, and we will be able to reach new numbers like never before.
So, your prayers and your support are always greatly appreciated. Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. God bless.