As a Christian, you need to get out there and tell other people about God. You must be bold and courageous. Be not afraid. It’s not enough to simply believe in God and keep it to yourself. You have a responsibility to share the good news with others, so they too can experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

God will be with you and He will help you know exactly what to say and how to say it. It’s your job to take that step in faith. As you step, the Lord will guide you. He wants you to share Jesus with as many people as possible and He’ll always be there to give you strength.

Think about all the people in your life who may not know God or are struggling with their faith. Imagine how much better their lives could be if they had a relationship with Him. By sharing your own experiences and beliefs, you can help lead them toward salvation.

Don’t let fear hold you back from spreading the word of God. Remember that He is always by your side, guiding you every step of the way. With His strength behind you, there’s nothing stopping you from making an impact on those around you.

So go out there today and start spreading His message! Whether it’s through conversations with friends or volunteering at church events, every little bit helps bring more people closer to Him. Let us all work together as Christians to make this world a brighter place filled with hope and love for everyone!

Referenced Verses:
Joshua 1:9
Matthew 28:19
Luke 12:12
Exodus 4:12
Hebrews 4:12
Acts 1:8
Matthew 5:13-16


Video Transcript
Hello, and welcome to Social Media Ministries, my name is Spencer Coffman. Thank you for tuning in today. If this is your first time, we welcome you. Thanks for visiting. Hopefully, you will come back again.

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Today we have got a good message for you, about being afraid in life. There are a lot of times, especially in today’s world, where you may get scared and that could be either a real fear reaction, where you have a threat, where there is the fight-or-flight-type response which takes over and you are really afraid for what is going on, you are afraid for your life.

You could be scared, whether it is in an instant like a car accident situation or you might be going into the ditch or you lose control of your car on ice, something like that where you have that physiological response of fear.

Where your heart beats faster and you feel maybe like your heart stops or someone scares you, whether when they jump out and you take that deep breath of fear and that is a normal response of fear. The physiological response, your body’s response to that instant type of fear.

We are not talking about that. That is going to happen. There are going to be times in your life where you have something and you have that gasping moment of fear. Maybe you are carrying a plate of china or something and it slips and you are afraid and you catch it or that you are gonna drop it, something like that. Those are normal, really I am going to say unimportant, fear topics.

In today’s message, the type of fear we are specifically talking about is the kind of fear that is one step beyond worry. So, in life, there are things that you worry and you stress about. Things like your job or your kids or you hope that someone is gonna do this or you are worried about what might happen.

Now, of course, if it is something you did wrong and you are worried or afraid that someone is going to find out, that is not what we are talking about. Because in that case, if you did something wrong and you are worried about it, you need to go make it right and then stop worrying about it. You need to make it right. You did wrong and you need to make it right and so we are not talking about that type of fear either.

The type of fear we are getting at is that one step beyond worry, so you are continually worried about something and you are afraid or you are afraid to go do something because you are shy or timid or you are not confident that it would work out, something like that—it is this type of fear. It is the fear to step out of your comfort zone, and in doing that, it is trust.

The bottom line is it borders on trust and faith. When you are afraid to go do something, to step out of your comfort zone, that key point is trust and the same thing with worry. That one step beyond worry where you are constantly afraid that something is going to happen or you do not know if you are going to make the bills this month or you really hope that your paycheck is big enough and then every month it is that same thing, that is fear.

Worry is temporary and we should not have worry either. But fear is beyond that. We have a sermon about do not worry, so if you have not seen that check it out. It will be here in a card, otherwise navigate to our YouTube channel and you can find it. It is called “Do Not Worry,” so find that. Watch it.

One step beyond worry though is fear and that is it. We are not to be afraid and the only reason you would be afraid is again that one step beyond worry, it is a lack of faith, that is the bottom line. So this type of fear, you are fearful of whether you are going to lose your house, you are afraid they are going to repossess your car, you are afraid you are not going to be able to pay your bills, you are afraid of something external, something is going to happen to you.

Or the fear of going out of your comfort zone. I am afraid to speak in public, I am afraid to speak to that person, I do not want to talk to that person. What if they are going to get angry? What if they kidnap me? What if they punch me? What if I get locked up for speaking about Jesus? That type of fear.

Those are the two kinds of fear we are talking about today. You have no doubt experienced them in your life, hopefully. I really hope that the only fear you are experiencing is that type of fear. That is my hope for you.

That is the only type of fear you experience. That you are blessed well enough and you have planned everything well enough for your life, your finances, your kids, your children, that everything there is good, and that you are simply afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

Whether it is volunteering at church, getting into a small group, doing something like that, or starting to go on mission trips or teams or speaking in your community or doing service projects or talking to the person at the grocery store or praying for other people, something like that. Because we can get you through that. You can get over that.

Remember fear hinges on faith, so if you have the faith that God will carry you through, the fear is gone. You can get rid of fear with faith. We have to fight fear with faith. That is what you can write down, “Fight fear with faith.” That is what you must do. You can get rid of your fear by having faith that God will see you through. You trust Him. Your fear will go away. You have to be bold. You have to be courageous.

Now a Scripture might come to mind, so if you have your Bibles, turn with me to Joshua Chapter 1 Verse 9. Now of course, before that, God is telling Joshua to be bold and courageous but 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you to be strong and courageous? Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Wherever you go. You can go anywhere, God will be with you wherever you go. If God is with you, who can be against you? Seriously, God is the most powerful being in the whole universe. He created it. If He is with you, nothing can stand against you. Be willing to tell others about that. Tell other people about God and how amazing that is. That if He is with you, literally nothing can fight against you, nothing can stand up to God and go against God.

They could try, but they will not succeed. Tell others about that. It is your calling. It is one of your ultimate callings as a Christian, as a believer, the Great Commission that is in Matthew 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Go talk to people. Be fruitful and multiply. Grow the Kingdom of God and if you are afraid to do that, have faith. Fight fear with faith. God will carry you through. If you are Christian, your goal should be to share that gift.

I really hope that when you became a Christian, it changed your life. That there is a difference, that with Jesus is better than without Jesus. With Jesus. Without Jesus. If that is the case for you, then get out there and help someone else change their life like you had your’s changed. Be willing to share Him with as many people as you can.

It may make you feel uneasy, it may make you feel scared, it may make you embarrassed. You might worry about what to say, but God has got you. He is not going to let you fail or stumble or fall. He will teach you what to say. He will help you out.

Remember it is the devil that gives you those false feelings. When the devil lies, he speaks his native language. So when he is talking to you on Earth, what is he speaking? Lies. Therefore when you have those feelings of, “Maybe this will happen,” or “Maybe this will happen,” or “What if this” or “What if I stutter?” or “What if I cannot argue correctly?” or “What if they come up with a point that I do not know about?” or “What if they—” do not worry about that.

Have faith. God will speak for you. The devil gives you those feelings of doubt so you have to fight fear with faith. If you share the Word of God, God will help you even if you do not know what to say; God will tell you what to say. It might even be like all of a sudden words start coming out of your mouth that you do not even know where they came from, literally, that could happen.

Do not believe me? Luke 12:12, “For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” Okay, the Holy Spirit will give you a script in your head of what you are going to say when you walk up to someone and share Jesus. No, it says at that time, which means you might have no idea, you will have no idea what you are going to say.

All of a sudden God says, “Go.” You are like, “What are you talking about?” Go, talk to that guy, whether it is a homeless guy, whether it is a person in the coffee line, whether it is someone in the checkout line, wherever it may be, He may say, “Go talk to them” and you are talking to them, like “Okay, whatever. I do not know what to say.”

“How are you? Yep, I am so so great.” All of a sudden—boom, [it] could just take over. The Holy Spirit starts speaking through you and this person, their life could be changed. What an incredible thing. But if you are too afraid to do that, it will never happen. God does not say”, I will tell you ahead of time what you should say and what you will say.” He says, “No, the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.”

Moses, the story of him, he was 40 years in Egypt being raised in Egyptian culture and then 40 years in the desert as a shepherd and eventually God said, “Enough is enough, you need to go back from this little hiatus and start taking care of my people. Get them out of there,” and Moses says to God, “No I-I-I do not speak very well. I have a speech impediment.”

Whatever he had, maybe he stuttered, maybe his thoughts could not connect with his words very well, so sometimes it was unintelligible. We do not know exactly, but he had some type of a speech impairment that he did not like. So if that is you, if you have some type of speech problem, do not worry, you can still communicate. Moses says, “No. I am not going to do that,” he cannot.

In Exodus Chapter 4 Verse 12, God says, “Now go; after all this argument I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” Moses still does not believe him. Oh Lord please send someone else to do it. Then listen to this. “Then the LORD’s anger burned against Moses.’”

Do not argue with God. If He is saying go, He will guide you. Have the faith; He will guide you. He will teach you what to say. He will tell you at that time what to say. But anyway, the LORD’s anger burned against Moses and then that is when his brother Aaron the Levite ended up joining the cause.

Because Moses had more confidence in his brother Aaron than in God and in himself. Do not let that be you. Of course, Aaron and the Levites obviously became God’s chosen people to handle His temple and all the sacrifices and everything like that for years to come.

The point is to trust God. Fight fear with faith. Later on, God even says, “I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do.” God wants you to get out of your comfort zone. Step out, leap of faith, step in faith, walk in faith, whatever saying you choose. Get out there and do it, God will teach you at that time what you should say.

Once you overcome that fear of speaking up, you will have broken past the bonds of the devil. It is like Satan has got this wall here or this bubble here and he says, “You cannot get out of this, you are stuck and if you go out, bad things will happen to you.” God is saying there is no bubble, the bubble is the world. You think your bubble is like this, but you are living in a big tank.

Satan wants you to be in a little bubble. He is saying you cannot get out. God is saying, “Get out, I want you out here and in here. I want you all over,” and so as soon as you do that and you burst that small bubble you will have more confidence, joy, and the ability to go out and speak than you ever thought possible. Satan is the only thing holding you back. Satan means adversary. He is adverse to you going out.

Go out. God will speak for you. There is power in the Holy Spirit and if you are a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit. You need to go out. There is power in the Holy Spirit. Hebrews 4:12 just like Exodus 4:12—we got a lot of 4:12’s today.

Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing the soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

The Word of God is living and active. You speak the Word of God to people, it can divide their soul and spirit, their joints and marrow, their heart. You can change their lives with the truth. They stop living in lies. Stop living in lies. Do not live in this bubble of lies, break that bubble and step out. Fight fear with faith.

Acts Chapter 1 Verse 8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to all the ends of the earth.” You will receive power. You are a Christian, ask for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is within you. The Holy Spirit has power and you will receive that power.

You can fight the devil. You can win with the Holy Spirit, not on your own, with the Holy Spirit. God will teach you at that time what you are to say. How do you get to that time if you never go? If you say, “No, I am good, I do not want to, I am fine here, I am not comfortable there. I do not know what I would say.” Go there, then you will know what to say.

Matthew Chapter 5 Verses 13 to 16 says, “You are the salt and light of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.

“Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”

Are you someone who has lost your saltiness? Have you become worthless or are you salty? Are you full of light? Are you letting it shine or are you hiding it under a bowl? Is your light only illuminating your little bubble or did you break out and go to light the world? Take down this little bubble so that others can see your light.

Get out there. He will tell you at that time what you will say. Do you think that I have a script with everything, all these words typed up? It would take me days to type all these words, no I have a little outline. It is two paragraphs and then I got verses scribbled on references of my points and that is it.

You say, “Wow, figures, it is not very well prepared.” No, it is different. It is fighting fear with faith. Yes, I am prepared, yes I have found verses, I have found references, I may have some points but I do not have a perfect outline for you. I do not have all these notes for you. I do not have slideshows for you.

I have the Word that is being given to you through me, but it is from God and that is it. I do not know ahead of time what I am going to say all the time, but you take the step and you will be told what to say at that time.

Let’s pray. Lord Jesus, thank You so much for this time together. I ask that each and everyone listening and watching, that they would be blessed in their efforts to share You with those around them. That they would be bold and courageous. That they would fight fear with faith and that they would trust You and know that You have their back all the time. You will never let them down. You will never fail them.

That if You are with them, there is no one who can be against them, and therefore they should not be afraid. They should go out there and share You with anyone they can. Lord, help them burst out of that little bubble that they live in. Get out of their comfort zone, guide them and teach them at that time what they are to say and help them start living and walking in faith, trusting You with every step. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thanks again for being here this week. I really encourage you, to get out there. Feel free to post in the comments any of your experiences, encouragement. Remember to be polite and respectful. Encourage others and build them up. Share your positive experiences and if you have a hard time, share that too, and then get out there and try again and then share your success.

This is not something you have to worry about. It is not like you are gonna lose everything or lose a bunch of money or taking a risk, it is really just talking and you can talk to others. I know you can. Have a great week. God bless.