As a Christian, you are an enemy of the devil. You are living in enemy territory. Remember, our kingdom is not of this world. We belong to a heavenly kingdom. This earth is Satan’s domain, and we are living behind enemy lines. Therefore, you will be attacked! Christians are always under attack!
The devil hates you because you are a child of God. He hates God, and he wants to destroy anything that belongs to God. The devil will do everything he can to stop you from serving God. He will try to deceive you, discourage you, and tempt you to sin. But don’t worry! God is stronger than the devil, and He will give you the strength to resist temptation and live a victorious life!
Satan not only wants to defeat you, but he also aims to destroy you. He will attack you because you are a Christian. The non-Christians are on his side and the lukewarm believers aren’t on fire for Christ, so they don’t pose as great a threat as hot believers. Remember, if you’re hot, you have Christ in you and are more powerful than the devil. Satan has already been defeated, and you can defeat him again and again!
The devil is crafty and will always try to deceive you, discourage you, and tempt you to sin. But don’t worry! God is stronger than the devil, and He will give you the strength to resist temptation and live a victorious life!
Referenced Verses:
1 Peter 5:8
Job 1:6-12
Job 2:9
John 10:28
John 16:33
James 4:7
Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to Social Media Ministries where our mission is to bring the Word of God to as many people as possible through the use of social media and also to help them understand and interpret the Scriptures in the Bible.
My name is Spencer Coffman, and if this is your first time with us, please hit the subscribe button and also the bell icon down below the video to be alerted when we post new videos. Also, hit the like button, and you can also follow our Facebook page, Social Media Ministries.
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You are a Christian. Therefore, you are on the side of Christ. You’re with God. Guess what that means? You are an enemy of the Devil, and you will always be under attack. That’s what we’re talking about today is the fact that you are always going to be under attack. You are a target. You are an enemy of the Devil because you have aligned yourself with Christ.
Now, if you have not aligned yourself with Christ yet, then I hope and pray that you will consider and do so. Doing so is really very simple. All you need to do is admit that you are not perfect, that Jesus died for you so that you don’t have to pay for your sins, and that He is going to be the Lord of your life. You invite Him in to take control, you step aside and have Him be the one you follow forever.
If you need any help or have any questions doing that, feel free to comment below or send us a private message on our Facebook page.
So, because you are a Christian, you will always be under attack. Remember, the Devil isn’t going to waste his time going after non-believers. He already has their souls. Why does he have them already? Well, if you are not with Christ, then you’re against Christ. You’re not against him maybe knowingly, but you’re on the other side. You’re on the enemy’s side.
It’s one or the other – you’re either living your life for God, or you are living your life for this earth, for this world, which is under control of the Devil. So, you’re living your life, sad to say, for the Devil. If that’s a harsh reality for you or for those around you that you know may not be Christians, then do what you can to become a Christian and start living your life for Christ.
Now, by Christian, I don’t mean like religion or anything because it has a lot of connotations, I mean asking Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior. Jesus the Christ, that’s where we get Christian, the traditional, the real meaning of Christianity. So, Satan’s not going to waste his time attacking non-believers because he already has them, so if you are a Christian it makes you an enemy of the Devil.
Now, you can believe me, but we are going to turn to 1 Peter 5:8 for a little bit of support, 1 Peter 5:8. If you have your Bible today, please turn there, follow along. If you can’t, I understand. I will read you the Verse, so you don’t have to worry.
Later on, though, I really hope that you’ll look at the description of the video and go through and read each of the Scriptures yourself, internalize them, think on them, pray about them, etc., meditate on them day and night. We’ve got a lot of good verses, a lot of good Scriptures in-store today.
So, here we go, 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be self-controlled and alert, your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” That’s pretty heavy. You need to be self-controlled and alert. What does that mean? Alert against sin and the opportunity to sin, self-controlled so you don’t give in to sin.
What is sin? It could be different for everybody. Maybe for you, it’s gambling, maybe lust, maybe fornication, lying, cheating, stealing – whatever it is, you need to be alert because opportunities to sin will present themselves all the time because your enemy, the Devil, is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. He wants to devour you.
How will he devour you? By continually getting you to sin. That’s what he will do. He’ll continue, but you need to persevere. Remember, trials produce perseverance and perseverance builds character, produces character, character produces hope. Resist him by standing firm in the faith.
Remember, we talked about if you resist the Devil, he will flee from you. If you haven’t heard that message before, then you can watch it in a previous video from here. So, resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. But, be alert because your enemy, the Devil, prowls around like a roaring lion.
So, if you are with Christ, you are an enemy to the Devil. He will attack you. Why will he attack you? Because you are a believer. The Devil already has non-believers. He has no reason to attack them. He wants to keep them comfortable.
Remember, they’re cold, and you if you’re on fire for Christ, you’re hot. Your light is shining. The Devil is going to come after you again and again until you prove that you are full of perseverance and endurance. And, the closer you are to holiness, the less he’ll come after you.
People who are lukewarm are believers that aren’t doing anything. So, you don’t want to be lukewarm. Jesus says in Revelation you don’t want that. You want to be hot. So, the Devil’s going to focus his efforts on attacking you, trying to get you to turn from Christ. He’s prowling around like a roaring lion.
Let’s go back to the story of Job. This is a story about a man who the Devil wanted to attack because he said to God, “I’ll get him to turn from you, and the only reason he’s with you is because you’ve blessed him greatly. You take all that away, he’s going to curse you and he will become mine again.”
And, God says, “No, I know Job’s faith is strong. Do what you want.” And, he does. There’s a big battle. Job doesn’t even know what’s going on, but he knows he will not curse God.
So, let’s go there, Job 1, Verses 6 through 12. Listen, I’m going to read this to you, and you can internalize it and understand really what’s going on here, Verses 6 through 12.
Satan – okay, here we go – Job’s First Test is the headline, “One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them.” Now, the angels don’t mean the heavenly angels. They mean the sons of God, which is a group of beings that go back and forth between the earth.
The sons of God, this is where like we get Greek and Roman mythology, of all the different gods, and coming down. The sons of God had children with people on earth. And, that is where we get the giants like Goliath, or Nephilim is from them. That’s back in Genesis, a little interesting side note there. That’s also where the Greek and Roman mythology came from, where they created demigods, so to speak.
So, “One day the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan…” – or the accuser – “…came with them. The Lord said to Satan, ‘Where have you come from?’ Satan answered the Lord, ‘From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it.’ The Lord then said to Satan, ‘Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil….’”
“‘…Does Job fear God for nothing?’ Satan replied. ‘Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land, but stretch out your hand and strike everything he has and he will surely curse you to your face.’ The Lord said to Satan, ‘Very well, then, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.’ Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.”
Satan said the only reason Job is with you is because you’ve blessed him. You’ve protected him. Take all that away, strike it down, and he will curse you. God says no he won’t because I know my servant Job. There is none like him.
So, what is your goal? Well, you want to be like Job, not go through all this trial of course. You don’t wish that on anyone, but you want to have God say about you, “Consider my servant so and so. There is no one like him.” How cool would that be? So, the point of this is you are going to be under constant attack. The Devil is going to constantly try and try and try like a roaring lion to devour you.
We’re going to go to Job 2, Verse 9. It says – this is now talking about Job’s wife. His wife said to him, “Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die.” He said, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?”
Even Job’s wife was tempted by Satan and gave in and told Job to curse God. Satan will stop at nothing. Eventually, through the Book of Job, God even gives Satan permission, go ahead…harm the man. Job was filled with all kinds of painful sores and blisters and just absolutely miserable, and even in all of that pain and suffering and anguish, he held on and kept his faith and persevered.
I imagine that there’s no one who will ever or has ever gone through something like Job has gone through. I really pray that no one will ever go through that because man, holy moly, that is something else. Read the Book of Job if you haven’t. What he went through is unbelievable.
So, the point of this is even the Devil cannot take you from God. Job is proof of that. The Devil did every single thing he could and Job wouldn’t give in – he persevered, he fought, he clawed through everything, he persevered, he built character, and he had hope that God would deliver him. There is a happy ending in the Book of Job. If you haven’t read it, read it. I’m not going to spoil it for you. Read the book.
We’re going to turn to John 10:28. It says, “I give them eternal life and they shall not perish. No one can snatch them out of my hand.” What is that? Well, this is Jesus talking, He’s saying if you become a Christian, you accept Him into your life, He will give you eternal life. No one can snatch you out of His hand. You are now His. You are His forever!
You can choose to be hot, live your life for Him on fire for Christ, and even though the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion attempting to devour you every minute of every day, you’re living for Christ. And, no one, not even the Devil, will snatch you away from Christ. Job’s proof of that. We are all proof of that if you continue to persevere and live a life of faith.
So, you’re going to be under constant attack. You are the center of a large battle of spiritual warfare that you cannot even begin to comprehend. This is huge. Think about Job. He was part of such a huge battle he didn’t even know what was going on. He knew something was going on. He knew it was coming from God. He even told his wife should we accept the good and not the bad.
God can give us anything. All this on – we’re in a different world. This is not our Kingdom. His – our Kingdom is above. God can give us anything He wants on this earth, and we accept it all – times of trouble, times of good, bad, whatever.
Job was a huge piece in a battle between God and Satan, where God was proving, “Hey, my servant Job, there is no one like him. Job had no idea. Yet He stood his ground and brought great glory to God. Be inspired to do the same. You can do this. You can go through any trial, sufferings. Develop the perseverance, pray to God, and take heart. Be uplifted and encouraged.
Let’s take a look at John 16:33…16:33. “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart. I have overcome the world.” Not me, this is Jesus. In this world, you will have trouble. We know this. We’ve seen this before.
James says you’ll face trials, tribulations of many kinds. You need to overcome them. You develop perseverance. This has been – Romans said this, not Roman but the Book of Romans written by the Apostle Paul. He said you’re going to undergo sufferings, but you need to rejoice in all of these sufferings because they’re coming from God. Just like Job, we accept both good and bad, but you need to take heart because Jesus has overcome the world.
So, whatever this world gives you, take heart, rejoice, be uplifted, be encouraged. You need to know that you have a chance to glorify God through your suffering. How do you glorify God? By going through a horrible time? Well, you stay strong in the faith, you seek God, you talk to God, and in the end, you will glorify Him, and He will bless you. Every time you defeat one of Satan’s temptations, you’re glorifying God.
Remember, he prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. He will continue to tempt you to get you to fall from your faith. Every single time you resist that, you’re giving glory to God.
Whether you know it or not, you resist that temptation, you resist that sin, that is bringing glory to God. Then you can even say, “Wow, thank you Lord for giving me the strength to resist that temptation,” and then ask Him, ask Him, to help you to continue doing it again and again.
That’s important because if you ask Him to continue – you’re going to get tempted no matter what. So, you might as well ask God to help you resist it in the future. You’re not asking for more temptations. You’re asking for resistance.
You’re probably going to get more temptations anyway. You are going to get them anyway because Satan doesn’t attack the non-believers. He’s attacking the believers. He already has the non-believers. He’s going to continue attacking you again and again prowling around like a roaring lion wanting to devour you.
Every time you resist a temptation, you move one step closer to becoming holy. When you become truly holy, Satan looks at you and you’re no longer a reflection of himself, you’re no longer a mirror. He cannot see himself in you. You have become holy. Doing that is a very tough thing, but you can do it.
Getting there, you need to become more like Jesus because the more like Jesus you are, the more of Him you have in you, the less of the Devil you have in you. Then when he looks at you he sees Jesus, he flees because he knows he cannot attack you and beat you with Jesus in you. So, that’s very important and inspiring. You will have won and you will be truly holy.
So remember, continue to become more like Jesus, continue to have more of Jesus in you, go through these trials, these tribulations – you will always be under attack. He prowls around like a roaring lion looking to devour you. Be hot, be on fire, don’t let it stop you. You will continue to get tempted, you will continue to be confronted and attacked, but do your best. Seek God and overcome.
Ask God for those abilities to overcome. Pray for the strength and the endurance to get through it. You’re not specifically asking to be tempted more because you’re going to be tempted more anyway, so don’t let that be something to deter you for asking for those qualities because you’re going to go through it again.
It’s whether or not or how you are going to deal with it, whether or not you’re going to fail or fall or sin. So, ask for the qualities, ask for the perseverance that builds character, and the character that builds hope, and you can do it.
Let’s pray:
Lord, thank you so much for this time together and for the great words you have given us. Thank you for all of the inspiration that is provided through the knowledge that we can overcome and persevere through these attacks and these trials and these sufferings, and that through that perseverance we will become more like you and we will become more and more holy. That more of you will be in us.
Lord, I pray for each and every person out there watching, listening, seeing this, that they would all have strength and that you would put a hedge of protection around each and every one of them, that as they go, that you would be with them, that you would be in them, and that they would continue to seek you every minute of every day.
And, that though the Devil is out there prowling around like a roaring lion just waiting to attack, and we know that he will attack and that these people – that every one of us will be attacked.
Lord, allow us to have your strength and your energy to fight and defend and attack back, to overcome. We know you’ve already beaten the Devil. Remind us of that in these tough times and these trials. Remind us that you have already won, that the Devil has already been defeated, and help us to take heart and rejoice in that fact that we, too, can defeat him with your help.
So, Lord, I ask that all of these people would make that decision to have you in their lives and that they would continue to live for you, to be hot and to fend off the attacks of the devil, and that they would become step by step closer and closer to you, and in doing so, you would draw closer to them and that they would truly be blessed.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I want to thank you for your time today, and I want to enlighten you on a little thing. You may have noticed throughout the video there were a couple of mishaps, maybe some differences in positioning of the camera. Well, during this video we had some attacks.
We had a couple of problems happen with the camera where it just stopped recording, and we didn’t know until it was already done, go to look at it, and bam, the video stopped recording in the middle, had to do it over and over and – a few different times, and try to piece it together.
The point is this is a very, very important message as shown just right here through our testimony of being attacked while trying to get it to you. So, hopefully, you will get it, and it’ll be very meaningful, and share it with others, and see what you can do because someone out there needs to hear this. And, we’re not going to stop. We will persist and endure and become stronger and stronger and have more hope than ever before.
So, thank you so much for your time today. Please hit the subscribe button, hit the bell icon, like the video, and if you can share it on your social media accounts to help us fulfill the mission of Social Media Ministries.
Thank you.