We are very excited to announce that Social Media Ministries has a NEW recording location! Check out this behind-the-scenes footage of our recording location!

This recording studio is a permanent set up and we are very happy to be able to leave everything alone and not have to set up and tear down before and after each video sermon.

Shout out to Mark Butler who donated the amazing studio lights! Thank you so much for your generosity!

We could use more help so if you’re interested in providing any support please drop a comment below!

We have the LS Photo Studio Pro Light Kit


Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to Social Media Ministries. This is a behind-the-scenes update. My name is Spencer Coffman. Check out our new recording location. Here we have got an awesome white wall behind us. I’ve got some great studio lights— shout out to Mark Butler for providing those for us. Thank you so much.

If you are interested in contributing anything, be sure to leave a comment on this video to find out how you can help. Whether it is with a donation of an item like Mark did, or whether it is financially or simply by sharing our videos, everything is appreciated. So thanks for that.

We also want to show you this cool recording location— that is the purpose of this video, a little behind-the-scenes look. You can see we have got a great wall behind us, there seems to be a little bar of light right here, but if I rotate the camera that shifts, so it looks to be just a glare from the current lens.

I am holding the camera in front of the lighting rather than behind the lighting on a tripod, so don’t worry about that. You won’t see that in any of the sermons or the messages or anything like that.

But let’s check it out. Let me flip the camera and show you guys these awesome lights. So here’s light number one, here we’ve got light number two, and here we’ve got light number three. You can see they are all shining on that wall.

Again, there’s that line right there and if I go like this you can see how the line moves. Don’t worry about that line, it won’t be there forever. We have the tripod here with the podium, so you can see we’ve got an awesome recording studio in a brand-new location.

We really hope that you guys like this and check it out. Continue to share, post, update, things like that. Keep us in your prayers as we move forward, progressing and advancing our mission to share the Living Word of God with as many people as possible through the use of social media.

Thanks again. I hope you enjoyed this behind-the-scenes update. Subscribe for more videos and I hope you like this video as well.

God bless.