Here is a behind-the-scenes look at our recording location for the Social Media Ministries video sermons. Check it out and say goodbye because we are very happy to announce that this is the last time you will see this location!

Yes, we are moving to a new video recording location! Join us in praising God for this wonderful blessing. Please continue to pray for us and that everything goes well with getting set up and settled in to the new location!


Video Transcript
Welcome to Social Media Ministries, my name is Spencer Coffman. Thank you guys for tuning in to this awesome update— we have some great great news.

This is the last time you will be seeing this background in the recording studio. Why? Because we have received a new location to record. This is awesome news. I am very excited to share with you that this is the last time you will be seeing this. It is also very exciting to me because the wall behind me that I have been recording on is my bedroom wall.

It will be great to have a solid recording studio without the noise of neighbors nearby, lawnmowers, dogs barking, or other distractions. It is going to be in a little bit more of a private area, and it is also going to be below ground which will allow us to film in a quieter space and try some different things with lighting.

Right now you can see there is a shadow behind me; there is a lot of stuff that has to be done in this location to make it work. You can see there is the doorway out of the bedroom, here is another little wall, and then the closet. My dresser is behind me and then you can see here is the podium which is right in front, so that is how the setup will be.

I’ll spin around here, and we are not going to show you the closet or anything, but I’ll flip the camera for you and you can see there is the podium and there is the dresser. It’s literally about two feet of space. There is our background wall.

It is going to be really nice to have a much better recording studio that we can go to without having to deal with setting up and tearing down every time— it can just be set up and ready to go.

So thank you, guys, so much for all of your support; all the likes, comments, shares, everything like that. Please continue to do that. Share some of the sermons because those are videos that really matter and that have the power to change people’s lives.

This is more of an update, it’s for fun, it’s something that I wanted to share with you guys. It’s more of a “Praise God that we are moving to a good new location.”

If you feel led, comment below, things like, “Praise the Lord” and “thank goodness this happening” and words of encouragement, stuff like that. Because it really is exciting and I hope you look forward to seeing the new space.

I will do another update video showing you the new space once we have it set up. I am going to need some new lighting and maybe some ambiance lights and colors in the background. We’ve got all kinds of great ideas, like possibly getting a green screen and maybe a better microphone because right now it does not work very well.

I am not even using a microphone because it sounds fuzzy in the background, things like that. Before we keep dropping the camera or doing anything like that, I am just so excited for this.

Thank you guys for your support. If you want to contribute financially and support us you can, we’ve got a non-profit status IRS letter hopefully on the way. Comment below. We will have links soon where you can start donating regularly or one time, whatever works for you.

Thanks again for all your support. Please subscribe to the channel if you haven’t, and hit the like button on the videos. Watch them, share them, talk about them with others, and always feel free to post any comments you may have.

Take care. God bless.